Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 457 Zefa officially joins

Then one day, a jerk breaks into his world and tells him that there are far better ways to make the world a better place than the justice of the Navy.

Then, he fell into the pit.

Now seeing Noah's tired smiling face, the inexplicable resentment has dissipated a lot.

Noah is a guy who has been fighting against the world since he was a teenager.

Carrying the world's greed, doubts, murderous intentions, and misunderstandings to this day.

To a certain extent, he does not have the courage of the other party, nor the persistence of the other party.

It is also an honor to be invited by such outstanding people to join the revolutionary army.

Of course, you still can’t give in. When Noah tried to win over him before, the two people argued fiercely.

It's nothing. Noah, you bastard, you were dragged into the revolutionary army's camp.

Alas, Mr. Zefa, you have chosen the right path. I only played a small role.

The modesty made Zefa want to slap him. It wasn't like this before.

Maybe the expression in this look was too clear, so Noah decisively changed the subject.

Would you like to go to the medical department together to treat your injuries?

Zefa said no need. As for his minor injury, he didn't need it at all.

Okay then, I'm sorry. I also see that I'm quite busy now. I'll let Fujitora come with me later and take you to the rear to feel the enthusiasm of the revolutionary army.

Zefa quickly adjusted his mentality. He now wants to do something to contribute to the path he has chosen.

Let those who don't understand him see that this decision is the right one as soon as possible.

Especially the former navy marshal Zhan who was particularly ruthless.

It doesn't matter. I have joined the Revolutionary Army now. If there is anything you need my help for, just tell me.

Now that Zefa said this, Noah is not polite.

Then I'll ask you two to deal with the giant ice surface and those desert island fragments.

In the top battle, the desert islands near Pioneer Island were horribly destroyed.

Akainu built another volcanic archipelago in the South China Sea. This kind of island is meaningless in the South China Sea and is not even a tourist attraction.

What's terrible is the traces of the battlefield left by Qing Pheasant, there are too many of them.

Large amounts of ice float around Pioneer Island. This caused great difficulties in heading.

There is even a large glacier here where the Green Bull fell. This is the Ice Age where Aoki Pheasant went all out.

Ordinary people can't handle it at all, and staying here is even more of a hindrance. Only people at their level can handle it easily, and this is the best use of their talents.

Zefa and Fujitora are both action-oriented people who set out to work as soon as they can find something to do.

Noah opened the door and returned to the Pioneer Island Fortress.

The rail cars inside the fortress are rapidly transporting the wounded to the medical department.

During this war, the logistics and medical departments were under tremendous pressure.

Soldiers were sent there for treatment at all times. Fortunately, there are internal rail cars, which make transfers faster and safer.

As long as they don't die immediately, they can temporarily retain their breath after being sent there.

Specific and more in-depth treatment awaits follow-up. This is the meaning of battlefield first aid.

Noah came to the medical department and saw that it was very busy and orderly at the same time.

Seriously injured soldiers first receive preliminary first aid, and treatment is completed after their vital signs stabilize.

Soldiers who received initial treatment were transported by rail cars to the sea train and taken to sub-bases along the line for subsequent treatment and recuperation.

The reason why it is running so stably is because Tezog is sitting here with a cane and giving instructions.

Teacher Noah.


Looking at the look on Tezog's body, is this a defeat?

It's not like we're defeated, we're just at a disadvantage. The Vice Admiral at the Navy Headquarters is really strong and balanced in all aspects. If I give him another three years, I can be sure of a tie.

That's right, among your group, your combat power is considered to be very strong. Where are Xiao Feng and the others?

Bonnie is inside using her abilities to assist the medical team in saving lives. Xiao Feng and the others have followed the last sea train to the Resurrection Island to recuperate. This time he encountered the ghost spider again, and still failed miserably, not even dying. Chance.

Terzog said with a sad look on his face.

His friend, out of revenge, looked for the opportunity that Noah specially applied for, but failed to seize it. I really don’t know if this is a good thing.

It's okay, just survive. Have the things in his body been taken out?

It was taken out by Luo.

Well. How is the combat strength in other battlefields?

Terzog made another report.

After hearing this, Noah just felt lucky.

Several masters who were blown away by the waves were also rescued. They all received basic medical treatment and have now been sent to the sea train.

For example, Brooke can almost fit into a box. He didn't know how much milk he could drink to make up for it when he went back.

There are also super giant creatures like Tiger and Neptune, who can only sit on the freight car and follow the train back.

Although their bodies were covered with bandages, at least their lives were saved.

This is the first batch of injured people to be transported, and the second batch is still waiting for the next sea train.


With a snap of Luo's fingers, the operating space disappeared, and his body shook a few times, almost falling to the ground.

Then, Luo pushed Robin out with a tired look on his face.

The fruits of the surgery have been unfolding around the clock for the past two days. The physical exertion is very huge.

And Luo couldn't bear to watch the lives of his comrades passing by in his hands. Basically I didn't close my eyes, and I kept forcing my body to undergo treatment.

This little boy has also made great progress in this war.

The combination of surgical results and medical skills has become more and more skillful.

The person he was treating before was Robin, which is why Noah rushed to the logistics department as soon as possible.

In the war, Kizaru did save his hand. But with the whole world's live broadcast, he couldn't go too far. It can only be said that he left a life.

There were really many wounds, and there was a lot of blood. When it was sent back to the rear, it was also in a more dangerous situation.

However, if the physical condition of the person with the ability to perform surgery allows. It's really hard to want to die.

how's it going?

No problem. I will be able to fully recover after taking a rest for 1 to 2 months.

how about you?

I can handle it completely. By the way, we can ask Doctor Dolly for follow-up treatment. Her level and experience will be of great help to us.

After saying that, Luo returned to the operating room.

Seeing that Robin was fine, a big stone fell in Noah's heart.

Leave it to the care of other medical staff, he has other things to learn about.

Just as he was about to open the door and leave, his body suddenly stiffened, and a figure that made him feel very guilty appeared in his sight.

This is just the beginning, and the new challenges are far more severe than the battle in the South China Sea.

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