As everyone knows, Noah's words were not meant for the Warring States Period, nor were they meant for the three generals.

None of them are being fought over.

There is such a person in the navy who is closely related to the Revolutionary Army, or to Noah.

Almost every step of Noah's early stages was helped by that person.

He even knows a lot about the South China Sea and likes it very much. He feels that the future here is a template for the world.

After hearing what Warring States said, this man finally couldn't help it anymore.

Zefa went out alone and slowly walked towards Noah.

The phone bug photographed from a distance faithfully records everything.

No one in the world expected that the first person to take action against the revolutionary army would be Chief Instructor Zefa, who had no sense of presence throughout the process.

With the addition of top combat forces in good condition, victory is already close at hand.

Although the revolutionary army has created a great momentum, it is a pity.

The navy is still the strongest armed force on the sea.

Seeing Zefa stand up, Zeng Guo's pupils shrank and his eyes were instantly bloodshot.

I was even a little scared inside. Zefa is too simple, his world is always black and white, and justice is also very simple.

Such people are particularly easy to take advantage of, especially the theories of the Revolutionary Army.

There were some signs before, such as the first major Marie Joa incident.

Also, he was stationed in the South China Sea before and after the establishment of the South China Sea Federation. It is difficult to say that the entire fall of the Nanhai Naval Branch had nothing to do with Zefa.

Zefa, follow my orders and attack again.


Warring States' low roar did not stop Zefa, but made him move forward firmly.

He slowly walked to Noah's side, then turned to face the navy.

What does this mean? !

Audiences all over the world were shocked. Could it be that General Zefa lost his mind?

His actions had a greater impact on the generals who were still in the South China Sea.

Most of the direct generals of the Navy Headquarters came out of the recruit training camp, including many lieutenant generals.

Their every word to Teacher Zefa represents great respect.

Even Kizaru, who was always disliked, respected him.

Therefore, Zefa's position puzzled everyone.

Teacher Zefa, now is not the time to joke~~

Teacher Zefa, pay attention to your identity!

Teacher Zefa, come back.

The three generals were stunned, but they still spoke in the hope of ending the 'farce' of this position.

However, the other side remained unmoved.

Lieutenant General He suddenly felt like it had happened.

She and Warring States had guessed before that Zefa had a close relationship with the revolutionary army.

That book, and the message. and reports on the South China Sea.

There are various signs that Zefa is, to some extent, close to the ideas of the Revolutionary Army, which is a very dangerous signal.

This battle in the South China Sea was so sensitive that the Warring States Period only dared to let Zefa manage logistics.

Unexpectedly, something happened.

Zefa, do you know what this means?

It means you became a traitor to the navy!

Warring States suppressed his emotions and tried to control his volume, not wanting to be heard by the camera bug.

Why not a righteous traitor?

This retort made Warring States completely disappointed. His old friend could not come back.

Zefa stood beside Noah, with countless things he wanted to say in his heart. He has been suffering on the home front for a long time.

Warring States, tell me what crimes ordinary people in Nanhai have committed!

They have not violated the order established by you. They have never done anything against the order.

It's even very peaceful here. There are very few pirates.

Why are you launching the demon-slaying order against Yihai? Do you know how many people will die!

Noah's previous words finally ignited Zefa's years of dissatisfaction and resentment.

At this moment, he realized that there was no justice at all under the rule of the World Government.

As long as it can be ruled stably, it will be like this in another thousand years.

This was unacceptable to him.

He sees the development of the South China Sea in his eyes. If it continues to develop, it will be a country that can only appear in his dreams.

Now that there is hope, why continue to maintain the previous broken ship?

Warring States was furious and no longer concealed it.

“Zefa, you know that your actions today betrayed us all.

Are you worthy of the naval soldiers who died on this battlefield? Many of them were trained by you.

Zefa's face was full of pain.

I know. They died here because of an unjust war.

This war started out wrong. We cannot sacrifice the lives of the entire South China Sea people for the so-called order.

Because what is replaced is not order. It's fear, it's domination, it's power.

Not justice.

Zefa's roar also caused Warring States to explode.

Zefa, you are a sinner of the navy.

Warring States, you are the sinner of the navy. You are also the sinner of the South China Sea.

The break between the two old friends caused great panic and confusion in the navy.

Sengoku was the Admiral of the Navy, after he took over the Navy.

The development of the navy advanced at a rapid pace. It can be regarded as the idol worshiped by most of the navy.

Zefa, on the other hand, does not kill generals, has a good reputation at sea, and is also the chief instructor of the navy. He brought out countless elites and backbones of the navy under his command. His reputation is not inferior to that of the Warring States Period.

Such scenes quickly weakened the Navy's fighting spirit.

Zefa said the last sentence happily

“Also, the people of Nanhai have the final say as to whether Nanhai’s life is going well or not.

Whether most people in the world are living well or not is their own decision. Who is in charge of the world government?

My justice is the justice of ordinary people on the sea.

The pent-up energy of so many years was released, and Zefa felt that his life had become easier. From then on, he only fought for everyone's happy life.

Zefa, former admiral of the navy and chief instructor of the navy, surrendered to the enemy on the battlefield.

In front of the whole world, he slapped the navy hard.

The consequences are very serious.

Warring States understood the moment when Zefa walked out. The navy was defeated.

The naval split played out in front of the whole world made him lose face.

It also makes it impossible to regain the majesty of the world government.

His heart was too tired. In order to take down the revolutionary army, he had chosen to fight against the orders of the World Government.

The result was given by Zefa.

It used to be seven versus four, but now it's six versus five. The combat power is a bit close. It won't be available for a few days.

Alas, with the character of the Warring States Period, there is a feeling that fate is playing tricks on people.

Everyone looked at Warring States, wondering whether they should fight or not.

Fight! Zefa, come and fight!

The two started fighting.

At this time, it is no longer possible to fight without fighting. The whole world has seen what Zefa has done. If the navy is not tougher, the sea will be completely chaotic.

There is no way to submit a message to the world government.

At the same time, there was also the Warring States period's desire to kill Zefa.

Others also picked their opponents and started fighting again.

Aokiji vs Fujitora.

Akainu VS Dragon.

Kizaru VS Noah.

CP chief, Tsuru VS Jinbe.

But the rhythm of the battle is no longer so urgent.

Except for the two groups of Ryuu and Jinbe who were killing extremely fiercely, the other two groups were fighting normally.

Porusalino, thank you very much. I will give you some books in the future.

No, it's best for you to stay away from me in the future. And how did you do that, Mr. Zefa?

Everyone, I’m coded yellow.

It took half a day to deal with this matter.

You have to go to a designated location for testing, there are many people.

It was like this for the next few days.

That’s all for today, I’m sorry.

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