Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 468 Finally became a partner of justice

Early 1517.

The New Year has just passed.

A passenger ship slowly approached Cigu Island.

There are some marks on the hull of the boat, and you can tell at a glance that this journey is not smooth.

Captain Tony breathed a sigh of relief. After this difficult and tortuous journey, he finally arrived at the port of Winter Island.

This great shipping route is becoming more and more chaotic. Admiral Nelson of the 8th Navy Branch stationed here is simply a waste.

Every year, so many baileys are given to him, but no one is always seen. The money is really wasted.

After you return, you must report it to the big boss of the fleet. This is related to your family's wealth and life.

This navy is really unreliable, no wonder it cannot defeat the revolutionary army.

If it weren't for one of the guests on the ship who was extremely powerful and fought off the pirate group that suddenly appeared, this trip would almost have been the end of his life.

Leaving the final docking work to his first mate, the captain hurriedly went to find the guest to build a relationship. It would be great if we could drop in together when we left, which would give us a sense of security.

With his own little calculation in mind, Tony walked towards a young man who was leaning on the mast and reading a book.

Short brown-red hair, brown pupils. His eyes were stubborn and straightforward, and the tail of his eyebrows was shaped like lightning. He was wearing ordinary casual clothes, and even changed into a cotton-padded jacket when he was near Dongdao.

Just like a student who has just gone to sea, his temperament is also very gentle.

He doesn't look like a strong man no matter how he looks.

But when I think back to the past few days.

When the pirates were about to rob the ship.

The young man who stepped forward took action resolutely and decisively, a gorgeous and bloody feast.

The pirates killed by two daggers fled in panic, and they knew that people in the sea were really not what they looked like.

Who would have thought that such a quiet young man could kill the pirate leader with a bounty of 10 million Baileys in a subsequent battle.

Afterwards, the strong man just said one sentence.

Giving a helping hand to those in need, that’s all.

Even the protection fee offered by the captain was not collected.

This is really inconsistent with the painting style of the sea.

Now that we were about to reach shore, the captain felt that he had to give it a last try.

As he walked over, Captain Tony unconsciously slowed down.

Mr. Emiya, Drum Island is coming soon.

Ah, thanks.

Closing the book, the young man thanked him seriously.

Such an attitude made the captain a little panicked. How could a strong man be so reasonable? He hurriedly returned the greeting and at the same time strengthened his determination to hug his thigh.

Such good people are so hard to find.

Mr. Emiya, I would like to take the liberty to ask you what you are going to do on Winter Island. I also have some favors on Drum Island and can help you with some trivial matters.

This sentence is a bit out of bounds, that is, the other party's behavior is relatively gentle, so the captain dares to ask.

Going to visit an old friend and maybe a new one.

What I'm talking about is just visiting friends. It's amazing to be able to do what you want to do on such a chaotic sea.

“Thanks to your help along the way, our ship was saved.

We'll be in port for a week fixing up and a week later we'll be sailing to Alabasta, so if you want to catch a boat, you can come anytime.

The best room will definitely be reserved for you.

Tony is still a thief who comes to show hospitality. Since he doesn’t want money, he just offers services.

Ah, that's right. If your affairs are a few days later, we can also wait until you finish your affairs before leaving the port. As long as you send someone to the port to let us know.

When it came to safety and delaying the flight for a few days, the captain decisively chose safety.

It only takes a few days, and the delay is not worth it. The passengers on the ship will understand if they explain the reason. Such a defensive force is worth the wait.

I'm not sure yet. If it exceeds the flight time, I don't have to wait. It doesn't matter.

It was still a gentle rejection, so the captain had no choice but to leave with a slight unwillingness. If he continued talking, he would be annoying.

You need to know how to be in awe of the strong.

Without Valpo, Drum Island is still a major medical power, and there are often flights to transport patients to see doctors.

Every ticket is valuable. Those who can travel across the sea to see a doctor on the Grand Route are all people of modest means.

Naturally, they will not be stingy with spending, so these are all walking Baileys in the eyes of local residents.

As soon as we got off the boat, we felt the warm welcome from the people of Dongdao.

Various deer carts were parked aside under the protection of guards, as orderly as a parking lot.

It seems that Dalton's governance has been very fruitful. The residents here are now in a prosperous spirit. Noah was not wrong at first.

Mixed in the crowd, he quietly disembarked from the boat, said goodbye to a few passengers who wanted to go with him, and walked straight towards a deer cart.

Throw the small suitcase, which has a relatively large symbolic meaning, into the back seat of the car.

Old Cook, long time no see, please take me to town.

Have we met this guest?

Old Cook came to the port to solicit passengers according to the usual flight information, but a young man who was very familiar with him sat on it, which made him a little confused.

A few years ago, I came here with my sister. At that time, you said you were the number one driver on Drum Island.

After getting in the car, Noah kept no secrets and chatted casually.

He is not wearing the same vest this time as he was last time, so he is not worried about leaking the secret at all.


Ah hahaha, I'm a bit old, I really can't remember.

In fact, about the first driver, the old Cook and everyone who rode in his car had blown it.

He only regarded Noah as one of the ordinary guests in the past two years.

As soon as the old man pulled the reins, the reindeer bolted out, still driving with such silky smoothness.

The two chatted for a while on the road.

After Colton became king, he made great changes in the country.

In particular, it does a good job in taking care of the people, and provides particularly good support conditions for doctors in exchange for the entry of this group.

The advantages of Cigudao as a major medical power will be extended and developed again. Make your reputation even louder.

Indirectly promoted many peripheral industries.

At the same time, it also popularizes education to reach ordinary people, so that every child here can read.

Does this development look familiar?

It looks familiar. The revolutionary army often travels to Cigu Island, and their contact with Dalton is not just once or twice.

As the person in charge of the Revolutionary Army's Great Route, Ivankov often came to communicate with the King of Drum Island.

There is no requirement for the other party to join the revolutionary army, but it is not too much to talk about the development plan of the South China Sea from time to time to broaden the other party's horizons.

It’s also appropriate to provide some basic teaching materials for children of appropriate age, right?

After going back and forth, Dalton also got used to some of the policies of the Revolutionary Army. After some trials, he found that it worked very well.

This got out of hand.

Build an industrial park based on the medical industry to drive the country’s residents’ income.

From ports to transport, to accommodation and consumption.

The entire national development line has been planned by the revolutionary army, and the only thing left is to fully accept the ideas.

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