Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 448 The direction of the war has been rewritten?

I was forced by the people on the sea to let the revolutionary army go in order to save world peace.

The Revolutionary Army has always flaunted its ideals, so let's connect them with pirates.

We don't need to teach you how to do it specifically.

Cyborg thought about it for a moment, he was indeed the black hand who had controlled the sea for a long time, and he had one move after another.

Although I'm sorry for the Warring States period. But Marie Joa is the core of the world.

Pull out the phone bug.

Warring States, the whole army retreats.


The highest order from the World Government, all troops withdraw to headquarters.


The four emperors joined forces to attack Mariejoia, and the generals rushed back to the Red Earth Continent as soon as possible.

Wulao Xing can block it. Give me one more day.

No, this is an order!

I'm sorry, Commander-in-Chief.

Warring States, what are you going to do!

Exercise naval justice!

Click, the phone was hung up.

The expressions of Wulaoxing and Cyborg Kong completely changed at this time.

Cyborg Kong didn't expect that the order would expire at this time, and what this meant.

Sure enough, Wu Laoxing's expression was very terrifying, and there was no longer concealed murderous intent in his eyes.

What they were most worried about appeared, and the navy led by Sengoku completely lost control.

This is an event more terrifying than the Revolutionary Army and the Pirate Alliance.

The navy has always been the strongest armed force on the sea.

He has been under the jurisdiction of the World Government before, but now he is willing to disobey military orders in order to enforce justice.

Then in the future, can we attack the Holy Land for the sake of justice?

Sengoku. He may just not want the naval officers to die in vain.

Although Cyborg Kong was also furious, he still said a good word for Warring States.

As a former marshal of the navy, he quite recognized the management of the navy during the Warring States Period.

Moreover, Wulaoxing’s murderous intention just now fluctuated too obviously.

After Zaikong finished speaking, Wu Laoxing restrained his murderous intent, as if nothing had happened.

Go and talk to the pirates, and also tell them that we have ordered the navy to withdraw. If they don't leave, they will be surrounded and killed here.

At this time, the Five Old Stars no longer cared about the Pirate Alliance that much, so they quickly dismissed it.

Their enemy in the follow-up is likely to be the navy marshal.


Warring States, I can't help you this time.

When everyone in the Pirate Alliance saw Cyborg walking back, but the Five Old Stars were still standing in the distance, they understood that the World Government should have made a decision.

This is still a decision that cannot be made by the highest level.

Red-haired Shanks can go and rub the text of history, and the others will withdraw from the Red Earth Continent.


Cyborg Kong said this. The aunt was very unhappy, and others were not very accepting.

Why can redheads go but we can't? Isn't this discriminating against pirates?

This is the last concession from the World Government. Don't be ungrateful.

Bucky was about to raise his hand and ask if he could go.

You can't go!

Cyborg Kong directly refused without waiting for Rayleigh to stop him.

Everyone now thinks that this clown is a lunatic. If he enters Mariejoia, who knows what will happen.

The red-haired man had long wanted to end this farce, and it was really uncomfortable to wander back and forth between life and death.

So he took the initiative to stand up and agreed to the decision and guaranteed it. The printed historical text will definitely be distributed equally to everyone who participates.

Everyone in the Cross Guild agreed. Anyway, the main purpose of their coming up was really not this.

Most of the people present didn't care much about this thing. They all had other needs, so they all agreed.

Whitebeard came up for the future situation of the pirates and the future retreat for his sons.

Hawkeye came to see if the information given by this guy Noah was true. Now that he has met the real owner, he is naturally satisfied.

Others have more or less achieved their goals, except for getting the navy back.

Bucky wanted to find another source of provocation.

As a result, Cyborg Kong took the initiative to speak out.

The world government is going to crusade against the revolutionary army this time, so it gives you a chance.

We have recalled the navy. The generals will be back one after another in half a day at most. If you don't leave, you don't have to leave!

Oops, this.


Bucky almost laughed out loud. This step was done so naturally. He is definitely the hero who saves the revolutionary army, saves the South China Sea, and saves the world!

When the Pirate Alliance saw that this trip was successfully completed, they naturally wanted to leave as soon as possible. It would be too scary to stay here for too long.

They have not forgotten the terrifying enemy at the beginning.

Even Hawkeye supports the retreat, as his swordsmanship still needs to be practiced.

Okay, Shanks, go ahead and go to the meeting early.

Okay, everyone wait for me.

After saying that, Shanks disappeared from everyone's eyes along with the Five Old Stars.

Garp still did not recover his life, but looked in the direction of the Five Old Stars and frowned.

Warring States Period

In the South China Sea, outside Pioneer Island, a bloody battle is going on.

Sengoku, who was fighting Noah, suddenly heard the sound of a phone bug.

Brumuru, burubru.

This is the emergency contact phone number for the world government. Things that are not particularly important will not go through this connection.

But during the battle, he couldn't stop answering and had to think of a way.

Just as he was about to shock Noah away, he suddenly found that his opponent took the initiative to retreat.

Haha, Marshal of the Warring States Period can do whatever he wants.

Noah took a few steps back and pointed the tip of his sword downward, indicating that he would not attack sneakily.

Underneath the unwavering expression is a hopeful heart. Is it possible that it is done?

In the Warring States period, regardless of Noah's anomalies or traps, the key is to make a phone call.

Hey, Sengoku.


The entire army retreats.


The highest order from the World Government, all troops withdraw to headquarters.

Why? Do you know that we are in the South China Sea now?

This is the order of the Five Old Stars and the order of the World Government. Now you just need to obey the order Sengoku.

The four emperors joined forces to attack Mariejoia, and the generals rushed back to the Red Earth Continent as soon as possible.

Wulao Xing can block it. Give me one more day.

No, this is an order!

After the Warring States Period in the South China Sea heard Gang Gu Kong's message. There was silence for a while.

The urging on the phone continued.

Warring States, did you hear that?

Warring States still didn't reply.

Instead, he releases his knowledge and senses the situation on the battlefield.

The fighting on the Pioneer Island Fortress side was very fierce. Thanks to the fact that the navy's mid-level combat force surpassed the revolutionary army by a lot, some progress was still made.

At present, parts of the city wall have been broken and cannot be repaired, and replacement modules cannot keep up with the speed of destruction.

A small number of elite marines entered the fortress, but they were all beaten out by the resistance in the city.

It is expected that the Pioneer Island Fortress will be captured in two days, and then the entire South China Sea will be swept away.

The general-level battlefield is still very tense, and the killings are fierce. At this level, it is very difficult to determine the winner in a short time.

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