Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 453 Green Pheasant, O'Hara, South China Sea

Noah dodged left and right, and it took him two attempts to find the opportunity to speak.

It didn't happen before, but now it does. Also, I am a navy and you are a revolutionary army. Don't act like you are familiar with them.

He gathered the cold air on his right arm and released an ice bird to fly towards Noah.

Ice cubes violent pheasant mouth!

Using swordsmanship to split the oncoming ice bird, Noah was a little unsure of what the man in front of him was thinking.

Kuzan was very angry at this moment. Noah dared to drag Teacher Zefa into the revolutionary army camp.

When it was broadcast live around the world, it was on top of the South China Sea War. There is no turning back from this operation.

For a moment, Kuzan lost control of his emotions. It was so sad that his respected teacher had betrayed the navy camp where he had lived all his life.

It also made Aokiji waver in the navy's belief in justice.

After adjusting, Noah kept up with his opponent's fighting rhythm.

Do you trust your teacher Zefa? Have you ever doubted his justice? Do you think he has done anything wrong?

Noah felt that Aokiji was in a state of hurt belief at this time, so he could try to say something harsh. Decisively turn on the rhetorical question mode.

Can you tell your conscience that a peaceful world like the South China Sea is not worth protecting?

If all the revolutionary troops are killed, don’t you understand what will happen to the South China Sea?

Finally, have you forgotten about the O'Hara fire?

Noah's sword moves became sharper with his words.

On the scene, Aokiji seemed to be suppressing Noah, but in fact it was the admiral who was in defeat at this moment.

O'Hara South China Sea

Aokiji is indeed not as firm in consciousness and thought as Akainu, because he values ​​humanity very much. He still retains the kindness of ordinary people.

After the life essence of the general level gradually surpasses that of ordinary humans, there will also be a certain transformation in mentality.

You will have a clearer understanding of your true heart.

Noah’s question just now, each question has its own answer. But every answer goes against the Navy's position.

He felt like he was back in that night in 1502. Still the same annoying brat. After all these years, I still haven’t recognized the answer in my heart.

The irritated Qing Pheasant continued to hit hard, and the air of frost froze glaciers one after another on the battlefield.

He doesn't want to talk. But Noah wouldn't let this opportunity pass him by.

Because from now on, the world government will conduct very strict monitoring of all levels of the navy, especially the general level and senior levels.

Finding another opportunity to talk is extremely rare and the price to pay is extremely high.

Have you read the book I wrote? Mr. Kuzan. I have been practicing the ideas in the book for so many years.

It is so naive, so simple, so black and white, so divorced from reality.

But in fact, in the South China Sea, people live a very simple life, very black and white, but very realistic.

Aoki responded with a frozen time capsule, which directly froze Noah's right hand.

After shattering the ice in his hand, Noah felt that his combat power had dropped a lot.

There were too many plans during this period, and my energy was exhausted. This is directly reflected in the fact that the use of Haki is not as smooth as before, and he has to practice it again after the war.

Now we still need to persist, Aokiji has already wavered.

Do you know why General Zefa chose to stand up and help us at such a critical moment?

Because he is not helping us, but countless ordinary people in the South China Sea.

He had been to the South China Sea and brought the new soldiers with him. He had truly seen how the people here lived after the order that had been in place for hundreds of years was changed.

In Nanhai, everyone can live a good life as long as they work hard.

Isn’t it very simple? It’s that simple, but it’s not ridiculous that it can’t be done in the outside world.

Qingzhi didn't laugh, and punched him. Noah caught him and punched him back, but he didn't dodge.

“People will not be exploited, they will not be oppressed, their wives will not be separated from their families, and there are no slaves here.

Everyone has dignity. The children all have their own smiling faces.

Do you think this new world is good?

After a few more punches, Aokiji was now attacking with physical skills and Haki, just to fight in the most direct way.

Noah sensed his opponent's determination and risked his life to accompany him.

No matter what happens to General Zefa, he has the courage to choose the future.

He saw the true face of the World Government early on. I also understood the powerlessness and weakness of the navy.

These are all problems at the root, and the Navy cannot erase its roots.

You are a knife and a weapon in the hands of the world government. It is a tool to help them rule the sea.

The biggest mistake of tools is that you have the heart to distinguish between good and evil, and what is righteous.

But the person holding the weapon is the opposite of you. The rift between you will get bigger as time goes on.

The future at sea is not just between us and the Navy. It's not just the conflict between pirates and the navy.

As an admiral, you can look up 800 years of history when you go back. Look at the only lesson humanity has learned from history is that no lessons have been learned from history.

Qingzhi's expression was a little strange at this time.

Do you still want me to betray the navy? Why don't you give me a mission?

“It’s not about issuing tasks, but it’s about showing you the nature of world government.

The Warring States Marshal should know a little bit, but he has his own ideas and thoughts.

He feels that by locking ordinary people in a cage and making sure everyone makes no mistakes, it can continue forever.

But no intelligent life would accept such an arrangement. This is against human nature, so his strategy is destined to fail.

Even if there is no revolutionary army, there will be other armies that will rise up to resist such power rule.

In the real world, there is no God, no Creator, and no natural ruler.

I can only give you a few clues and let you investigate on your own. This way you will be more able to believe the truth instead of me telling you.

Qingzhi didn't say anything, so Noah took it as his acquiescence.

A few words were spoken to him in a hushed voice during the battle. and those few unique locations.

After hearing this, Kuzan was a little surprised. He didn't understand why Noah knew so much about this. As a naval admiral, he didn't know much about some of the secret information of the World Government.

Then the two continued to fight. Having said so much, it was basically enough. Any more will be counterproductive and make Aoki Pheasant feel rebellious.

Noah is also fighting his final battle.

Everyone is waiting for an end time.

The world broadcast has stopped, and the screen goes black very suddenly.

When Zefa stood on the other side, the navy cut off the information before everyone could learn more.

Everyone can only guess in their own hearts. But even so, everyone in the world was shocked

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