Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 469 The Witch’s Shock!

Dalton has been hesitating about this this year. He had a very good impression of the revolutionary army.

Noah's sudden appearance and the killing of Valbo brought hope to the country.

In the later stages, people will be sent to help integrate resources and improve the country's status.

They put in a lot of effort, and he himself was very grateful to the revolutionary army.

It can be said that the revolutionary army saved the country.

After learning the news of Ivankov's death in battle, Dalton was very sad. He had regarded Ivankov as his best friend.

In addition to being frightened by the exaggerated appearance of the other party when they first met, it was only after getting to know her carefully that I realized how outstanding this shemale king really is.

However, the raging hostility between the revolutionary army and the world government is also a practical issue that needs to be considered.

When he was still the guard captain, he might not have considered it and just followed the revolutionary army.

But after being the king for several years, he had more things to worry about. On the contrary, he would not make such an impulsive decision.

The fate of the nation rests on his shoulders, which is both an honor and a responsibility.

So Cigu Island is half red but not red. He ignored the occasional rumors about the revolutionary army.

Old Cook was full of praise for Dalton and believed that Drum Island was extremely lucky to have such a king.

Just like the master driver likes to chat, the driver of the deer truck is no exception.

He also told a few short stories mysteriously.

Death of former King Valbo.

It is said that Noah, who is currently the best in the sea, did it. He struck his head with a sword, and then disappeared in a flash.

A few years ago, the Navy came to investigate, but they left after finding nothing.

I don't think a big shot like Noah would come to Drum Island. It's still too cold here. Who would come except for medical treatment?

He has been watching the snow scene for decades, no matter how beautiful it is, he is tired of it.

After that, Old Cook also told a bunch of secrets about Drum Island.

The Snow Mountain Wrath Incident many years ago. There was an incident where avalanches occurred every day in the Snowy Mountains, several times.

Residents at the foot of the mountain can see dark clouds hovering above the snow-capped mountains, with constant roars surrounding them.

Accompanied by lightning and thunder, the snow poured down the mountain uncontrollably.

This scene really scared a lot of people at the time. Everyone said that God was attacking the mysterious witch.

Noah was a little embarrassed, it seemed like he had done both of these things.

Seeing that the other party liked sharing so much, he could only agree with it, as if there was still such a thing.

After finally reaching the town, Noah said goodbye to the other party and then found a deserted place and headed up the mountain.

Robin didn't come along, so he stopped playing with the rabbits.

Rabbits are not as fun as civet cats and reindeer.

It's a gloomy castle again. Why can't Kuleha change her little castle into a brighter one?

Tuk, Tuk, Tuk.

Crunch~~~~ a familiar sound effect.

call out!

He turned his head to avoid the familiar wine bottle.

Noah, kid, why do you have time to come to my little castle?

My name is Emiya Shirou, and I am a partner of justice. Excuse me.

call out! call out! call out!

I'm Noah, I'm sorry, I was just too presumptuous.

Okay, come in, close the door and don't let anyone see you.

An old man who is more than a hundred years old, what kind of nonsense is this?

As I walked inside, I saw a furry object shaking behind a wine barrel.

As Noah looked at it, the little thing shook even more.

Kureha, when did you get a tanuki here?

The little ball of fur stopped shaking and flew out.

It's a reindeer, reindeer, you idiot!


Following the gaze of Noah's eyes.

The little reindeer turned on the shaking mode and slowly retracted into the corner.

call out!

Don't bully this Chopper. You plan to introduce him to work in the South China Sea in the future, you bastard.

Okay, let's not talk about why you always take out the wine bottle. Let's talk about this Chopper. He looks too young. Will the family feel relieved?

Chopper hid in the corner and was startled. His family

Hilulluk said when he sent him here, he was at my disposal. I will make him obedient when the time comes.

Look at this villain’s rhetoric. It scared Chopper to tears.

Kuleha, I have something to talk to you about.

follow me.

After saying that, the two went to the study, leaving Chopper crying silently in the corner.

Hiluluk~~~~I miss you so much.

After entering the study, Kuleha originally wanted to directly refuse Noah's solicitation.

She still knows what the Revolutionary Army is like now, and it is indeed a good choice, but if she doesn't want to, she just doesn't want to, and no one can change her.

In more than a hundred years, she has seen so many heroes, but the one in front of her was the most unexpected.

Unexpectedly, his overbearing color and domineering energy were only the most insignificant thing about him, and his thoughts were the most demonic weapons.

Rocks can't compare to him, and neither can Roger.

The first thing Noah said was not to win over, nor was it to see a doctor.

Instead, he asked about Chopper's origins.

Chopper, the reindeer who ate the Renren Fruit was driven out of the herd because of the blue nose incident.

Later, he was picked up and adopted by Shiluluk, a doctor at the foot of the mountain.

He was sent to me a few months ago to learn medical skills.

There are not many people you can call a doctor.

This is true, in Kuleha's words, the people at the foot of the mountain are all idiots, or some level of rubbish. Being able to call a person a doctor is really a recognition of that person.

In terms of medical skills, it can only be said that he is just a hair away from killing people, but in terms of medical ethics, he has indeed surpassed most people.

Then what happened to him? He sent Chopper to be your apprentice. If you are so brave, are you not afraid of you sawing off the reindeer's horns to make medicine?

The witch thought for a while and decided that she couldn't hide this matter from the Revolutionary Army people, so she agreed directly.

Hiluluk is sick, and there is no cure for it. Not even I can do it. On the sea, there are some diseases that are incurable.

If the four of you, Da Xiong and Ivankov of the Revolutionary Army, plus Luo, and I take action together, there is still a chance.


He could only ask me to adopt this little guy. Hiruluk is expected to die in a month.

Talking about a person's death calmly, as if everything was normal.

But Noah could see Kuleha's regret.

Okay, tell me, what do you want from me?

Kuleha obviously didn't want to talk more about this matter.

Come to give a gift.

Now those who deliver plum wine are replaced by revolutionary lights? Even if you are a brat delivering wine, I will not go to the South China Sea.

It's just a simple gift.

As he spoke, he lifted a box out of space.


It's pretty heavy when it hits the ground.

Um? !

Kuleha's eyes narrowed. How can it be!


In front of the box that moved at a speed that even shocked Noah.

You rock!

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