Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 447 The Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces who was sprayed

Captain Bucky is really brave.

As for combat power, the World Government's background is much deeper than you think.

The World Government will remember you for what happened this time.

Sora, come with us.

After saying that, he took Cyborg Kong to a place a little further away to discuss the matter. Only Garp was left here.

Wu Laoxing is quite familiar with these pirates. Most of them are old-school pirates and follow the ideal route.

The characteristic of these people is that they don't like sneak attacks and can leave more safely.

Bucky looked unhappy, said a few words, and left.

Just as he was about to continue making some horrific verbal attacks, Reilly held him down.

Silly boy, hiding aside to discuss is a precursor to compromise. If you don't give in, you will only die.

The heir to the Pirate King, who carried the whole crowd, was dragged aside by the Pirate King's right wrist to teach him.

Rayleigh was really a little tired. Im's aura just now was really strong, beyond the upper limit of this group of people.

Everyone can see that there are limitations, but if you really do it, no one can escape once the chessboard is lifted.

He admitted that he had underestimated Bucky, a young man who was really brave and not at all the same as usual.

Rayleigh decided to keep an eye on Bucky, a weapon that the pirates promised not to use first.

Wulaoxing moved aside with Cyborg Kong Kong.

The red hair can be allowed to rub historical text among the flowers.

The first word is compromise.

They can't really start a big war in Mariejoia. The pirates' determination is much greater than imagined.

The five old stars at the top of the world government would not say such words of resignation in front of the pirates.

You can only choose a compromise approach. Even so, the only person who can make rubbings is Shanks, and the other five elders cannot trust him.

As for why he told the commander-in-chief of the armed forces, it was because Cyborg could just take the blame.

These old men will not show up in the future.

This disgusted Cyborg. He had never compromised in his life. He had always been an iron-blooded person, the toughest among tough guys.

Compromise is something like this. The more I think about it, the angrier I get.

He was so angry that he just said something out of his head:

Is it possible that Bucky is just a little brat who can't sense Master Yimu's aura at all? Look at him, he looks naive from beginning to end.

He didn't show any outstanding results, and his aura just now wasn't strong either.

When these unreasonable words were said, the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces knew that something was wrong.

Five pairs of eyes stared at Cyborg calmly.

Do you think all of us were deceived by Bucky?

Then a group of pirate kings were fooled by a weak little Yakuza.

A master with a domineering appearance appears in the Red Earth Continent, but he is not a top powerhouse?

Didn't you see that pride like Hawkeye stood behind Bucky?

Those who never compromise in the face of the world government are either idiots or absolute self-confidence.

Roger's Descendants

The courage to throw a knife.

The five old stars sprayed around Cyborg, as if they wanted to vent all the anger they received from Bucky.

The resentful commander-in-chief of the armed forces could not wait to turn around and fight for Red Nose. I felt even more depressed inside. You five old men were so full of energy when you sprayed me, why did you show it to Bucky?

at last.

Sora, for the sake of the order of the world government, do it.

Cyborg Kong's face now looked like he had a weapon color on his head.

If they push it even further, that clown is still a lunatic, even if he's not a bastard. He sensed such a powerful aura and dared to scream like that.

Our current apparent combat power cannot deter them.

These words are so true that Wu Laoxing cannot refute them. After all, there is everyone in the sea.

At this time one of them said.

Bring the Navy back.

Bring the Navy back!?

Yes, let's retreat from the vanguard to surround Mary Joa and drive away the pirates.

With Kizaru's speed, he could get there very quickly, and others like Sengoku and the others could also get back in half a day.

It can definitely deter the pirates from leaving Mariejoia.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, Cyborg Kong still has some tactical literacy, and he knows that this is indeed possible.

But I feel unwilling to do so.

We have made so many preparations and sacrificed so much in the early stage, but now the revolutionary army is almost unable to bear it. In one more day, we can win.

Withdraw your troops now? Where is the face of the World Government?

What's more, Green Bull has already died in the South China Sea. Our retreat at this time is equivalent to admitting our failure.

What about the next conscription!

Wouldn't it be that the naval officers who died at the same time died in vain? The Warring States Period will definitely have ideas, and the grievances of the naval soldiers will also be directed at the World Government.

These issues just discussed are also what Wulaoxing finds a headache.

If I had known earlier, I would not have carried out such a vigorous crusade against the South China Sea. Now I am riding a tiger and it is difficult to get off.

But they felt the breath left by Im just now and strengthened their determination.

Marie Joa must have enough strength to defend. If Sengoku and the others were at the Navy Headquarters. It is completely possible to keep the Pirate Alliance out of the Red Earth Continent this time.

Another Five Old Star spoke.

Didn't you say that we would take down the revolutionary army in one day at first? Now it's the second day.

This time you said you could win it on the third day, so what are you going to say tomorrow?

There are a large number of Tianlong people here. If something happens, it is likely that some of the royal family will cut off their inheritance. No one can bear such a responsibility.

Currently, there are kings from all over the world here in Mariejoia. If a fight breaks out and there are so many top masters, it will be difficult not to affect them.

By then the sea will be directly out of control, and the consequences will be far more serious than those caused by the revolutionary army!

This sentence really hurt Cyborg Kong's thoughts.

Yes, it is extremely harmful for the revolutionary army to separate the South China Sea and infiltrate into all parts of the world.

But if the kings of the 50 most powerful franchised countries in the world have a problem here, the world will directly fall into war.

Thinking of this, the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces was almost angry. This feeling of having power but not being able to fight was too frustrating.

These pirates! It would be really bad!

With the size of the World Government, it can organize a second crusade at any time. This time we will just let them go.

As the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces, you must consider the entire sea, not what will happen to the navy!

In fact, the commander-in-chief of the three armed forces just said something wrong, that is, the Warring Council was dissatisfied.

The world government has always suppressed the navy.

The fear of the Warring States Period has grown with time.

Wulaoxing is very concerned about this matter. The Navy is just a sword under the banner of the World Government. The knife does not require thought.

Besides, time is running out for the pirates and the revolutionary army to be rampant.

The world is about to undergo unprecedented changes, and the sea will experience whitewashing again. And victory will eventually belong to them.

To the outside world, it can be said that the revolutionary army colluded with pirates to attack the Red Earth Continent, with the intention of killing all the kings of the world's participating countries.

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