Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 459 Let’s plead guilty together

Lieutenant General He and Sengoku discussed the pirate side's follow-up actions, such as the pressure on the navy.

In the end, it was believed that the pirate alliance could only take this opportunity to carry out an operation, but it would not succeed in the end.

This time they can get together for the sake of historical text, but the main reason is that the main force of the navy is not in the headquarters.

It can be regarded as a profit-driven adventure. Pirates are such creatures.

Moreover, Sengoku and He agreed that it would be impossible for the so-called Pirate Alliance to gather a second time.

No one can truly control that group of rebellious people.

Roger couldn't do it, and Bucky the Clown couldn't even do it.

The revolutionary army is the real thorn in the side. But those leaders of the world government, at this time, are still

He didn't even come up with his real trump card to fight against the pirates at such a critical moment. Instead, I took the opportunity to bring the navy back, alas~

Despite what Noah said, the navy is just a sword after all.

In fact, there is another conjecture.

Ahe, do you think the Pirate Alliance's attack on Mary Joa has anything to do with the Revolutionary Army?

What's the relationship with the revolutionary army?

Lieutenant General He knew that Sengoku's words were not the right time to ask, but he felt that the Revolutionary Army was behind the pirate alliance.

Impossible. The revolutionary army in the South China Sea has already gone all out to deal with this conquest. How can it spare the energy to plan the pirates? Even if there is a plan, who can take on this important task?

She really thought it was impossible.

The Pirate Alliance is composed of the Four Emperors. Each of those four people is a very selfish monster, and they will not be easily manipulated by others.

If the Revolutionary Army wants to influence the Four Emperors Alliance, it must have a high-ranking and powerful figure among them.

Whitebeard is a veteran pirate who has been trying to recruit his son in his own territory for the past few years. His behavior is in great conflict with the ideas of the revolutionary army.

It would be great if bigmom could join the Revolutionary Army. That would mean that the Revolutionary Army is nothing more than that, and its so-called ideas are bullshit.

The red-haired man is a different kind of pirate, a man who yearns for freedom, and he has no connection with the world government.

Bucky the Clown is the certified descendant of Roger. He rose to the rank of Yonko all the way, and according to the World Government's intelligence, he was an extremely arrogant and arrogant pirate. He is more courageous and ambitious than Kaido, how could he be a revolutionary army?

Therefore, Lieutenant General He still did not agree with the speculation of the Warring States Period.

But the Warring States Period was not just aimless guessing.

During the battle, Noah once told him in front of him, a plan codenamed treasure.

At that time, Sengoku thought it was the code name of the shell that bombarded the Green Bull, but is it possible that it refers to the Pirate Alliance?

From a time point of view, it is also right.

Is it Noah's plan that the pirates collectively attacked Marigio this time?

Although this was an obvious opportunity, the courage and resourcefulness of the pirates were not enough for them to make such a decision.

Only extreme intelligence can connect everyone together. He had never found such a talent among pirates.

This is so unreasonable.

If Noah is mixed in, it becomes much more reasonable.

Is that what Noah said is his plan? Why did you say it in front of him? I wonder if he would suspect it?

While thinking alone, he suddenly figured it out.

As a highly suspected naval marshal, even if he told this fantasy-like conjecture, it would only create a greater gap between the world government and the navy.

Then I deleted this unrealistic conjecture from my mind.

Sengoku said the last thing to Crane.

“When we get back to Marineland, we’ll go to Marigioa together.

After all, the navy is an organization that maintains the stability of the sea for the world government. It would be bad if things got too big this time.

At that time, I only need to take the initiative to grant the position of navy marshal to temporarily calm this storm.

From now on, it's up to you. I will be monitored very closely in the future.


It is certain that there will be turmoil within the Navy due to the coaching change.

Alas, to be honest, Lieutenant General He sometimes felt that the Warring States Period was a little obsessed with the idea of ​​the revolutionary army.

Everything can be associated with Noah.

It cannot be wrong to say that he was disobedient on the battlefield this time. Unfortunately, things are unpredictable. Looking back in hindsight, Warring States was impulsive.

When I turned to leave, I suddenly thought of a personal question.

Couldn't help but turn around and ask again.

After Nazefa

Warring States face darkened and said directly.

The enemy is not the right one. We are irreconcilable. When we get back, we will issue a wanted order immediately. The price is high and the mark is high!

The navy's fleet returned to Marinefando.

When I left, my aura was overwhelming, but when I came back, my aura was sluggish.

The only one who came to the port to greet him was Garp.

Facing the naval soldiers who lost their troops and generals, Garp did not laugh and laugh.

Zefa, this bastard, I will definitely break his legs when I see him.

He now has a new comrade. You are really no match for him alone.

Then let's break his legs together.


This conversation made He a little speechless. Didn't he have to decide between life and death before, so why did he break his legs now?

Garp, what did the Five Old Stars say?

Oh, by the way. I was originally asked to escort you to Mariejoia, but I didn't bother them at all.


Lieutenant General He behind him frowned and a cold light flashed in his eyes. Can this word be used for the Warring States Period?

He is still a marshal of the navy! This is the face of the navy. What does Wulaoxing mean?

Warring States didn't react at all. Wulaoxing's attitude was normal.

With a navy of one million at his disposal and a headquarters of 100,000 elite naval marshals, he disobeyed orders on the battlefield and allowed the World Government to be besieged.

The severity of this matter is greater than that of the Revolutionary Army and the Pirate Alliance combined.

When they hung up the phone bug, those people must have had trouble sleeping and eating, wishing they could eat meat and sleep on skin.

That is to say, the chief of CP0 and the green bull died in the battle, otherwise it would not be like now, just asking Garp to inform him.

Since Wulao Xing has invited me, I won’t waste any time.

It would be better if the post-war arrangements for the soldiers were left to the lieutenant generals to handle their respective units.

Ao Pheasant, Akainu, Kizaru, Tsuru, and Garp. Let's go to Marigioa together!

Garp was startled, the Five Old Stars only went to Warring States alone. This is.

The three generals on the side were a little confused, and they could also see how sensitive this node was.

The Five Old Stars' suspicion of the Navy reached a peak, but the Marshal continued to stimulate the World Government.

Don't get me wrong, it's just that it's faster to talk this way and things can be resolved easily.

Lieutenant General He said softly.

Pirates and revolutionary troops can come and go as they please on the Red Earth Continent, why can't the navy go?

After saying that, he followed in the footsteps of the Warring States Period. The three generals thought for a moment and followed suit.

The group of people went straight to the World Government, but they didn't look like they were going to plead guilty.

Because the outline had to be revised after the war, there have been few updates these days.

Try to start writing more the day after tomorrow.

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