Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 466 Split within the Navy

Time flies by, and 1516 has passed.

After going through grief, everyone's strength gathered together.

This crusade against the World Government is like an experience. A baptism.

After being beaten with a heavy hammer, everyone's energy and spirit were even higher, and an unbreakable spirit enriched the thoughts of the revolutionary army.

This is war.

The warriors who survived with the will of their companions went deep into various places in the South China Sea.

When the power of the revolutionary army appeared openly in the sea, some darkness in the corners could no longer withstand the exposure of the sun and disappeared.

Previously, the conservative and xenophobic clan forces, the small traditional feudal countries, and the old aristocrats with hidden evil intentions were all swept away.

Nanhai embarked on a faster lane.

Whether it is people's livelihood, economy, education, or science, they are all making rapid progress.

People's living standards have improved a lot on the basis of the past.

Although everyone is still worried about the World Government's crusade, the battle on Pioneer Island still gave them a lot of confidence.

If you can block it once, you can block it the second time.

According to the broadcast, the strength between the enemy and ourselves is rapidly shrinking, and everyone's life will get better and better.

This is not a slogan, but it is actually reflected in the material.

The spies sent by the current CP department to the South China Sea find that their jobs are too difficult and cold.

You can't fool ordinary people at all, and they won't look down on a small favor. With that little money, you might as well work a few more days, why take the risk?

Giving too much is more dangerous. This is a completely evil plot. Reports come in minutes. Meritorious service is rewarded with real money. For example, if a spy gives too much?

No one is stupid. If the world government really attacks back, there will be no good life. If you take in too much now, you will have to vomit it back even more in the future.

Now it is true that no one can let go of their current life.

The thoughts and interests of the Nanhai people have been highly tied to the revolutionary army, and no one can do without the other.

The sea train is still under construction, and routes interrupted by the war have been resumed, but there are no new planned routes.

When external funds did not enter in large quantities, the pace of large-scale infrastructure construction was still slowed down.

Begin to turn around and vigorously develop heavy industry and light industry.

This resulted in a labor shortage. There was a shortage of people everywhere, and the status of workers was once again elevated.

Everyone is praying now, hoping that the revolutionary army can be stronger and can be maintained forever.

As for the talk on the radio about counterattacking the other three seas, building a great sea route, and allowing people all over the world to live a life similar to the South China Sea, I still don't like it.

Some people think that people from other places have nothing to do with them. If they lose, wouldn't they be back before liberation?

It has only been a few good days, and I have this kind of thought. It is really difficult to grasp human nature.

Fortunately, there are not many such people, and most of them are relatively simple, especially young people and children. They are the focus of education promotion work, and we must rely on them to build the future.

The core strength of the revolutionary army is nestled in the South China Sea, silently accumulating strength, waiting for the external turmoil to subside.

When the outside world is very chaotic and turbulent, the risks of executing the plan are too high, various accidents occur frequently, and many things will change unexpectedly.

For example, when it came to contacting outside businessmen, the original intention was to give them a chance. However, those guys without foresight thought that the revolutionary army was dead, and instead they opened their mouths.

Especially the few remaining people in the Seven Rivers Capital wanted to immediately use all the shares of the Sea Train as compensation to make up for their losses.

Even now, I am still greedy.

In the end, Terzog decided to wait for a while and wait for them to understand their position before talking, and at the same time began to look for new partners.

Commanders such as Bellobetti returned to their respective sea areas and temporarily hunkered down. After the incident in the South China Sea, the World Government attached great importance to the other three seas.

Any suspicious behavior will trigger a large-scale search, and sometimes people from the CP department will even appear offshore.

This is a disaster for those careerists who want to follow the revolutionary army and start an uprising after seeing it succeed.

They rejected the ideas of the revolutionary army and just wanted to separate themselves from one side like the South China Sea. The result was that the entire island was massacred.

The riots that broke out in various places were suppressed and wiped out one by one, pouring cold water on the fanatical atmosphere on the sea.

The revolutionary army only preserved a few real resistance armies, and the others were allowed to perish on their own.

In such a sensitive period for the world government, it has caused great resistance to the development of their work.

We can only spread ideas secretly, and do other things slowly.

Not only the revolutionary army is waiting for the storm to subside, but also the navy.

The chain reaction brought about by the change in the position of marshal is huge. Even Cyborg Kong is the former marshal, but he has left the navy for many years and does not have much internal power of his own.

His personal prestige was not very high, which led to the incomplete implementation of military orders.

When Cyborg was in the navy decades ago, the navy was a very pure armed force of the world government, fighting wherever it was directed, without any ideological weapons.

There is no such thing as justice this and justice that. There is only one thought, which is to be obedient.

Returning to the Navy Headquarters now makes him very uncomfortable. It's not a matter of faction, this has always been the case. But the people below have too many ideas.

Akainu, the only one who is relatively harmonious, is not very obedient.

Warring States, look at this mess you left behind!

Cyborg Kong lost his temper in the office.

The Warring States Period is now walking sheep on the beach in Marineland. Now he walks easily and smoothly, and his energy is very good.

After getting through the initial period of discomfort, you can let yourself go later.

He has nothing to do with the affairs of the Revolutionary Army. He is not allowed to interfere in the training of new recruits, so there really is nothing to do.

The World Government was no less vigilant about him than the Revolutionary Army. He was under house arrest and could only stay at the Navy Headquarters, and had to report to the Chambord Islands.

Warring States was happy to accept this.

He used this in exchange for the conditions under which the Navy could maintain its autonomy, its funding staff could still be replenished, and the CP department could not fully invade the headquarters. It was still worth it.

Any more would be over the line. This measured Warring States card is very accurate.


Rosinandi came to visit Warring States.

These are the few people who can communicate with Warring States at will.

The former Tianlongren and the adopted son of the Warring States Period, there is no problem with such an identity.

After Rosinandi told Warring States about the navy's action plan and arrangements during this period, he saw Warring States frowning.

The conflict between Akainu and Aokiji is already so big~~

Well, for the current resistance forces in the sea, General Akainu's idea is to use the Demon Slaying Order to solve it, and General Aokiji's idea is to annihilate the culprits and organizers. Ordinary people should not be affected.

What did Marshal Kong say?

Marshal Kong agrees with General Qing Pheasant's decision.

Hearing this, Seng Guo's face darkened.

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