Everyone is not a fool. If the fight reaches a certain level, the Navy may really not be able to win.

If time goes back to 12 days ago, everyone thinks that the South China Sea is about to fall into war and be destroyed.

But the direction of the war was beyond everyone's expectation, with many twists and turns.

It seems that the world has become different. If the revolutionary army retains the South China Sea, what changes will there be in the future?

Everyone can't see clearly the future direction. Does the revolutionary army really have a certain chance?

Kobra, who was still in Malinfando, was also greatly stimulated, and the kings also felt threatened.

Their subsequent meetings will probably be even more boring, as the Revolutionary Army will have to be formalized.

Of course, the world government must first solve the problem of the navy. They all could see the disconnect between the Navy and the World Government. And mutual suspicion, which is very fatal to the stability of the sea.

The aftermath of this war is brewing.

As the regular battlefield became indifferent, the battle on the top battlefield became more intense.

Jinbei gritted his teeth and attacked the CP Commander, but Lieutenant General Tsuru's support put him in a tough fight.

The ability to wash fruits is truly unique. A lot of conceptual things can be washed away.

Even anger can be washed away. This makes Jinbei's battle rhythm very unpleasant.

The CP chief took advantage of this opportunity to use his remaining combat power at this level to continuously create threats.

Vice Admiral He is worthy of being a great naval officer, and every support is just right.

The CP commander, who gave Jinbei another blow, felt very comfortable. This was a battle.

But he didn't see the light of wisdom in Lieutenant General He's eyes.

Looking at the CP chief, she had her own plans in mind.

If Zefa had not rebelled and surrendered to the enemy, then CP Chief, a vicious dog, would be really suitable to join the navy.

In this battle, his mentality of taking the lead in making meritorious deeds and paying the certificate of surrender can be used.

Regardless of his knowledge of the World Government, just his combat power is worth a certain amount of compromise.

It's a pity, with Zefa's rebellion. The navy's war on Pioneer Island this time was basically a failure. None of the strategic objectives were accomplished.

Unable to capture the revolutionary army, the South China Sea was not annihilated. The Warring States Period has ignored the orders of the World Government again, and the changes in the navy will become worse than ever.

In order for the Navy not to be targeted more by the World Government, and also for the Warring States Period not to be targeted more.

They always have to make some trade-offs. For example, give up a CP chief.

But if people are actively paying the certificate of nomination now, then giving up directly will be another heavy blow to the reputation of the navy.

Then, I have to rely on her to operate it.

During the battle, Lieutenant General Tsuru used the Washing Fruit to continuously attack Jinbei. But he also quietly did some secret tricks of his own.

For example, there is always a part of Jinbe's anger that will never be washed away emotionally.

Jinbei's anger accumulated more and deeper power in the constant suppression.

Moreover, during the battle, while inflicting superficial injuries on Jinbei, he also cleaned some of the more serious internal injuries on the fishman.

It made Jinbei feel that he might have been blessed by the big bear, which kept his combat effectiveness at a high level.

This is He's arrangement for Jinbei. As for the CP chief, it's more troublesome. After all, he is a strong man who has experienced hundreds of battles, so he must be careful.

She knew that the current ability to maintain combat power was due to the effect of banned drugs. Coincidentally, the washed fruit had an excellent effect on the drug's flushing function.

It doesn't matter if it's positive or negative.

During the fierce battle, the CP commander felt that the murlocs on the opposite side were too tenacious.

He and the navy chief staff officer could not suppress their opponent together, and the opponent continued to fight harder and harder, which is unimaginable.

In order to keep up with his opponent's pace, he had no choice but to keep squeezing his body regardless of overdraft.

I just didn't expect the effects of banned drugs to pass away so quickly. Since he had no experience in this area, he could only blame it on the intensity of the battle and became even more resentful towards Jinbei.

Two people fighting together.

Lieutenant General He, the peripheral assistant, took a look at the battlefield of the Warring States Period, waiting for an opportunity.

An opportunity for closure that would be acceptable to both the Revolutionary Army and the Navy.

Anyway, the war is already defeated in terms of grand strategy, so it is better to use the opportunity of defeat to stabilize the development after the war.

A CP chief can still ease the relationship with the revolutionary army and give the world government a buffer opportunity.

So Noah's idea of ​​​​getting rid of Lieutenant General Crane is correct.

When this woman becomes rational, she is really very rational. Even very cold-blooded.

The battle between Warring States and Zefa over there was really terrifying, both of them had been beaten to a bloody head.

The war between men was so direct. They stopped talking and just kept punching each other. Punch after punch.

But Zefa felt guilty today. No matter how righteous the reasons were behind him, he betrayed his friendship with Warring States and put his old friend into a very passive state.

Although he didn't regret doing it, it would be the same choice again. However, friendship is something that cannot be ignored.

Therefore, his fists are not as strong as before, and even have some weakness.

In this way, in the battle situation, although Zefa was also fighting desperately, he suffered more injuries than Warring States.

Most of the time, he let the Sengoku fists hit him and no longer resisted.

Seeing this scene, Lieutenant General He didn't stop him, and even thought it would be good to give him a dozen.

Men, just type it out. Furthermore, both of these people deserve to be beaten. As long as they don't kill them, they can do whatever they want.

They were all friends for many years, and I didn't even tell her before I lost my mind. A hard-line world government, and a live surrender to the enemy.

These two grandsons were so harmed that she still had to rack her brains to finish them off.

It wasn't until Warring States knocked Zefa flying again and his body was seriously injured that Lieutenant General He understood that it was almost time.

The revolutionary army will not allow Zefa to be more seriously injured. There will be more casualties by then, so just sacrifice one person to end this war.

When the CP chief was fighting Jinbe again, Lieutenant General Tsuru also followed to participate in the siege.

The CP commander is really happy to see his comrades working so hard. Look at their navy, they are united.

Jinbei was a little irritable. This naval staff officer always gave him an uncomfortable feeling.

Murloc Karate. Mystery. Hit the water!

A sea current rose from the sea and hit it at an extremely fast speed.

General Hezhong first poured his fruit power into the coat of justice behind him, and then waved his coat to continuously weaken the impact of the sea water.

The exploding currents splashed into this sea area. Here there is another trace of the ability to wash the fruit, which is hidden under the sea water and falls on the two people outside.

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