Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 449 Why does the Warring States Period have a domineering look!

The Green Bull was an accident. The Revolutionary Army basically dumped all the high-tech and tactics of the entire army on him, so he was not besieged and killed by the three Brooks, but by the Revolutionary Army.

The only breakthrough point now is where Kizaru fights Robin.

Robin was exhausted and suffered serious injuries all over his body. Otohime was also a little distracted, and her resonance of seeing, hearing, and sex was about to exceed the limits of her body.

Just a little bit closer and you can win. As long as Kizaru's combat power is liberated, a series of linkage reactions will be formed to activate the high-level combat power of the Navy, and the end of the Revolutionary Army will come!

However, the World Government asked him to withdraw his troops, and his heart was filled with unwillingness and grief.

He knows that the Five Old Stars are capable of resisting any enemy, and he also knows that the World Government is more than what it seems.

However, at such a critical moment, they still chose to sacrifice the navy's efforts and ignore those naval officers who died in the South China Sea.

So what is the justice they preached before setting off? This is breaking the backbone of the navy.

Such a price was too unbearable for the Warring States Period.

Emotions are almost unabashedly displayed on his face.

Seeing the wrong look in Sengoku's eyes, Noah guessed whether his plan was successful?

Otherwise, Sengoku wouldn't have such a look in his eyes. The World Government must have ordered him to withdraw his troops.

Who. I didn’t expect that this time, I could rely on luck to survive the disaster.

The final decision was actually successful, beyond Noah's imagination.

Every step of the plans he left for Bucky were very, very difficult, full of thorns and suffering.

It's considered hell difficulty.

Even if he does it himself, the likelihood of success is low.

Not to mention there will be a lot of variables and surprises.

But I didn't expect Bucky to use his own efforts and firm determination to complete the task.

Is there really such an unreasonable thing as overlord luck in this world?

At this moment, Noah has been paying close attention to Seng Guo's expression.

But the more he looked at it, the more wrong he became. Why did the Warring States Period's expression change from sadness and anger to reflection, and then to a fearless expression? What happened?

Cyborg Sora on the other end of the phone bug was still urging Sengoku to hurry up and let Kizaru come back first. Mariejoia's side needed the support of top combat forces.

I'm sorry, Commander-in-Chief.

Cyborg Kong didn't understand the meaning of this sentence.

But Noah at the scene probably knew.

But, is the Admiral really that crazy?

His heart was filled with panic, as if things were heading in a direction that was very unfavorable to the revolutionary army.

Warring States, what are you going to do!

Exercise naval justice!

After saying that, Warring States actually hung up the phone. At this moment, Noah's heart felt downright cold.

No matter how many times I calculated, I never thought of a commander who was always cautious in doing things.

A naval marshal who knows balance and compromise, and a wise general in the navy. At the last moment, he actually made a decision contrary to the World Government's decision.


The overlord color of the Warring States Period makes sense.


During the Warring States Period, golden light rose into the sky.

There was a violent roar high in the sky.

All the generals gather here.

not good!

Sengoku saw that Kizaru was about to win and didn't want to delay any longer. Begin your strategy to break away from Noah's battlefield segmentation.

The core of this strategy is the willingness of both parties to cooperate.

Now with the death of the Green Bull, everything is about to change dramatically.

The World Government has already turned its back on the navy that went out to fight. At this moment, Sengoku and the others don't have much time left.

They must achieve astonishing results before the World Government issues more retreat orders in order to gain support at the general level.

The navy's combat literacy is indeed high. Kizaru, Aokiji, and Akainu immediately gave up on the opponents in front of them and rushed over immediately.

Even the CP chief came back at the cost of one hand.

A group of people gathered together, waiting for the Warring States Period's dispatch.

Alas, I really didn’t expect that.

At this time, Noah had no choice but to bring together the top combat forces of the revolutionary army.

Now there are only four people left: him, Fujitora, Ryuu, and Jinbei.

Other non-general level combatants have been dragged away for treatment, including Robin, whose body was limp on the ground and covered in blood.

The navy has 5 general-level combat forces, and will not give Noah any chance to divide or formulate a strategy. Is this a frontal breakthrough?

This is not enough.

Warring States looked at Lieutenant General He. Lieutenant General He came over.

Then he yelled to the back: Zefa!

Zefa sighed. He didn't want to come, but he was in the navy.

Noah is really helpless, the navy is too powerful. There were actually seven more top combatants gathered.

Seven against four, the revolutionary army's life and death crisis has arrived.

At this time, Noah was at the end of his rope and could no longer come up with any strategies. The opponent was crushing him with his majestic size.

The scene of a phone hanging on a news bird going live was broadcast around the world.

Those who originally expected the revolutionary army seemed to have been beaten. This navy is too strong.

Bulu Bulu, Bulu Bulu

It was Lieutenant General He's top-secret phone that rang. She didn't answer it, but looked at Sengoku.

With her wisdom, she guessed what must have happened when the Warring States period was so abnormal.

After thinking about it, she still answered. She didn't answer. The three generals also had this phone bug, and finally the CP chief would answer.

Get on the phone bug.

After the call was connected, the furious voice of Cyborg Kong was heard.

Help me tell Warring States to withdraw immediately from the headquarters, and all general-level combat forces will go to Marigioa as soon as possible!

Also, let Warring States do a good job with the Five Old Stars!


A shock wave exploded the phone bug.

Warring States retracted his palm and faced the horrified eyes of CP Director and others.

The Revolutionary Army will definitely be a real thorn in the side of the world from now on. There is no need to worry about Mariejoia.

This is our only chance to destroy the revolutionary army.

Everyone persists for one more day. Regardless of success or failure, we will retreat.

After speaking, he looked at the CP Director with terrifying eyes.

If you want to leave, leave now. If you don't leave, you only have this chance.

But the other party didn't leave. The CP chief understood that he had used banned drugs in this war and would fall to the level of a general when he returned.

People without value will not be reused by the world government. Knowing too much may even lead to death.

As a person who walks in the dark, he knows very well how the world government operates in private. After all, that's what he does.

Now I have to hug the navy's thigh tightly. Sengoku is so domineering, maybe he will have other ideas.

At this time, he had completely fallen over the Navy's side.

Lieutenant General He looked at the corpse of the phone bug and sighed helplessly.

Warring States, this guy has always been full of wisdom, but people who have practiced to the general level are more or less sick.

The navy at the same time still knew how crazy he was deep down.

It seems that the only thing left to do now is to kill the revolutionary army.

Selfishly speaking, any difficulties or terrible things that Mariejoia encounters now will have no impact on the navy, and may even be beneficial.

What they did was also a righteous act of publicity for 10 days.

With the size of the navy, the World Government would not be able to do anything extreme to them even immediately afterwards.

In the future, there will be various stories between Mary Joa and Malinfando.

This is the sea, impermanent.

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