Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 467 Noah sets off again

Rosinandi was a little surprised, what happened to his adoptive father. Don't you support this decision?

Rossi, do you know what kind of person Marshal Kong was before?

have no idea.

He used to have a more determined and explosive temper than Akainu. He will never show mercy to these people. Even more ruthless.

The reason why the reputation of the Warring States Period far surpassed that of this marshal was that he was more particular about methods and methods of doing things. He hated when he needed to hate and relaxed when he needed to relax.

Only then did Noda become famous within the Navy and around the world.

Sengoku didn't believe that Cyborg Kong, who had returned to being a navy marshal, would change his previous ways of doing things.


“This decision must have been conveyed by the World Government through Marshal Kong.

If I were to use heavy codes in troubled times, I would choose a compromise point between Akainu and Aokiji's opinions, and instead agree with Aokiji's decision.

Qing Pheasant's approach will leave hidden dangers in those places.

Of course, the World Government won't care about this. They just want Akainu and Aokiji to constantly compete and split the power within the navy.

Moreover, their choice is already obvious, and it is expected that they will push Akainu to the top in the future.

That's why he used Qing Pheasant to suppress him. Let him move closer to the World Government.

Don't those two generals know?

I know, but they have their own path and just implement their own will.

The World Government is also following the trend. This group of people is not good at anything else but is very good at engaging in internal struggles.

However, Akainu is not such an obedient person.

Rosinandi didn't react that much after hearing this.

He had communicated this matter with Noah, and Teacher Noah also said the same thing.

The two of them stopped talking about business matters, and instead turned to trivial matters in life.

This kind of chatting atmosphere made Warring States very comfortable.

After Rosinandi left, Warring States looked at the back of his adopted son and gave a meaningful look.

‘Rosie, don’t forget your identity as a navy man. ’

After leaving the position of marshal, there were not so many formulas around him, and Warring States saw many details that he had never noticed before.

For example, Rossi's true justice, discussion of the future of the navy, and the wooing of peers in the navy are a bit dangerous.

This is not something an ordinary commodore can do.

Even when the three generals were young, they did not refine such a systematic theory so early.

And when dealing with others, you are always imitating someone's feelings.

This all suggests that his appearance may have had a teacher who had a strong influence on him.

Hopefully it's not the person he imagined.

He doesn't like that person's thoughts.

Because, it's so real.

Forget it, don't think about it anymore, where the navy will go in the future is no longer something he, a retired veteran, should think about.

It's better to go eat some senbei and have fun. It makes sense for Garp to be obsessed with this.

After the whole world celebrated the end of a year of ups and downs.

Noah also has to start his own work.

After giving the outside world such a long buffer time, it’s time to do something powerful.

In the year 1517, there were only two major events in the original work.

One is that CP9 lurked into the Capital of Seven Waters as an undercover agent, looking for Pluto's drawings.

It's a pity that Tom's family was abducted by the revolutionary army. Even Grandma Cocoluo is now working as a mermaid cook in the South China Sea.

Moreover, their boss Spandam is in an extremely difficult situation right now. No one is willing to go on a mission in such a city that was miserably cheated by the revolutionary army.

The other thing is the legendary life and death of Qiao Huzi and Dr. Siruluk, and his adoption by the doctor Dori.

The original king of Drum Island was chopped down by Noah many years ago, and the fruits turned into boxes and glowed in Bika.

After a new king was replaced, it is still the most famous medical power.

When the Revolutionary Army gave dividends to Doctor Dolly in the second half of 2016, he wrote back to Noah, saying that he had accepted a civet cat as his apprentice, and he looked very talented. If he had a chance to become a doctor in the Revolutionary Army, he would not take it. Missing her.

Maybe that tanuki is the most cost-effective king of pirates, the legendary Joe Beard, Tony Tony Chopper.

I don’t know why I still got involved with that witch.

Noah will visit in person sometime.

Seeing Chopper was just a matter of course, but he was still thinking about the witch herself.

The death of Big Bear and Ivankov in battle not only had an impact on the high-level combat power of the Revolutionary Army and the military power of the Grand Line, but also had a more direct impact on the medical power.

The two of them plus Luo before. The medical department composed of three people is extremely powerful. As long as the person does not die immediately, it can be brought out alive and well in less than a while after being sent there.

Now it is not enough for Luo alone to work part-time in the medical department. The improvement in combat effectiveness of the third recruit training camp was not as fast as that of the previous two, which is not unrelated to the lack of medical capabilities.

The invitation to Kureha, which had slowed down before, became enthusiastic again. This is why Kureha said that he would train a tanuki and throw it to the revolutionary army.

She has a somewhat close relationship with the Revolutionary Army, and a large amount of dividends are sent to her castle every year.

Plum wine was pulled up the mountain every now and then, feeling that it was being waited on.

Kuleha also understood what the Revolutionary Army wanted to do. At first the money was easy to refuse, but the plum wine was too difficult.

Later, she simply accepted the money. Sometimes, some difficult diseases or mass-produced drugs would bother her.

After all, among the three people in the Revolutionary Army, only Luo was an orthodox medical student, and he still preferred clinical medicine.

Ivankov's approach to drug research is based on hormones and is not very general.

Now that Luo was the only one left, Noah focused on Kureha himself.

After the New Year, Noah will be ready to go.

Take care of the work first and leave the copywriting and works written in advance at the radio station.

Talk to Robin and the others again.

He was preparing to return to the sea alone. There were some things that he had to do personally.

There is one problem that needs to be solved before setting off, and that is the matter of vests.

Adam has basically been exposed, which is really a pity for this identity.

It is said that Lieutenant General Huo Shaoshan is undergoing internal review, and the generals who often appear at autograph signings are being closely monitored.

It makes Noah feel a little guilty, but that old man is a good person. Let’s talk quietly in the future.


Which one should I choose for my new identity?

When he was in Donghai, he fabricated several identities, and after joining the revolutionary army, he had internal help to maintain them.

It's still a bit difficult to choose now.

He couldn't control the style of the boss of Wanshiwu with white hair, dead eyes, and no integrity. When it came to the depth of the bottom line, it was unfathomable.

The style of the famous detective who loves to solve crimes is too divided.

He is still an ordinary Mr. Fool. No, Noah is still relatively rich, and the British style is too special on the sea to hide.

The final choice is.

I think I will write a historical article in the future, and I am suddenly very interested in it.

It's like Shao Song. I’ve watched it countless times and I really like it.

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