Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 456 People who can’t rest

The war is won!

With the Bika base station transmitting Noah's voice to the entire South China Sea.

The war finally came to an end.

Seeing the soldiers below cheering for victory, Noah did not have the pleasure of surviving a disaster.

Instead, he felt the pain and fatigue on his body emerge in an instant, and even with his general-level physical fitness, he felt weak.

At the same time, my mind seemed to be as heavy as mercury.

He understood that this was not only the sequelae of physical exhaustion, but also mental exhaustion.

Big Bear, give me one

Ah, that silent guy has left first, really

This kind of unprepared sadness is the most difficult to prevent.

Instead of holding on, he walked out of the studio holding on to the wall and lay down on the island clouds in the sky.

Just for a while, just take a break for a few minutes.

This is a little vacation he gave himself.

It's really tiring.

This war actually started after the Mariejoia incident in 1509.

Formulate the South China Sea Plan, establish the South China Sea Federation, establish a radio station system, and attract investment in maritime trains.

These are the preludes to war. With this war, all preparations were used.

It's just a draw, which is pretty acceptable.

Next, we have to face the more complicated sea situation after the war, both internally and externally.

Having already gained a foothold in the sun, the internal personnel adjustments, structural reorganization, and absorption of fresh blood are all different from before.

The outside is more complicated, including publicity, recruitment, assimilation, and layout. Especially the changes in the navy. One thing after another, thinking about it makes my head hurt even more.

Of course, before that, matters on Pioneer Island must be dealt with first.

We must speed up and clean up the battlefield. There are too many menial tasks.

Rescue people, clear ice, and salvage sunken ships.

And to appease people's emotions.

There are so many things to think about and I really don’t know where to start.

He said he would take a rest, but his brain was still thinking about these things unnaturally.

Noah had no choice but to sit up, and it was better not to rest.

Time waits for no one, and those who are still alive must carry on carrying the faith of their companions.

People like him will only have the chance to truly relax if they die one day.

Although I am not resting, I still need to think about what to do.

His abilities are limited and he is self-aware, and he will not forcefully interfere in work that he is not good at.

The handling of specific things is far behind those of real managers.

It would be better for a dragon to handle this kind of thing.

However, at this time, give Long some time to process his emotions.

Big Bear. Alas~

There is a ready-made system management within the revolutionary army, so it can still operate.

Statistics on casualties during the war have not yet been made;

I don’t know how many people will be sad when the casualty data are compiled.

Every death in a war represents a broken family.

The sad emotions cannot be vented in my heart. This is just the beginning. The war in the future will be more terrifying than this one.

Noah will not doubt his own path, but it is certain that some people will be shaken in their hearts.

Forget it, let’s deal with the matter at hand first.

Just the sight of Bika in front of her was already annoying enough.

In terms of appearance alone, Bika no longer looks like the magnificent technological aerial fortress it once was.

It was badly beaten in the battle, with a large hole left in the main gun position and the gun barrel completely scrapped.

The shot that killed the green bull caused a lot of damage to Bika's main body.

Also, because most of the energy was diverted by the firepower system, there were problems with starting the defense system. Other parts of the island were also damaged a lot by the aftermath of the Vice Admiral's battle.

Many internal instruments were damaged.

At this moment, Dr. Tsukimi is directing his researchers to carry out maintenance and dismantling work on this smoke-filled air fortress. Fortunately, the average quality of people in this sea is relatively high, and even those engaged in scientific research have a lot of energy.

Seeing that Noah hasn’t left yet.

Dr. Tsukimi came over.

Now that we have taken this path, we will always have to face such things. You have done a good job.

Doctor, I know. It's just that it's inevitable to be sad.

Dr. Tsukimi is indeed very human, and after hearing what Noah said, he stopped trying to persuade him.

Forget it if you don’t persuade him, he even took out a few pieces of paper.

Well, after Bika's losses are accounted for, I will send you the required repair funds and materials list, and I will add whatever is needed in the future.

Okay, my head hurts more, but the doctor has a point. As the top priority in the South China Sea, Bika has a high priority.

I understand, doctor. Once Pioneer Island is dealt with, we will rebuild Bika.

Well, also, don't forget to get that piece of historical text back. The power of the railgun is pretty good, but it's a bit wasteful.

Dr. Tsukimi looked like he still had something to say, which made Noah realize that the scientist was really restless.

He didn't want to stay on the empty island any longer, as the people below were still waiting for him.

Noah jumped down directly, opened the door several times and arrived at the dragon.

Before Noah could speak, Long spoke first.

Just leave this to me. You go over there and communicate with Mr. Zefa. I'm worried that Fujitora won't be able to handle it.

Long returned to his usual resolute look and directed the finishing work on site.

But people who are familiar with him can still see the sadness from his heart.

Where's Jinbe?

Go to the bottom of the sea and bring the bear back.


Noah left after saying that. Men don't need so much comfort.

He opened the door and went to Zefa, where Yixiao was talking to him.

At present, Zefa is having a very awkward time getting along with everyone in the Revolutionary Army.

The navy's most famous no-kill general, the chief instructor of new recruits, now comes to the revolutionary army, and how to receive him is a problem.

Fortunately, Fujitora is still here. They have equal status and can communicate with each other.

Moreover, the two of them had fought once before in the South China Sea and had a certain degree of friendship. They also appreciate each other very much, which saves Noah a lot of worry.

Zefa's arrival is the result of Noah's ten years of hard work.

In the past few years, I have given him books, fought, and taken him to see the development of the South China Sea. I have really said a lot of heartfelt words to get this high-ranking naval officer to return to his heart.

Zefa was also a key figure in the survival of the revolutionary army. If the reception is not good, it would be a bit unscrupulous.

Looking at the blood on Zefa's body, Noah felt a little sorry for him. Warring States' attack was indeed quite heavy.

Mr. Zefa, how are your injuries?

Seeing that the culprit who turned his back on the navy appeared, it was impossible for Zefa to say that he was not angry.

Although the decision was his own, if he hadn't met this guy on the merchant ship in 1506, his life might not have changed so much.

He will dedicate his life to the navy, continue to teach and cultivate a new generation of navy, and spread the justice of the navy on the sea.

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