Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 461 Starting from Blockade of the South China Sea

Several emperors who have accomplished their respective goals are preparing to evacuate this place of right and wrong and return to their territories as soon as possible.

After getting off Mariejoia, they were still enemies.

The Pirate Alliance has ceased to exist in name only after leaving the Red Earth Continent, and everyone has their own plans in mind. But the name is still preserved

In his hand, he held the text of the historical text handed out by the red-haired rubbing.

Auntie was secretly excited in her heart. There are still a few left. If she looks for road signs and historical essays, she can find Raph Drew and become the Pirate King.

Don't blame her for being excited.

It seems that the red-haired kid and Bucky kid have not shown any intention to become the pirate king in this way. Whitebeard has been playing house,

I don’t want to be the Pirate King, so from this point of view, she is the most likely one.

Newgate also wants to go back as soon as possible and train Marco and others as soon as possible. The sea is changing too fast, and forces with insufficient high-end combat power cannot even make waves in such a war.

After a brief exchange of greetings, everyone went their separate ways. Whitebeard and Big Mom immediately returned to their own territory.

They instinctively reject Bucky. This red nose is too insidious and not as bright as red hair.

The red-haired man also had his own affairs. This time he was hit with Mary Joa, which was a great inspiration and shock to him. He needed to return to his own territory and think about it carefully.

Of course, before leaving, he warned Bucky not to cause trouble again. He wouldn't be able to keep it any longer.

Bucky responded to the red-haired warning with a headbutt. Please have some respect for the man behind the scenes who directed the Pirate Alliance's attack on the Red Earth Continent, you bastard.

After the red hair left, the only ones left were members of the Cross Guild.

Bucky sat down on the ground, feeling relaxed all over his body.

Well, this time the plan was successfully completed.

Several people from the Cross Guild are also leaving.

Before Hawkeye returned to the castle, he reminded Bucky not to forget what he said in the letter and what Noah promised him.

Bucky said there was no problem. This was a promise made by Noah and he would never go back on it.

If you regret it, you can go to the South China Sea to find him. Anyway, the revolutionary army has exposed its headquarters. Are you afraid that you can't find him?

At this time, Eagle Eye could no longer restrain his desire to go back to practice. This trip to the Red Earth Continent allowed him to see a higher realm in this world.

With motivation, he also has new expectations for the future.

I believe that next time he goes to the Red Earth Continent, his sword will definitely be able to touch that mysterious aura.

Hancock looked serious, feeling a little depressed that she did not achieve any outstanding results in this appearance.

But the gains are not small. This trip to the Red Earth Continent can be regarded as breaking the inner demons. The color of Bawang has made great progress, and I feel that the bottleneck that has been bothering me is crumbling.

Now I also want to return to Nine Snakes Island to practice. Strive to reach the top as soon as possible. Only in this way can we truly protect our people in the future war.

Rayleigh was very pleased to see the Nine Snakes Empress like this. He and Xia Qi had always hoped that an excellent Nine Snakes Island Emperor would emerge, and this experience really worked perfectly.

“Bucky, let’s go, please don’t cause any more trouble during this time.

If you cause trouble again, I won't be able to save you. Now that you are a thorn in the side of the World Government, they will really look for opportunities to kill you.

Rayleigh warned Bucky very solemnly.


After the matter was completed, Bucky realized how arrogant he was before on the Red Earth Continent, how pitiful he would be next.

He wanted to ask for help, but the red hair left, and Rayleigh took Hancock with him.

On the contrary, Crocodile has not left yet.

After seeing the confrontation between the navy and the revolutionary army, he had greater ambitions deep in his heart.

And he found Captain Bucky very interesting. To be able to complete such a difficult task is definitely not like the funny look he currently displays.

Maybe you have your own problems in your heart, so do you want to truly cooperate with him?

After having this idea, he took the initiative to move closer to Bucky.

Captain Bucky, I think our Cross Guild needs to be united again, so we can communicate more when we have time.


After hearing what Lao Sha said, Bucky was still very moved. It turned out that there were still people who could see his excellence.

Of course, how about we go to Wano Country first.

Wano Country? Okay, I'm very interested in that mysterious country.

After saying that, the two guys left.

The Pirate Alliance was completely disbanded.

In addition to the three participating forces: the World Government, the Revolutionary Army, and the Pirate Alliance.

Ordinary people are just watching the show.

A live broadcast of the sea that has been warmed up for ten days has become very popular.

The two-day battle was very satisfying to watch. In the end, the live broadcast seemed to be interrupted when something happened to the navy, which was even more fascinating.

What is the philosophy of the revolutionary army and the justice of the navy.

They didn't care at all, they just wanted to see the biggest melon in the ocean.

Finally, news came that the navy had been defeated and returned to Marineventor, but many people still didn't believe it.

Judging from the end of the live broadcast, the navy still has the upper hand. It would be gone if it wasn't there.

But two days later, World Economic News used its communication power to make the results of the war public.

Navy withdraws from South China Sea

Big Event. Revolutionary Army and Pirates Join Forces to Threaten the World Government

With the king as hostage, the world government reluctantly withdraws its troops

Collaboration, the False Face of the Revolutionary Army

It is explained in detail here that the navy was not defeated, but took the initiative to withdraw its troops.

Because the revolutionary army teamed up with the pirates of the New World to attack the world meeting place and threatened the world government with the life of the king of the world's participating countries.

The world government withdrew from the South China Sea in order not to cause greater casualties and chaos.

The world government will not yield to this behavior of the revolutionary army, and will launch another crusade in the future, vowing to restore peace to the sea.

The article was told in an impassioned way, as if one were actually there, and the story was greatly polished.

In terms of propaganda, the World Government began a serious counterattack for the first time, and found a few people with good writing skills from within to write many short essays and publish them in newspapers.

A newspaper owner with little conscience like Morgans was naturally very happy when he found out that he didn't have to add any extra fuel to the story, so he published it directly.

He knew that the Revolutionary Army was the master of propaganda warfare, and the two sides would definitely have a war in public opinion.

The news that follows cannot be made up, it is the Navy’s real situation report.

The Warring States Marshal took the blame and resigned

South China Sea Blockade Sanctions

The first news is that Admiral Sengoku resigned from the position of Admiral of the Navy due to his unfavorable battle in this crusade.

Cyborg, the commander-in-chief of the World Government's military, temporarily serves as the navy marshal until a new marshal is elected within the navy.

This is big news. Marshal of the Warring States Period has always been a legendary figure with great wit and scheming on the sea. How could such a thing not be shocking?

It was previously said that the navy was not defeated, but simply withdrawn under coercion. It's very unnatural to just take the blame and resign.

The real reason for disobeying the World Government's orders was not revealed at all.

The navy is still the most 'trusted' armed force within the jurisdiction of the world government.

The second news is simple.

The navy will set up blockades and naval branches on several large islands on the edge of the South China Sea.

Use force to block traffic between sea areas.

At the same time, no person or force on the sea, the country, and the revolutionary forces within the South China Sea are allowed to have any contact.

Including personnel movement, materials, economy, knowledge, etc.

Once discovered, we will investigate thoroughly and never tolerate it.

The strictest blockade order in history was issued, and the world government finally began to face up to the South China Sea and launched the most unsolvable strategy.

The next steps have been planned.

Try to update more tomorrow.

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