The level of the Four Emperors gathering this time was terrifyingly high, and the mission was extremely dangerous. They were really suspected of being a hindrance.

The red-haired group set off.

Of course this time it's not a small submarine. It's just a pretense, but it's too late to lose face in the new world.

Shanks has a lot of face.

A small ship was dismantled from the side of the Redforth, and it was said to be extremely fast.

Get on the boat and set off immediately.

On the way to the G1 branch, everyone who knew what was going on was a little nervous.

In order to ease the atmosphere, Bucky and Red Hair took the initiative to form an atmosphere group.

The two people's years of tacit understanding instantly resolved the tension.

The atmosphere immediately relaxed into a worrying state.

Bucky completed his preliminary tasks and finally let go of some of his worries.

In addition, the red-haired man was curious about how Bucky managed to gather so many strong men, so he asked a question out of nowhere.

That’s when Bucky went into bragging mode.

In front of so many strong men, bragging about his own achievements, that is, what he can do, don't you see the red hair are all admired?

The more it blew, the higher it went, and the little story started to fly.

People like Lachilu and others who like to make noises also gathered around.

After listening to this, I couldn't help but sigh. I am indeed the captain's lifelong enemy. The ups and downs experienced by such a legendary figure are truly remarkable.

Back then, Captain Roger valued me the most, Bucky. It was an honor for Shanks to be as good as me.

Lachilu, Jesus Bu and others were not angry at all, and even hoped that Bucky would blow more.

You know Captain Rayleigh, right? The right arm of the Pirate King! The new dragon-slaying swordsman. He is very optimistic about me, so he took the initiative to help me.

Bucky pointed at Riley, who was drinking. Rayleigh smiled back. This kid is under too much pressure and is hallucinating.

Hawkeye, you know the world's greatest swordsman, right?

Hawkeye and I had a sword fight.

Unfortunately, I am not a swordsman, so I was slightly behind and lost one move. This wound on his body was caused by Hawkeye.

But in the end, heroes cherish heroes. I used my own courage to make Hawkeye decide to join our Cross Guild.

Hawkeye is peeling an apple with a knife. Bucky's words were a bit exaggerated, but not so much that it was difficult to refute.

The world's most beautiful woman, Boya Hancock.

The Nine Snakes Empress with unrivaled fighting power and astonishing courage.

If she agrees with our strategy very much, will she be afraid of the world government?

Take the initiative to join our Cross Guild. He can be called the face of the guild.

It was very useful for Hancock to listen to Bucky praising him throughout the whole process, so he didn't care too much about it.

Sand Crocodile Crocodile, the first king of the Shichibukai, the hero of Alabasta.

Click, Lao Sha broke a piece of wood. I couldn't understand what he meant by it.

The heroes of Alabasta have nothing to brag about. And the first king, Shichibukai, come on, in front of these combat powers, Shichibukai is really not a high-level title.

Maybe it was because the sand crocodile looked wrong.

True. The second generation of Master Duanshui still made up for it,

To tell you a secret, Crocodile was a figure on par with Noah, the light of the revolution.

Hmm~ These words are too high for Lao Sha to be qualified to sit on the boat.

Bucky boasted a lot here and praised all the experts he invited. Of course, I also praised myself by the way.

After being blown up like this, the people of the Cross Society were not easy to disprove, so they just acquiesced, which even made Jesus Bu and others marvel.

Shanks, who knew his old friend, would definitely not believe it.

He was trying to get something out of Hawkeye's mouth with a curious look on his face.

He was really curious as to why Hawkeye was hanging out with Bucky. The style of these two people was completely wrong.

He didn't believe what Bucky said about heroes cherishing heroes.

As a result, Hawkeye became impatient with the harassment.

Speak directly to Shanks.

This Bucky does have something. In terms of qualifications and potential, he might be even better than you.

These words shocked the red hair. Could it be that everything Bucky said there was true?

God, Captain Roger, I don’t understand~~~

Crocodile next to him was looking at the red-haired man with disdain, as if he were a fool.

I didn’t expect that the Yonko would be like this.

At the same time, I was also secretly alarmed by the private energy of the revolutionary army.

Reilly, who was drinking in the corner, looked at the mess on the ship with a smile.

That's right. Young people just need to have more energy. They are all going to overturn the sea, so it doesn't matter if they are a little more wild.

At the same time, he took the opportunity to teach the empress around him.

Amazon Lily will definitely have more and more contact with the outside world in the future.

Before, we only had contact with the revolutionary army, which was not enough. Like Shanks' pirate group. We can still communicate more.

Especially after this plan. You must help each other and truly unleash the power of this seemingly funny Cross Guild, in order to find your place in the future sea.

Hancock knows this. She also understood that Rayleigh did do it for her own good.

But there are some things she really can't do. Looking at the group of dissolute pirates.

Her pride and habits will not be catered to. It is better to continue reading while she has this time.

He took out the book given by Noah and continued reading. I am about to return to my hometown, and I feel a little scared inside.

Lei Li also casually said that all the Nine Snakes emperors were so willful.

Fortunately, the new world is not big, so even though this group of experts rushed hard, they were the first to arrive.

Jesus Bu sensed the G1 branch in the distance with his sense of sight.

There are a lot fewer combatants in the branch, not even a general. Have they all gone to the South China Sea?

The port is also blocked, and the martial law is very tight.

At this time, they docked on the island next to G1, and no one would find them.

After a while, the first one to come was Whitebeard. Not the Moby-Dick, but a smaller, fast airship. Sure enough, one cannot underestimate the ability of an imperial group.

Whitebeard, who came here, was about to greet Shanks and Bucky in front of him in his old way, but he was suddenly startled.

What kind of magical team is that standing behind Bucky?

On this sea, what could this group of people do that still needed him, Whitebeard, to accompany them?

Marco and the others felt their hearts tremble when they saw it. Could this be a trap for their father?

With their knowledge, they had no idea what they could do with such a lineup.

The white-bearded artist walked over boldly. He didn't believe it at this time. A battle would break out, and he wasn't afraid of that even with his ability.

But there was great interest in the purpose of the gathering.

After a brief meeting, everyone continued to watch the live broadcast of the South China Sea War. After fighting for a day, there was still no more breakthrough between the two sides.

The ice surface was completely stained red with blood. Even Aokiji took out his hand to touch the ice age, but Fujitora didn't stop him.

Contrary to pre-war conjectures, the navy currently has no advantage at all.

Did you also invite this crazy lady Charlotte Lingling?


Red hair comes back naturally.

I didn't expect her to come back.

The Queen of All Nations is still very reasonable. After the notification, she said to come immediately to meet Captain Bucky. Let's wait a little longer.

That’s right.

Today’s update is late because the timeline and process have been redrawn.

I changed it again, sorry.

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