Starting from pirates and burning the world

A million-word message, happy!

This is my first novel in my life, and it took me almost half a year to write it.

I have written one million words today.

This is a milestone record for me.

So I was very careful in sending my remarks right after I crossed the line.

Writing a novel is something that happens in a flash of your mind, and you often regret it over and over again. ,

Especially when you are very busy at work.

I have to be reminded of updates every day and scolded by readers.

To be honest, I thought about giving up, but I always got pulled back magically.

For example, during my free period, I once wrote something that I didn’t want to write anymore, so I received a tip from a big brother.

Saddox, 20,000 points.

I thought I had seen it wrong at the time, but when I saw it, it turned out to be true.

At that time, my blood was burning and I continued to write.

Although he seems to stop reading the novels I wrote, I am still very grateful to him.

Then at the end of May, because I was going back to my hometown, I didn’t have the equipment to code, and I really couldn’t code on my mobile phone.

As a result, the editor said that it would be put on the shelves.


It's on the shelves. Let's have a hard time with ourselves. Was pulled back again.

It feels like my phone screen has been smashed. On the day it was released, I made five updates, wrote and published one chapter, and didn’t sleep all day.

Finally, I kept writing, and kept writing, and I wrote 500,000 words, 800,000 words, and finally reached one million words.

This word count is like a threshold. Once you cross it, you will feel comfortable.

Thanks to my readers who have supported me along the way.

It was only after writing a novel that I realized how difficult this profession is.

Kevin, the plot is stretched, too watery, too dry, and the emotions are not in place.

These are all problems encountered in writing.

Work, entertainment, socializing, illness.

This is also an inevitable obstacle in a writing career.

So when you see the authors who keep updating, you should pay more attention to them. It’s really not easy.

So, come and bless me.

I also wish you all good health and happiness every day.

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