Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 464: Each general has his own destination

After speaking, everyone's emotions were aroused by Noah.

Military morale is available.

He took out a thick stack of documents and distributed a copy to everyone.

This is a work plan organized in advance. It is the result of the research conducted by the staff, Noah and Long over the past few days.

In the next few years, our strategic direction will need to be adjusted.

The general plan is here. If anyone has objections, you can raise them at any time and we will make changes early.

In the future, we must fully tap the potential of the South China Sea in all aspects and prepare for a future all-out war.

Each of you here has an important job to do.

Within the South China Sea, we will directly implement the current policies of the South China Sea Federation and increase efforts to integrate all island towns into our management system.

Basic education for the new generation must be popularized, and adult literacy classes must also be vigorously developed. Many policies previously restricted to world governments can be implemented in one step.

We are short of people, and we are short of a lot of talent. Our manpower is already stretched thin just for the South China Sea, let alone the Four Seas Strategy that follows.

I hope that Robin will be responsible for this aspect. She has rich experience in educating students and is very comfortable in handling these issues.

At this point, Robin said it was no problem.

There is no way to discuss the development of scientific research. Dr. Tsukimi and the others are already excellent, and Noah can no longer give new suggestions in this regard.

Just let them do their own thing.

There is no need to come to this meeting, everyone is staying on Bika to repair the empty island.

If we can recruit excellent scientific research talents in the future, we can add more to Bika.

It is true that science changes the world. The green bull who died under Bika had something to say.

Then there are those businessmen who continue to contact the outside world economically. Become a business partner of the revolutionary army.

At this time, someone raised a question. The world government has issued very strict restrictions and prohibits economic ties with the revolutionary army. Do they really dare to do so?

Don't worry, there are people who do the beheading business, but no one does the unprofitable business.

Noah is very confident about this. The large-scale development of the South China Sea has just begun. It is the time to make money. How can those people not be tempted.

From the beginning, he had no intention of relying solely on the revolutionary army to develop the South China Sea, which would be a drop in the bucket. External financial power and professional personnel are the key points.

It is good to build relations through trade and economics. If there are enemies everywhere, nothing will happen.

Moreover, a lot of funds for the development of the South China Sea have been provided by outsiders before, and they can be cut off at any time by the world government. Do you think they are willing to do so?

After investing so much money, we ended up with nothing because of the war. Many people hanged themselves, some jumped into the sea, and it was very difficult for those who survived.

The Revolutionary Army will give priority to these people. As long as they are not committing crimes and have committed many evil deeds, they can still be given a chance.

Life in the outside world is worse than death, or coming to the South China Sea to make a comeback is a matter of a split second. But it is foreseeable that

There is a high probability that these people will contribute their own strength to the subsequent construction of the South China Sea.

As long as the revolutionary army makes these things more secretive, it will be enough to relieve some of their concerns.

In the eyes of the outside world, the revolutionary army did not lose.

Then for businessmen, there is investment value. Although the industry in Nanhai is not as high-quality as before, it is not bad at all.

“Of course we will not give back our shares in Sea Train, which is an important channel related to people’s livelihood in the South China Sea.

In the future, basic livelihood resources cannot be controlled by businessmen. Those who have no bottom line can only use them, but cannot rely on them.

What if those businessmen want it?

In replacement, you can replace the shares with development rights in other places. As long as you abide by the laws of the South China Sea, you can make money however you want.

If they can continue to cooperate closely with the revolutionary army. Then everyone can continue to make a fortune together. It doesn't involve politics or war, it's just simple business. Presumably both parties are happy, it's a win-win situation.

Some simple-minded people didn't react, like Tezog and others, they had already figured it out. This is using the money that the merchants themselves paid before to use their money in the future, which is clever.

Then Terzog, you know what to do.

This kind of thing must be left to the man who is best at economic warfare in the revolutionary army.

Tezog rubbed his back with both hands and said there was no problem, but he was smiling less and less like a good person.

Noah warned again worriedly.

We are doing a serious cooperation project, so don't mess around.

Don't worry! Leave it to me.

He nodded and believed that this person was not a random person.

In order to achieve better development and construction, our most important thing now is to improve our transportation efficiency.

There is a developed maritime train network and planned ship transshipment routes in the South China Sea, so there is no need to worry about this.

But when it comes to communicating with the outside world, traditional ship transportation is still the main method.

Therefore, it is still necessary to establish a fleet that travels all over the world, an underwater fleet.

I hope Neptune and Tiger will be responsible for this. Fish-Man Island can no longer settle on a small island thousands of meters deep in the sea.

When the storm is turbulent, the fishmen can use their unique advantages combined with coating technology to successfully create an undersea transportation chain. This is a new way out.

As soon as this idea came up, everyone knew that something was going on.

Undersea navigation has always been the secret weapon of the Revolutionary Army. Since the first attack on Mariejoia, they have relied on this trick to hide the secrets of the sea many times.

This time we will continue to use it even if the material blockade is broken.

Because this time involved so many materials and people, it was not enough for one person in charge, so two persons in charge were appointed.

One is the king of Fish-Man Island, and the other is the underground big brother of Fish-Man Island. With full cooperation, the task will be completed successfully.

That is, after the sea train, the new undersea transportation network will become another lifeline.

Noah remembers that one of the six dark kings in the underground is the Sea King Umit.

This undisputed king of shipping has his fleets everywhere on the four seas and on the great routes.

The revolutionary army had also interacted with him before, because Umit was the person who worked hardest to obstruct the sea train plan.

Of course, I finally retreated after constantly hitting a wall. After all, no one at that time could go against the most powerful world government on the sea and most of the capital.

Now it seems that I need to chat with this person, but I don’t know how many people I need to talk to him. Hope he can bear it.

With an understatement, a Dark Emperor was targeted.

Tiger and Neptune also accepted the order happily. They were very accepting of this kind of work that could improve the status of fishmen.

We just don’t have enough manpower, so we need to go back and bring in more people. This was easy for the two eldest brothers.

After talking about education, economy, and transportation, it’s time to talk about public opinion.

According to public opinion, the current development of the revolutionary army is actually at a bottleneck. The South China Sea has completely controlled the direction of the wind, so there is no need to worry.

However, in the public opinion war outside the South China Sea, the revolutionary army is now slightly at a disadvantage.

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