Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 465 Hope of Peaceful Liberation

The world government has begun to fully face up to the methods used in this war, and has also begun a propaganda war.

In this world, the initiator of the propaganda war is the navy. They use the World Economic News to constantly promote the justice of the navy and make the crimes of pirates public. Established a good image of oneself.

After completing the consolidation of the image, a lot of things were done using these.

For example, fabricating some baseless accusations to guide the direction of public opinion.

Even collaborated with Morgans to publish comics. The ongoing world conscription was maintained.

Of course, since Noah was born, there have been other sounds in the sea.

There are some works with other spiritual connotations in newspapers that are presented to everyone.

Later, there were underground world journals, and some explosive articles began to eat away at the spirit of people in the One Piece world step by step.

Now, as the world government prepares to regain its lost ground, it discovers how difficult things are. There is no control over underground periodicals, except to suppress dissemination and sales.

World Economic News was unlucky. First, all of Adam's works were banned, and then all content in the newspaper began to be censored.

Morgans was knocked down from his previous excitement of being the big news every day, leaving nothing but chicken feathers on the ground.

Noah decided to reverse the situation. For example, there's Umit again, and there's an old friend, Morgans.

Both of these two figures could help the Revolutionary Army publish newspapers and periodicals and play a key role in the delivery of newspapers and periodicals.

I hope we can have a good communication after meeting, Noah is secretly looking forward to it.

The next item is internal monitoring.

Princess Otohime has done a good job in the inspection department, or very well.

The style of conduct within the revolutionary army was very iron-blooded, and it corrected many unhealthy tendencies. It played a key role when the South China Sea Federation first came to power.

This time her scope of work is even larger, and all island countries in the entire South China Sea are under her supervision. Power is expanding at a rate beyond imagination.

But the pressure we face is also greater than before.

The revolutionary army that is embarking on a rapid expansion is destined to absorb a large number of external personnel within a period of time due to its own shortage of personnel.

Important positions will not be given to these people, but to ordinary people, they are all managers and represent the forces of the revolutionary army.

There will be many people here who have become monks on the way, with various purposes, or some of the customs of the past in the sea still remain, and these all need to be monitored and corrected.

Otohime's work pressure increased dramatically. Hope she can resist.

For military operations, it is arranged by the dragon.

The boot camp will be managed by Zefa from now on.

Zefa has a reputation for being very professional in this area of ​​work. Almost all of those naval admirals with extraordinary combat capabilities came from his disciples. Now they are professionally matched.

Originally he was unwilling, not because he doesn't like you, but because he did this in the navy, and it would be a bit unnatural to do this again in the revolutionary army.

But Noah was so smart that he directly brought over the third batch of recruits from his family. He showed off his potential in front of Zefa.

Seeing the old man, he was very itchy. The quality of this batch of students was too high, and their future prospects were limitless.

Especially Luo, Guina, and Kidd. The future of these three people will not be inferior to that of the three generals.

Out of my decades of teaching instinct, I wanted to raise the upper limit of these good talents.

After much hesitation, I agreed.

The former instructor Fujitora has another important responsibility.

The Navy has set up a G2 branch for the South China Sea, not far from Pioneer Island.

There will be a general-level combat force permanently stationed here.

Fujitora's future job will be to serve as a representative of the revolutionary army, stationed on Pioneer Island, and serve as the gateway to the South China Sea to confront the navy.

Pioneer Island was also converted into a normal armed base, and the Great Steel Wall was removed and returned to the warehouse, waiting to be unsealed later.

Jinbei, the newly promoted general of the Revolutionary Army, is to train the fish-men troops and be on standby at the headquarters as a mobile combat force.

The first strong man from the fish-men tribe to break through to this realm, he has not developed much of his own talents and focuses on consolidating his strength.

Noah and the others felt that the more their territory expanded, the more they discovered how big the world government was.

They just occupied a part of the South China Sea, and they had already deployed all their combat power.

But the enemy before was the Four Seas + the Grand Route.

No wonder it has been unable to gather all the combat power. In the future, the revolutionary army will also face the same dilemma as the enemy.

All top combat forces have been arranged.

After the meeting, the four captains returned to their respective sea areas and continued to do their work.

The focus of the outside world's work is on the other three seas.

When the training of this batch of elite recruits is completed, most of them will be dispersed to these three sea areas.

Spread the ideas of the revolutionary army and let them blossom more.

The Grand Line will not give up. This line is the center of the world and the heart of the navy and the world government.

The original person in charge, Ivankov, died in the battle of Demon Valley Town. The new replacements are Xiao Feng and Bonnie.

One of them has the imitation fruit ability, and the other has the time fruit ability, which is very helpful for their disguise.

Moreover, the two of them are also very strong, and their safety is guaranteed to a certain extent. If you take the initiative to ask for help, you will naturally agree.

After the personnel arrangements were completed, Noah specially said a few more words.

The remaining critical point is the division between friends and enemies.

After this war, the revolutionary army has established its own name and power.

The whole world has also seen the possibility of emerging forces confronting the world government. In this case, we can secretly establish some diplomatic relations with the New World and other races on the Grand Line.

At this time, their attitude towards the revolutionary army should have changed.

Uniting the living forces on the sea and all intelligent races is our current main purpose of communicating with the outside world.

And the Navy.

A huge gap has developed between the world government and the navy.

In this case, although we have a certain hatred against them, in fact, we and the navy are working hard for justice and order in the sea. We cannot deny this.

Well, except for those stubborn reactionary forces in the navy, such as Akainu and some personnel, most of us still need to unite, and I am personally responsible for this aspect.

When Noah said these words, he already had his own goals.

Even the liaison person has been chosen. We can take action only after the navy's internal stability has stabilized.

Zefa really wanted to ask who it was, but he gave up because he understood that he was still a relatively sensitive person.

He would not assist Noah in this matter anyway.

By the time the meeting is over, everyone has gone to work. Everyone is almost crazy busy with things at hand, and it is not easy to find time for meetings.

The dragon hasn't left yet, and he knows that Noah must have other plans to talk about.

The job of external public opinion is too easy, and this guy is someone who can't take any time off.

I can understand the five-year development plan, but what does the Haiyan in the second plan refer to?

It is the hope of peaceful liberation of the Navy.

It's amazing, I'm yellow again

I can't see anything yellow lately, I'm scared.

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