Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 463: Out of sorrow, victory is right in front of you

When it got dark, everyone dispersed.

A new day has come, and the revolutionary army can no longer be immersed in sorrow. There is not much time left for them.

The first formal meeting after the war began.

There have been great changes in the participants of this high-level meeting.

Although some people were lost, some were added.

Ryu, Noah, Fujitora, Jinbe, Zefa, Robin, Otohime, Tiger, Bello Betty, Lindbergh, Mori, Crow. Terzog, von Klee, Joelle Bonny.

With the end of the Battle of the South China Sea, the structure of the department was restructured.

Depending on the situation, some personnel promotions must be made, especially young people. The new stage of the revolutionary army is about to set sail.

For example, Tezog, who was previously in charge of the South China Sea Federation, has always performed very well. He also showed good decision-making ability in this battle of the South China Sea. Such talents should be on a bigger stage as soon as possible.

Xiao Feng and Bonnie also performed very well in this war, so they were promoted together. The revolutionary army was seriously short of men.

But not everyone came to the meeting. Brooke and Koushiro, for example, are really not interested in government affairs and other official matters, so they just continue to do their own things.

Zefa was brought here by Noah. Since he has joined the revolutionary army, there should be no special treatment. The character of this former navy instructor is really nothing to say. Everyone also agreed very much.

The meeting begins.

First, everyone reported on the current suppression and blockade of the South China Sea by the navy and the world government.

The blockade of this part of the island chain is not tight at all. No one can block an area of ​​​​the sea. In fact, it is only a deterrent to people outside the South China Sea.

In other words, just ordinary people. They do not have the ability or courage to cross this blockade.

and slow-moving merchant ships, especially transport ships transporting bulk cargo.

Such ships are the Navy's goal.

The Revolutionary Army transports most of its own resources from the sea. The two magic weapons of coating and murlocs work together to overcome the blockade with ease.

However, with the entire maritime network connected, the conversion of materials cannot be carried out by the revolutionary army alone, which is very detrimental to the development of the South China Sea.

As for the stationing of military force, it is said that the base responsible for the border between the South China Sea and the Revolutionary Army will have a general-level combat force permanently stationed there.

Just like the G1 branch, only with this kind of combat power as a warning can they feel relieved.

Of course, this is just a stop-gap measure for the Navy, which is undergoing internal reorganization due to the coaching change and some friction between the World Government and the Navy.

For the time being, there was no time for a military confrontation, and he didn't know which general would be guarding the area. Noah was secretly looking forward to it.

After summarizing the navy’s force actions,

Tezog produced another report on the damage in all aspects of Pioneer Island.

After everyone listened, they felt that the investment of the revolutionary army was so huge this time and the losses were even greater. How long would it take to recover.

Noah saw things differently.

Don't think that our losses in this area are huge. We are lagging behind our opponents in terms of combat power, so it is worthwhile to exchange materials and investment for victory. And the losses are much less than I imagined.

Less than expected?

Most people don’t understand that every number in this report is an astronomical figure. Why would Noah have such an idea?

“First of all, the economic losses are huge, but they can still be made up.

The South China Sea itself is a relatively backward sea area and is very shallow in development. Even after the Revolutionary Army took over, it was not fully developed before unification.

Not long after the unification, the navy came over. In fact, most of our previous economic materials were only the output of one country in the South China Sea Federation.

In the Battle of the South China Sea, a large amount of manpower and material resources were not mobilized. We are fighting this battle with the core strength of the revolutionary army.

Now that it has developed to a bright level, we can carry out drastic reforms and truly harness the power of the South China Sea to achieve rapid development.

If these figures were placed across the entire South China Sea, it would be easy to digest.

Alas, this is indeed the case.

I had considered mobilizing the people in the South China Sea before, but I was stopped because I was afraid of losing public support. Now that the World Government has been defeated, the work of comprehensive liberation can officially begin.

At this time, the people in Nanhai already believed in the revolutionary army more.

In fact, the main losses still lie in some high-end materials and equipment and rare supplies.

The circulation of materials in this area is subject to very strong restrictions by the world government, such as the circulation of explosive rocks and sea floor stones.

There are also other important materials, such as high-quality shipbuilding wood. Top-quality materials like Baoshu Adam will never appear in the South China Sea again.

If it is a small transaction, it can still be found through the underground black market or some channels, but it is difficult to ship in large quantities. But it’s just hard.

After all, there are people who do the beheading business, but no one does the loss-making business.

Considering the character of the merchants on this sea, it is quite worth looking forward to.

After everyone had announced, it was Noah's turn to speak.

In the past few days, apart from being immersed in sadness, he spent the rest of the time working to suppress his sadness.

“At present, there are advantages and disadvantages to our showdown with the world government.

But overall the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

The revolutionary army will eventually come to the forefront, and the World Government has given us a helping hand.

There is no better advertisement than a victory to announce our existence.

This battle not only gave confidence to the revolutionary army, but also gave confidence to the people in the South China Sea. It also gave confidence to thousands of oppressed people outside the South China Sea.

Presumably the sea will not calm down in the next few years, and the resisters will continue to make their voices heard.

This is an unprecedented 800-year change.

The Battle of the South China Sea has begun! It's our pleasure!

Everyone sat up straight when they heard this, because their blood was really boiling.

When something is related to a sense of mission, a historical mission, and subversion of the world, it immediately becomes different.

Even Zefa, who was on the more awkward side, felt that there was an invisible new force appearing on the sea.

The previous sadness, anger and sorrow were swept away.

Next, there will be a long-term confrontation process. It may seem peaceful, but in fact, the private collision is more dangerous than before.

After that, we must focus on the four seas, surround the great shipping route with the four seas, and finally complete the encirclement and suppression of the world government and create opportunities for a decisive battle.

This will be more difficult and dangerous than before, and more comrades will sacrifice.

But there will also be more ideological awakening, more countries will be liberated, and more people will join our cause.

Victory is at hand!

The feelings I wrote during the day were not right, so I overturned the rewrite. Excuse me.

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