Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 452 Kizaru, do you want to change jobs?

For Kizaru asked this question. Noah didn't feel weird either.

The connection between the three generals and Zefa was obviously not as close as the Warring States Period, and some things and rumors were suppressed by the Warring States Period.

I may have heard some of his remarks more or less, but I didn't expect them to be serious enough to break up on the spot in front of the whole world.

“Because General Zefa has the same sense of justice as ordinary people.

This idea is incompatible with the Navy.

You all have your own justice, but the justice of ordinary people has always been ignored. General Zefa only saw it, after all, he has always maintained it.

Noah pointed out with bloodshed.

The Warring States Period clearly believed that the world seen by their navy and some senior officials was the world.

And ignore the most ordinary people in the world. It also ignores the determination of ordinary people to yearn for a happy life.

Our starting point is from the grassroots level. The revolutionary army knows better what most people want.

Therefore, our views and those of General Zefa have been very close from the beginning. It can be regarded as a natural compatibility.

Now that General Zefa has stepped forward, I can tell you directly.

We have known each other since 1506. In fact, I don’t have that much contact in private, probably about the same as you.

When Noah took Zefa as an example to him, Kizaru was also frightened and his heart jumped.

He is just a 9-to-5 office worker. This kind of job-hopping thing is really impossible to do without great determination.

Seeing that Kizaru did not answer the question. Noah also smiled mysteriously, Zefa had the same attitude at the beginning.

That's probably what happened next. After all, the words like-minded are not that simple.

This battle gave me a lot of inspiration. I have a new book called How Steel Was Tempered.

It will take about half a year to a year to go back and refine it. Then I will send you a copy and treat it as an ordinary novel to pass the time.

Let's forget it, I'm really afraid of being dragged into the water by you.

Just think of the Navy as a job. When one job cannot satisfy you both materially and spiritually, it's not a bad thing to change to another one.

Besides, you don’t have to change immediately, you always have to consider the external market environment, right?

This is very interesting to say, at least Kizaru can accept this setting.

Huh? Aren't you asking about Teacher Zefa? Why did we talk about wanting to change jobs?

This bastard is really poisonous!

In the midst of the massive fight of light and shadow, the two of them chatted for a few words while fighting. It was obvious that they were not serious people.

Now most people, including the top brass of the Navy, know that this war is actually coming to an end.

Zefa's rebellion brought great blow and destruction to the morale of the naval camp.

Directly reflected in the Pioneer Island Fortress.

The offense and aggressiveness of the Navy's Vice Admirals and other generals have been greatly reduced.

Such fighting spirit and attack rhythm are already within the range that the revolutionary army can bear.

If nothing unexpected happens, the war on the ordinary battlefield is basically over.

When the navy's offensive nature declined, the revolutionary army did not launch a counterattack.

After two days and one night of fighting, the physical fitness of ordinary soldiers on both sides has dropped to a certain level. Even if the offense is rotated, there is a sense of mental exhaustion.

It's different from modern warfare. War in the world of One Piece usually determines the outcome within a few days.

One is that there are not many people participating. There are probably only a few hundred thousand people in this decisive battle on Pioneer Island. There may be more participants from the Revolutionary Army, but most of them are support personnel.

The second is that the war locations are relatively concentrated near an island, and the battle line is not long. In particular, there are basically no naval battles with the navy. Not even the revolutionary army dared. The gap is huge.

Third, there were no weapons of mass destruction that ordinary people could control before in the One Piece world. Bika can't even be considered conventional. Its power source and weapon system are both unique and extraordinary systems.

Just at the Pioneer Island Fortress and the sub-battlefield near the fortress. Mainly based on top masters, supplemented by ordinary people's wars.

This war actually goes against the normal state of war in the sea for hundreds of years. The high specifications, massive combat power, and powerful technological creations are all unprecedented.

The final ending of this current battle, according to Dahai's practice, must end with a vigorous battle between top players.

No matter how angry Warring States was, it was of no use and he could only have a fierce fight with Zefa.

Seeing the crazy fighting between Warring States and Zefa. Noah also somewhat understands Sengoku’s thoughts.

The Navy lost too much in this battle. In addition to the lives of soldiers, there is also the trust of the world government.

The navy marshal disobeys the orders of the World Government and wants to capture the revolutionary army. He even bet on the position of marshal.

The former navy admiral surrendered to the enemy in front of the enemy, sabotaging the final deployment of the navy with his own life. Let this war end in an unexpected way.

It is normal to have grievances during the Warring States Period. His resentment almost reached the sky.

The harder he fights now, the more determined he will be able to prove when he returns to Marigio.

Noah and Kizaru fought for a long time. The two had a perfect understanding and full of special effects.

During this period, they also communicated in low voices, becoming more and more harmonious.

Of course, after fighting for a while, Noah decided to change his opponent.

He wanted to communicate with more people when the war was over.

For example, with General Qing Pheasant.

Polusalino, you haven't fought against Fujitora of our revolutionary army yet. Do you want to switch opponents and get a feel for it?

Kizaru's eyes revealed a hint of speechlessness.

You bastard. You really don't miss every opportunity. You really think I don't know what you are thinking~

But for some reason, he decided to give up this easy fishing battle and help Noah.

If you want to dig deeper into the reason, he thinks that the working atmosphere in Nanhai is very good. This kind of thing has reached this level, so he just wants to help.

What if.

The two of them fought and fought until they reached the battlefield of Aoki Fujitora, and then Kizaru made a very obvious move to sneak attack Fujitora.

The revolutionary army shall die! The eight-foot magatama!

Countless fiber optic skills are covered here.

Fujitora felt that such an exaggerated sneak attack was a bit confusing, but he understood it after hearing Noah's suggestive voice.

Gravity Knife. Tiger!

Kizaru and Fujitora left here while fighting.

Noah was left to meet General Aoki Pheasant head-on.

The exchange between the two opponents was completed in an instant.

After Qingzhi saw his opponent turned into Noah, he frowned and said nothing, but the cold air on his body became even colder.

Ice cube Two Thorns Spear!

He pulled out a frozen spear from the vapor in the air and killed it without thinking.

The intensity and frequency of attacks instantly increased to the level of a life-and-death battle.

The sudden outburst caused Noah, who was unprepared, to retreat step by step.

General Qing Pheasant, is there any hatred between us?

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