Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 434 Surprise for Auntie

The fourth emperor came. Now I'm just waiting for my aunt to arrive.

The battle between the navy and the revolutionary army continued to heat up on TV, from dawn to dusk.

Ordinary warriors have had their hands changed several times.

The high-intensity fighting continued, and the logistics of both sides experienced severe tests.

It seems that the navy wants to use its rich war experience to overwhelm the revolutionary army.

On the most dangerous Green Bull battlefield, dangerous situations occurred several times.

Those strong men of the Revolutionary Army were suppressed and bruised. If Green Bull hadn't always had problems at critical moments, I'm afraid it would have been over here.

At this time, Bucky was very anxious but couldn't express it.

His identity is the Pirate King, and what he will do next is also related to pirates.

So I could only speak calmly.

Do you think the revolutionary army can hold on?

Whitebeard observed the battle situation carefully.

At least hold on for one more day. Judging from the momentum, the revolutionary army has not retreated a step.

Such high morale is amazing, and it is worthy of being the real thorn in the side of the world government.

Looking at the cruel and merciless battlefield, everyone felt quite heavy.

It's not sympathy with the revolutionary army, it's purely awe of the absolute strength.

While waiting, old pirates like Whitebeard certainly didn't just focus on the battle situation, but started chatting with Rayleigh.

They are all a group of old guys from the old days, and meeting each other at this time is no longer as tense as when they were young. Just chatting about the past.

And about Kaido, Whitebeard still can’t figure it out.

He was unexpectedly picked up by Rayleigh, and he earned a lot of fame.

He had also read the book Rayleigh Slaying the Dragon. It's really well written.

Lei Li naturally changed the subject. It was better not to talk too much about what was going on here, for fear of starting a fight.

He is indeed not that glorious.

Older people will definitely not talk about fighting for hegemony. Whitebeard is not even interested in ONE PIECE.

As for what to talk about, it must be about young people. Whitebeard especially likes to talk about his sons.

How majestic Marco the Phoenix is ​​in the new world, and how obedient Jozi is.

But now Rayleigh is in trouble.

The two juniors on their ship, one Shanks and one Buggy, both became the Pirate King. Be on equal footing with old rivals.

It can be regarded as pushing the reputation of Roger Pirate Ship even higher.

Now the Roger Pirate Ship is far more legendary than the Rock Pirates.

In particular, the history of Rocks was erased, and the legend of One Piece and the era when the Four Emperors were rampant were incredible achievements.

In contrast, Whitebeard's sons still find it hard to be honest. The squad leader can't do anything.

This bad habit of comparing himself to his juniors allowed Rayleigh to take full advantage of him.

In the calm sky, it means that the children's achievements are just like that, not worth mentioning. In fact, it was a secret stab that stung Whitebeard's heart.

A great hero like Whitebeard couldn't help but widen his eyes and glanced at Marco and the others fiercely.

Of course, Rayleigh also stopped talking. What if Whitebeard becomes angry if he talks too much?

Over there, Bista looked at the world's greatest swordsman with sword aura.

No swordsman would see him and not want to challenge him.

But Hawkeye had no interest in seeing the so-called captain of Whitebeard's Third Division at this moment.

He now has better and more prey. And there are so many master swordsmen of the same level to choose from. Why give up a gourmet meal and choose ordinary home-cooked food.

There may be super powerful people taking action later. In order to maintain his energy, he has been adjusting his condition now.

The mere foil Bista is simply not enough to watch.

Marco was a little embarrassed at the moment.

Seeing Shanks and Bucky become emperors, he is still here as the captain of the first team.

It was the equivalent of a class reunion of childhood friends after many years.

As soon as they met, good guys, the two of them were equal to their fathers, and he was still treating others as their sons. It’s too much to save face.

When they met during the Roger era, he always played against Rayleigh as the main force.

Just when he was thinking of something to say to resolve the embarrassment.

Several general-level combatants looked in the same direction at the same time.

Well~ well~ well~ well~ well~ well. Arrive before anyone arrives.

Harsh laughter echoed throughout the sea. There is a vague feeling that shakes the soul.

She is worthy of being the Queen of Souls, and the Soul Soul Fruit is really weird.

The big mom from the horizon came over with overwhelming murderous intent.

She rode Zeus and took her three sons straight to the gathering place.

She was in a good mood today. Katakuri's body had fully recovered and he could continue to fight for her.

There was delicious cake to eat, and I was no longer so angry about the clown group.

However, he received a provocation from Bucky the Clown for no reason. I even dared to report the location directly.

Can this be tolerated? If she could bear it, she would no longer be the queen of all nations. Time was limited, so she immediately ran over with her sons, fearing that the clown would escape.

This wave has made up its mind to give that clown a shot when they meet and feel completely free. Let him know the power of the veteran king of the sea.


Bucky the Clown, give it to me!!!



shock! No, it’s a trap! The bigmom that flew close to me didn't feel right no matter how crazy she was.

Bucky the Clown doesn’t follow martial ethics, this lineup is attacking me.

Not only did she think so, Zeus under her feet also braked suddenly in the air.

As a creature of the Soul Soul Fruit, he still has a high IQ.

At least I still know some powerful people, but there are too many powerful people in front of me. Could Homitz also be under the illusion?

Zeus is afraid of hundreds of millions of people.

Like Whitebeard, Big Mom was also frightened by the combination of gods. There are a bunch of people of the same level. How about fighting like this?

Unless she gets hit on the head when she suffers from bulimia, she really doesn't dare to do it when she's not suffering from the disease.

Even a little panicked. She had a grudge against Bucky and had a fight with Shanks. Then she had an indirect grudge against Rayleigh. I heard that Hawkeye was also the red-haired friend.

All the reasons for killing her came to light.

The regret is not that I regretted not bringing more people, but that I should not have come.

With her normal state of mind, she was already preparing to retreat, and she didn't know if she could retreat.

Lingling, you crazy woman, I didn't come here to kill you today.

Seeing the aunt stopped in mid-air, Whitebeard knew what the other party was thinking, and he still tried to persuade her.

Seeing that it was White Beard, the aunt hesitated for a moment, but believed it.

She still knew what kind of character this monster on the previous ship had.

A very old-school pirate, stupid, but fair. Presumably, such a thing as siege and killing should not be possible.

Unexpectedly, in such a large group of people, it was Whitebeard's character that could impress Auntie.

He is indeed a well-known model of pirates, which makes Marco and the others feel proud. See, this is the real emperor.

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