Of course, this is unlikely. In the original book, Luodu became a supernova and ran around the world. The world government did not arrest him, maybe because it was waiting for him to awaken.

These old immortal guys are really disgusting.

Where to put this keel?

follow me.

Noah followed Kuleha and walked straight to the underground of the castle. Has it been transformed?

On the way, I also said hello to a fluffy reindeer, who may be the deputy director of the medical department in the future, and we have a good relationship with each other.

I wonder if this little guy eats deer cake.

Chopper is coming too.


Chopper shivered in fright, and then timidly followed the two of them with short legs. Unfortunately, the two people in front had long legs, so it was a bit difficult for him to follow.

When he was about to run, his body suddenly hung in the air.

It turned out that Noah picked him up. This furry little guy is so cute. Robin will definitely like it very much.

Then Chopper froze in Noah's arms, not daring to move.

The witch walking in front showed no reaction.

In addition to teaching Chopper medical skills, Kuleha also wanted to place this simple little guy with Noah.

Young people always yearn for the outside world. If you want to go out, why not join the revolutionary army.

This bastard's character is still acceptable, and the Revolutionary Army and the World Government have had some head-to-head confrontations.

He has the strength to protect Chopper.

The group continued walking and finally came to a door that exuded cold air.

This was a mysterious room that even Chopper didn't know about. Everyone and the reindeer looked at Kuleha's operations curiously.

Various high-tech protective technologies were opened one by one. The last time such high-tech things were seen was in the future kingdom.

This old witch is powerful as long as she lives a long time, and she has everything.


The heavy metal door opened automatically, and you were greeted by a freezing cold air and a strong smell of chemical reagents.

Look inside, oh!

This is the environment that the name witch should live in.

It's filled with all kinds of weird things. There are huge wings, bloody horns, and mysterious eyeballs.

That eyeball couldn't be the one from the Three-Eyed Clan. It was said that a daughter of the Charlotte family had the one with strange powers.

It belongs to the Three-Eyed Clan. Its abilities naturally fade away after leaving the body, and it has basically no research value.

A hundred years ago, the Three-Eyed Tribe was famous in the New World with its eyes, but being a pirate was not that easy.

The witch was in a pretty good mood, maybe she hadn't shared it with anyone for a long time, and she rarely told Noah some stories about the original owners of biological organizations.

These are basically the war trophies used in battles between pirates, very rare ones.

Huh? This gray skin looks familiar.

Oh, have you met the Elephant Master too? That elephant is really strong, and its breath alone is unfathomable. Just do some skin research. I'm no match for him in a real fight.

Well, this is a legend from a previous era, and he knows a lot.

Put the keel here. The medicine will be prepared here later. It's safe.

Safety? Will something happen when dispensing medicine?

Then everyone exited the secret room again.

Chopper seemed to be petrified along the way, especially after seeing the room full of specimens, he didn't dare to move.

Blue-nosed reindeer are also a rare species.

Kuleha laughed when she saw Chopper nestled in Noah's arms like a stuffed toy.

Your joke scared him.

Doctors have to face it sooner or later. And the sea, the real side is bloody and primitive.

This makes sense.

Then Kuleha took out a piece of paper and started writing, and soon the whole page was filled.

I will ask Luo to bring the medicinal materials as soon as possible and test the efficacy of the medicine as soon as possible.

Noah is still very considerate. Such a cute little reindeer would definitely be sad if he lost his father.

Kureha looked indifferent.

Don't worry, I said a month is a month. Could it be that that idiot could eat poisonous mushrooms and eat himself to death, hahaha.

Only this medical lady could laugh at such a hellish joke.

At this time, Chopper only heard that there was a patient at the foot of the mountain who only had one month to live.

He couldn't help but sigh that the doctor Dolly was kind and kind, and the shadow of the secret room just now dissipated a lot.

Back in his room, Noah took out the phone bug and started to contact the headquarters.

He handed over the list of materials and asked Luo to come as soon as possible after collecting the medicinal materials. He also told him not to use the fruit's ability on the way.

After explaining the matter, Noah went to the snow mountain to practice swordsmanship.

During this period, I was busy dealing with matters in the South China Sea, and there was not much progress in combat power.

This is the difference between the revolutionary army and the navy.

The navy's job is extremely simple, which is to hunt down pirates and maintain the stability of the sea.

The revolutionary army is now developing very similar to the world government, taking over all aspects of the sea area.

Everyone is spinning, and the time for practice is compressed and compressed.

Now whenever he has free time, Noah will find a place to practice.

While Noah was practicing, the world government was not idle either.

The battle on Pioneer Island also showed them the power of technology.

Green Bull's death in battle was beyond everyone's imagination. He was not killed by any strong man, but died at the hands of weapons controlled by ordinary people.

This ability to break the boundaries of general rank is the power brought by science, and it is still in the hands of the revolutionary army.

To put it in perspective, if they mastered such technology, they would definitely use it to pursue and attack the revolutionary army, so the world government was panicked.

A technological arms race also began.

When it comes to technology, there is one character that cannot be avoided, Dr. Vegapunk.

This is the greatest confidence of the world government.

This is a scientist who was captured for research many years ago. Many advanced equipment of the world government come from him.

The technology of inlaying sea rock on the bottom of the ship, the technology of transferring Devil Fruit, etc., these are just superficial.

This time, in order to kill the group of criminals in Nanhai as soon as possible, they had no choice but to release that person's research restrictions.

On this day, CP0 came to the mysterious scientific force with the order of Wulaoxing.

The supreme order of the World Government was presented, along with the warrant of the Admiral of the Navy.

After going through rigorous searches, I met this scientist who was 500 years ahead of the world.

Hello, doctor.

The Five Old Stars have issued an order, allowing the release of research on life design drawings and the Seraph Project. The entire research and development process is subject to CP0 supervision.

After CP0 read out the order, he stood aside. From now on, his mission will be to protect and monitor this sensitive person here.

The other scientific research assistants were a little surprised by the changes in the world government, but the doctor was very calm.

Oh, have they finally let go of their fear of science?

Or, what kind of technological creation came from the outside world that forced them to accept the power of the new era?

No one dared to answer these words, Zhan Taowan also watched his nose and his heart.

This sentence really bothered the people present.

What is the world's government's attitude towards science - fear?

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