Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 470 Understanding of Immortality

Tsk, tsk, tsk~~ You actually got it. As expected, only big forces can find this kind of thing.

Kuleha noticed it as soon as Noah took out the box.

A vitality containing the breath of time appeared in her perception.

I took the box and opened it, and sure enough it was.

White bone fragments, mixed with the fishy smell of sea water and earth.

Thousand-year Dragon Bone!

This combination of life and death is rare. She had only seen him twice before this time.

One time, I got a dragon bone accidentally when I was young. It was almost the same weight, and I mixed a total of two longevity medicines.

One part is taken by oneself, and the other part. Longevity does not mean immortality.

The second time I sensed the entangled aura of life and death, it was not a dragon bone, but an afro-headed skeleton flying across the sea.

She had secretly observed it for a few days and determined that the skull was just a strange fruit ability, so she gave up the plan of catching him and bringing him back to make medicine.

Now seeing that Noah really brought the bones of the Millennium Dragon, even an elderly witch like Kuleha was shocked.

The capabilities of the revolutionary army are indeed powerful.

Admiral Nelson, who has been chasing the Millennium Dragon, is a waste. He has discovered nothing for so many years.

Of course, the navy's incompetence cannot be entirely blamed.

From the smell of this keel, you can tell that it was dug out deep under the sea. Ordinary people can't dig it out even if they know a few clues.

Kuleha knew very well how difficult it was to find this dragon bone.

In this world, most of which is surrounded by the ocean, the area of ​​​​the seabed is countless times that of the land, and the products of one era after another are buried deep inside.

If you want to find such a strange object with human power, you must be a person with great luck to do it.

“These dragon bones can probably extract two portions of longevity medicine.

One serving can prolong life by about 50 years. Of course, if the loss of life force is severe, this medicine can only delay it for a period of time.

Not that magical. If it was really that magical, the Thousand-Year Dragon would not have died.

This is true. Thousand-year dragons will also die of old age. He will also be beaten to death. Also suffers from Alzheimer's disease.

There is no real immortal species in this world yet.

The so-called longevity medicine is to extract the remaining vitality and vitality from their bones and mix it with medicine for human beings to absorb.

Of course, not all races with long lifespans can do it, only the thousand-year dragons can.

Otherwise, the elephant master and the like would have been killed by humans long ago.

So~~just when Kuleha was sighing.

Then let's make 100 copies first, please.


Did I hear it wrong because I am older?

Kuleha felt that her old waist was almost hit, and for the first time she wondered if she was getting old.

Silently, a space door opened in mid-air.

A majestic life force and death energy surged out from it, almost flooding the small room.

It was rare to see the witch perform her facial skills, and Noah felt very satisfied.

This is really the first time in more than a hundred years that she has lost her composure.

how did you do it!

Could it be that the revolutionary army killed all the legendary Thousand-Year Dragons?

How did you do it.

Noah doesn't need to go to Master Long. There is really no way for Noah to wait for him to wake up.

Just give the key information directly to the dragon in the revolutionary army.

Battleship Island, ancient dome murals, migration habits, and the significance of the Millennium Dragon.

With the size of the revolutionary army, there are many professionals who can handle this kind of thing. Even if Noah goes there, there may not be anyone who can handle the matter efficiently.

After finding the general target location, Jinbei personally led the team to dig on the seabed.

The Dragon Cemetery in that sea area was found not long after. There are even dragon eggs.

The revolutionary army didn't take more. After all, this is the final destination of a race. They just picked up some of the superficial ones.

Just like that, Kuleha was already frightened.

After she recovered, she didn't ask where these dragon bones came from. It was too dangerous.

Matters involving longevity are top secret within any organization.

After entering the space and looking at it for a long time, she felt that the quality of these keels was very high.

It is indeed possible to prepare a large amount of secret elixir of life.


Where's the reward?

Enter the formal quotation process.

You name it.

First of all, don't try to recruit me into the revolutionary army in the future. I will send that reindeer over. He will inherit my medical skills, and I think it will be of some use.

The stronger the revolutionary army becomes, the more Kuleha wants to keep a distance. When the World Government finally goes crazy, it will not care so much. It is the destruction of equality.

She thinks her arms and legs are old, and she doesn't want to get involved in a world war again.

Just look at those brats Rayleigh and Whitebeard. It’s really pitiful that they are still struggling to make a living on the sea at such a young age.

Noah also understood that this person really didn’t like to participate in living things. When Robin and I came here for the first time, it was right not to reveal our intentions directly, otherwise we might not even be able to get in.


It’s okay not to join the revolutionary army, but sometimes it’s okay to trouble yourself when something happens.

For example, when preparing some very critical medicines or some difficult and complicated diseases, the guidance of seniors is still needed in this regard.

After all, so much money and so much plum wine are sent to the mountains every year, Kuleha still acquiesces to this.

Sugar-coated bullets. It will still be useful over time.

Second point, I don't have any other ingredients for this batch of potions. I'll give you a list and get them together as soon as possible. I want five bottles of the final product.


This is what it should be. There is only one person in the sea who knows how to prepare the medicine, so he must cooperate fully.

Third point, let Luo come and help me save someone.


Well, how about using him to test the medicine?

This witch is really cold-faced and hot-hearted. She doesn't forget to add a cold persona to herself at this time. Why bother.

Okay, I will notify Luo to prepare the medicinal materials and escort them over. By the way, this medicine can treat Shiluluq. Isn't it true that most terminally ill people in the sea just have to wait for death?

He is relatively weak, so he has a chance to survive. As long as Luo and I work together, and with the help of medicine, there is still a chance.

So One Piece couldn't survive because he was too strong. This world is quite real.

Kuleha saw what Noah was thinking and took this guy as an example very venomously.

For someone with a level of strength like yours, if you get seriously ill, you can only wait to die.

A disease that can break through general-level defenses may only be saved by those with surgical fruit abilities sacrificing their own lives.

You must also be an esper with the fruit ability awakening level. Isn’t it interesting~~~”

What's interesting is that Luo didn't let him go on the battlefield during the Battle of Pioneer Island because he was worried that the results of the surgery would affect the navy's tactical goals.

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