Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 460 A world where only the world government is injured

In a conference room, Wulaoxing and Cyborg Kong were discussing things.

What should the Pirate Alliance do?

Just leave it alone for the time being. Those rabble will never have another chance in the future.

Wait until you've dealt with the really tough stuff before you deal with that bunch of garbage.

Wulaoxing and Cyborg Kong still looked down upon the pirates, and even if they hit the Red Earth Continent this time, they just thought it was an accident.

In the future, I will teach them how to behave whenever I have the opportunity. The CP department has a lot of people in the pirate group.

This time, Bucky used a secret connection method and did not use the power of his respective fleets. Otherwise, the Five Old Stars and the others would have received the information long ago.

What about the Spangdams?

Mentioning these two people, Gang Gukong was a little confused, how could there be such stupid guys.

The revolutionary army was able to gain momentum, and these two were indispensable. Many key nodes were taken care of by their own people.

It is incredibly stupid to not want to admit it when the revolutionary army is exposed.

Send it to Judiciary Island for trial. How to deal with it!

We also checked internally and found that these two idiots were not the only ones to fall under the Revolutionary Army's money offensive.

This matter has also been dealt with. Now let’s talk about the most troublesome thing.

The Navy has indeed been a bit unsettled in recent years.

The position of Admiral must be replaced.

The qualifications of the three generals are still a little lower. Let's keep an eye on them.

Where are Marinevando's soldiers?

Funding has been cut in half, and staffing has been reduced by one-fifth.

Place people from CP9 in to strengthen the surveillance of He and other lieutenant generals.

How to deal with the Warring States Period

Be silent for a while.

It's indeed tricky. This person has a relatively high prestige and a more slick approach. This is the opportunity for him to be caught for disobeying orders on the battlefield.

Cyborg Kong sat silently and didn't speak, he was more sensitive now.

Can't kill.

But it can't make him feel better.

It's time to deal with it.

Then keep an eye on it.

In an understatement, the destiny of a naval marshal who is the top combat power in the sea and the most powerful one is decided. It is indeed elegant.

While several people were discussing, they suddenly received a notification from the guard.

The Warring States Period brought the three generals, the naval chief staff, and the naval heroes to Marigioa to report on the post-war matters of the expedition to the South China Sea.

The five people looked at each other, this is...

Let the others go back, as long as Warring States comes alone.

What do you think of the Holy Land? How brave!

The Five Old Stars were furious, and even Cyborg was a little angry. This was a challenge to the majesty of the World Government to a certain extent.

Is it possible that the Warring States Period really had any thoughts that he shouldn't have!

The guard was having a hard time handling it at the moment, but he still reported it truthfully.

But they have already arrived outside Mariejoia, and the Warring States Marshal said that they must meet together.

What a troubled time, everyone in the conference room had this idea, why is there so much malice against the world government.

Will the revolutionary army, pirates, and eventually the navy also get involved?

A chilling atmosphere filled the room.

After a while.

The failure of this expedition to the South China Sea lies with me. I am unworthy of the trust of the world government. I chose someone wiser to be the marshal of the navy.

If there is any punishment, I, the Warring States Period, will bear it.

Looking at the majestic row of people behind the Warring States Period, were you also so brave when you fought against the revolutionary army?

It's not that Akainu and the others are ungrateful, they are just members of the navy and have a community of interests.

If the world government weakens the navy, everyone will be harmed.

If you can get a better result with a slightly tougher approach, it's worth it.

The effect is really good and the initial atmosphere is not that bad.

Marshal Warring States knows the justice well, so I will do as you say.

The previous cuts in funding and restrictions on staff recruitment were not mentioned at all, as if they had never happened at all.

But the new Admiral.

There is also a South China Sea blockade.

Later, discussions on the future work development of the Navy began in this conference room.

Fight with each other and argue with reason. There were even some fierce quarrels that broke out from time to time.

The Warring States Period's move of retreating into advancement was beyond Wulaoxing's expectations, so more countermeasures could not be implemented for a while and could only be left for later.

It made Wulao Xing itch with hatred.

Finally, the group left the Red Earth Continent with satisfaction.

Return to Malinfando and separate from other colleagues.

Sengoku sat in the Marshal's office for the last time.

There is relaxation, resentment, and unwillingness in my heart.

You can relax naturally without having to face the increasingly complicated sea situation.

What I am angry about is that he may be the most embarrassing marshal in the history of the sea. Take the blame and resign. Don't think too much. If you think too much, Zefa's legs will not be saved.

Not willing to give in. I really want to catch this bastard Noah and throw him into a prison under the sea. Or send it to Rogge Town.

Ah hahaha. Sengoku, let's go, I'll take you to buy senbei.

This guy Capu!

Not to mention the confrontation between the navy and the world government.

The Pirate Alliance, which has returned to the new world, feels at a loss at the moment.

Both objectives of this expedition to attack Mariejoia had been accomplished.

After capturing the rubbing text of the historical text, with this, they had no interest in those big stones. Not everyone likes to use these things like the revolutionary army.

The navy also successfully withdrew from the South China Sea. The revolutionary army survived and will continue to fight with the world government in the future, reducing the pressure on the new world.

Especially Bucky, the president of the Cross Guild, laughed so wantonly and wildly that he was even hysterical and almost cried.

No one knows how tortuous his mental journey is. All the hard work is not enough for outsiders to appreciate.

It was only after the dust settled that he truly felt relieved. He was panicking to death before.

When the pirates went down to the sea and found the navy's Sengoku directly disobeying their orders, everyone was shocked.

The other three emperors looked surprised. They didn't expect that their simple threat would cause huge conflicts between the World Government and the Navy.

The pattern of this world is becoming increasingly unclear.

This old boy in the Warring States Period had such an awareness, which is enough to show that the threat from the revolutionary army is indeed very huge.

At that time, Bucky was in a cold sweat.

He has taken 99 steps and is only one step short of Dzogchen. But it was destroyed by a willful old man. Who can I ask to explain this?

I can only watch helplessly as the situation develops in an unpredictable direction.

No one expected the result. At this time General Zefa stood up.

He was relieved, and at the same time he admired Noah's trump card, which was really one after another. It seems that the revolutionary army was saved this time.

And he is Captain Bucky. He is the great hero who secretly saved the revolutionary army. As the commander behind the scenes who prompted the World Government to recall the navy, how could he be dissatisfied?

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