Then Staff He immediately retreated behind Chief CP. It is understandable that people with fruit abilities have an aversion to sea water.

Jinbe felt something was not right, but he was fighting against the CP chief. After all, his opponent was still at the level of a general and needed to invest more energy.

Confines the water flow in the air, turns it into a high-pressure water jet in the palm of the hand, and engages in close combat.

The enemy's short sword is indeed a bit dangerous.

Feeling the danger in front of him, the commander calmly raised his sword to prepare for defense.

After a period of fighting, the CP commander, who had many wounds on his body, stepped back and looked at Jinbei's water sword with fear.

How come it has such powerful cutting ability?

Lieutenant General He retreated behind him and said, come here quickly and I will help you clean the wound, which can alleviate some of the injury.

The CP chief was a little touched when he said this. He is such a good teammate of Dahai.

As the power of the washing fruit washed away, he felt that he suddenly no longer wanted to fight.

It would be great if this world could live peacefully. What do those calculations in the past and the glory and wealth mean?

not good! This shouldn't be his idea. For the sake of desire, he is willing to be a dog for the Celestial Dragons.

The will revived in an instant.

Suddenly his body shook, and his strength was rapidly losing.

A strange force swept over him. The forbidden drugs in the body were quickly washed away, and the combat power was rapidly declining.

At the same time, my heart was sinking.

Did you wash the fruit wrong? No, that's not wrong.

Lieutenant General He, this old witch, is targeting me. He was in a very painful situation.

Without the suppressive effect of the medicine, the previous injuries also exploded.

As a person with no moral bottom line, I never expected that I would lose in this aspect. Not willing to give in!

Then he was pushed secretly by General He into the direction of the fish-man.

Jinbei sensed his opponent's aura and quickly fell to the level of a lieutenant general. No matter what accident happened to the other party, this is an opportunity to avenge Big Bear.

The emotions that had been washed away by the fruit of washing were rekindled at some point, and the hatred that had been suppressed for a long time broke out.

Fishman Karate. Mystery. Anger!

Jinbei grabbed the opponent's body, and with the support of Hailiu, he launched a frantic beating and attack, one punch, two punches, three punches, four punches, and five punches.

Shengsheng hammer broke through the CP chief's physical defense circle. Then the blows came one after another.

He was knocked from the air into the sea, from the sea to the bottom of the sea. With the last palm, the CP chief was silent and completely fallen.

He died without saying a word.

Lieutenant General He had returned to the navy and was watching this scene from a distance.

After everyone sensed the death of Chief CP, they all understood that this war was really over.

Even Sengoku, who was already in a rage, was forced to calm down by General He using the washing fruit.

While controlling Sengoku, he also kicked Zefa away and flew directly to Noah. The men and horses on both sides separated again.

After Sengoku's emotions recovered, he sensed the fall of Chief CP and Lieutenant General He's eyes, and understood what his friend had done.

After thinking about it for a while, I felt that doing so now was the only better time to cease the war.

The World Government and the Navy are basically on the verge of breaking up. It would be good to resolve some internal issues in advance at this time.

The senior generals of the Navy once again gathered around Sengoku. This time it was really only the Navy generals.

Their relationship with the world government will become even more tense in the future.

The revolutionary army also came over, and the two sides faced off again. But the momentum is no longer the same.

As a bystander, Noah admired Lieutenant General He's decisiveness. If this woman became a marshal, it would be more difficult than the Warring States period.

Sengoku and Noah stood there.

You win.

No, it's just that after a lot of hardships and narrow escapes, I got a chance to breathe.

These words came from Noah's heart. They have been hiding underground for many years, developing silently, and even made countless strategies to fight against encirclement and suppression.

All kinds of luck, forbearance, and planning are all in play. The Revolutionary Army was overturned, but in the end it was only luck that allowed them to survive.

You will definitely not survive such a battle a second time. He knows this very well.

Warring States looked at Noah's calm face and secretly sighed in his heart, even though he had achieved such results, he did not forget about it.

The revolutionary army will really be unable to control it from now on. He seemed to have seen the whole world falling into war.

Finally, he glared at Zefa fiercely.

The whole army retreats!

The whole army retreats!

The whole army retreats!

The instructions were conveyed layer by layer, and all the naval officers had an unreal feeling.

The most powerful navy in the world failed.

Although the generals of the headquarters did not suffer much losses, it was a failure to gather all their strength and fail to capture the South China Sea.

The Ghost Spider put the eight swords back into their scabbards and looked gloomily at the opponent who was unable to stand firmly on the opposite side.

The anger in his heart was about to burn out his reason.

Whenever I was about to kill someone, there was always a terrifying sense of crisis. Hum, I was really blocked by this guy.

I'll let you go this time, but I will definitely kill you when we meet again.

After saying that, he walked away holding his broken arm. It turned out that one of his arms had been taken off by his opponent.

Xiao Feng, who was wearing hundreds of creations, showed an ugly smile.

It's a pity that I wasn't even given the chance to die.

The same is true in other places. The middle level of the Revolutionary Army was almost destroyed. The gap in strength was huge. If the losses were calculated, everyone would feel extremely sad.

Following Sengoku's order, the navy began to evacuate the battlefield in an orderly manner. After everyone boarded the ship, it turned the ship around and returned to Marineland.

The revolutionary army was unable to fight back.

The final battle ended just like two armies going to war, each taking back its soldiers in an orderly manner.

The navy took their own warships and returned to Marineland with low morale instead of the aggressiveness when they arrived.

Noah was not happy about the victory in this war. The price paid was too high.

There are also many, many people who have sacrificed their lives. Not counting financial resources, in terms of personnel alone, tens of thousands of people died in this war.

Several senior generals were also killed. Fundamentally speaking, their vitality is also severely damaged. They do not have the financial resources of the World Government. At this time, they can only slowly lick their wounds in the next few years.

In his view, there was no real winner in this war. But it laid a solid foundation for future victories.

The South China Sea is now changing from darkness to light, and its future development will be greatly restricted. But there will also be more opportunities.

The navy is even worse. What they will encounter after returning will be more painful than what they encounter on the battlefield.

At this point in the war, the last thing Noah could do was to give recognition to the revolutionary soldiers. And let the people of the South China Sea completely return to their hearts.

He signaled Bika, who was already quite damaged, to land.

Noah boarded Bika and turned on the communication equipment here.

The war is over.

People of the South China Sea, we have won!


The soldiers of Pioneer Island were chanting.


The anxious people in the South China Sea were shouting.


This one was actually a miserable victory.

The gap in strength is still huge.

The only one injured is the World Government.

The subsequent stage of strategic stalemate is a fair confrontation.

It's National Day tomorrow, so I'll post it early today. I wish everyone a happy National Day.

Also, please support the genuine subscription, I am still just a little bit closer to what I expected.

Thank you thank you.

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