Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 450 Resignation as Marshal

Marshal of the Warring States Period, so courageous.

Even though he was an enemy, Noah still gave him a high evaluation.

Sure enough, people with domineering colors will not be so obedient.

But have you really considered the consequences?

This sentence shows the huge casualties that the revolutionary army will bring to the navy, and also implies that even if the navy wins, it will not end well.

Warring States replied very seriously.

Alas, it was my dereliction of duty to allow your revolutionary army to grow up to this point. So after this battle, I will resign as marshal of the navy.

I would rather give up the position of marshal.

There is no such thing as a shock. Noah just felt that he was truly worthy of being a wise general and chose a retreat for himself.

This time he openly defied the World Government, and it seemed that it would be more honorable for him to voluntarily resign as marshal.

Considering the prestige of the Warring States Period in the past, the World Government could not go any further.

The three generals were a little surprised by this for a while, but they accepted it after they came to their senses.

This is by far the best way to finish.

The retired Sengoku is also the top combat force within the navy and will not be given up easily, but he will not be given any more power.

The CP chief didn't look so good, and his thighs soon became less thick due to his feelings.

But now there is only one way to go.

Noah pondered for a moment.

To encircle and kill us, the navy must lose at least two people.

This is true.

If the navy wants to conquer Pioneer Island in one battle, Noah and the others can still take away two top combat forces if they risk their lives.

As for who to take away.

Akainu must be taken away.

With the behavior of this cold-blooded guy, Nanhai's demon-slaying order will definitely be implemented very thoroughly. In order for more people to survive, Akainu must die.

The second thing is that he became a navy marshal in the original work, and the world government is very optimistic about him.

After the Warring States Period stepped down, if the three generals were promoted internally, the probability of Akainu being promoted was really high.

Even if the South China Sea War fails, the revolutionary army still has firepower left in other sea areas. For future development, it will be difficult to fight a tough opponent.

Finally, there is hatred.

Ryuu and Noah's hatred for Akainu.

Who will be taken away second?

Noah glanced at the people except Sengoku.

The Warring States Period was excluded. After this incident, it was a good thing for the resistance forces that he returned to Malinfando alive.

The World Government's fear of Sengoku will not relax as he leaves office, it will just become more secretive.

With the wisdom and responsibility of the Warring States Period, it is natural that he will not destroy the world structure he has built, but the world government will not think so. This is a source of civil strife.

Kizaru, for his own sake, didn't kill Robin, and Noah couldn't kill him either.

Who would hurt someone who knows how to mess around? And it is difficult for those with flash fruit ability.

Qing Pheasant, Noah's ideal successor to the marshal. Principled and kind. It is a pity that too little has been done to disseminate his thoughts. It is a pity.

The CP chief will be a useless person from now on. If he completes two goals, he can be taken away to avenge the bear, but the main target cannot be him.

It's not that Noah is cold-blooded, but this is the last swan song of the revolutionary army, and the two most valuable people must be taken away.

Then only Lieutenant General He was left.

A veteran navy man with extraordinary wisdom, strength, and many methods. The most important thing is that he is a rational general just like the Warring States Period.

The more such people are, the greater threat they will pose to the future revolutionary army.

When everyone saw Noah's eyes fixed on Lieutenant General He, they understood what he was thinking.

Crane was still calm, as if Noah's murderous intention was not directed at her.

If the Warring States Period were to concentrate their forces to sweep away the revolutionary army in a short period of time, sacrifices would be inevitable.

As for whether he was the one who died, Lieutenant General He just wanted to say that he would not know until he was beaten.

She has experienced no less life and death crises over the years than Warring States and Zefa, and she has long been mentally prepared.

I have a hunch that this is the last chance to encircle you, so any price is acceptable. Even if I die here.

Warring States made a decision that seemed very willful.

After being forced into a desperate situation, the navy temporarily unified its thinking.

After paying so much, the revolutionary army must be destroyed this time.

In the future, as long as the navy unites as one and removes constraints, there will be no ground for the existence of a revolutionary army.

And Noah looked around, looked at the battlefield, and felt that he might really have reached the end this time.

That's it again.

Life is like a circle.

The Great Fire of 1502 was just like this, besieged on all sides and doomed.

The memory is still fresh in his mind.

The civilian transport ship was sunk, all the scholars on the island were executed, and the huge tree of omniscience slowly fell.

Is the South China Sea about to follow in O'Hara's footsteps?

No! There is another chance.

When I was in O'Hara, I survived even though I was so weak, just like I did then.

Looking at the person opposite, there is only a glimmer of hope!

Warring States, after we die in the battle, where will the people in the South China Sea be?

Will he survive?

I heard that you said in Marineland that you would ask the World Government to cancel the South China Sea Demon Slaughter Order.

What now?

Or will you sacrifice yourself for your justice?

This question made the people in the navy somewhat silent.

After returning from the Warring States Period, he would only be fired from his position as Navy Marshal and would be subject to the strictest surveillance. He would definitely not be able to fulfill this kind of thing of winning people's hearts.

Even if others wanted to stop it, the entire navy was under suspicion at this time, so they couldn't do anything.

Warring States' killing intent was boiling at this moment, which directly showed the bottom line of what he could accept.

Compared to the entire sea, sacrificing one South China Sea can maintain the order of the sea. It is worth it.

It was my decision. If they hate me, so be it.

Noah's anger suddenly rose, and he couldn't bear to hear this.

Why do I hate you? Do I condemn you morally? Or should I resurrect and go to Marineventor to kill you?

He's just an old guy immersed in his own emotions. He even feels that he has guaranteed the peace of the sea.

Peace is based on humanity.

I don't want to solve the problem, I don't want to fundamentally solve the conflicts on the sea, I always want to solve the people who caused the problem.

Today there is a South China Sea, and in the future there will be an East China Sea. Can we kill them all?

After saying this, the three generals all had some ideas.

Kizaru and Aoki did not quite agree with Sengoku's decision, but as the navy, they obeyed orders even more.

What Akainu was thinking was that it would be nice if he killed Noah earlier before the incident in the South China Sea.

Sensing the wavering of the people around him, Warring States decided to start a war directly without any further rebuttal.

Revolutionary Army, no matter what you say, Pioneer Island will be destroyed here today. As for justice, history will prove it for me.

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