The aunt asked Zeus to land and brought her three ministers to the front.

Of course, the majesty of the emperor cannot be lost. I've shouted that I'm looking for trouble before, but it's very embarrassing to be timid now.

All the troubles that should be looked for still need to be looked for.

I have to say that the emperor is very courageous.

Where's your mate? Get him out. I'm going to suck out his soul.

If anything happens during the critical moment when Kenshin is in seclusion, our Cross Guild will take care of it.

Bucky was extremely arrogant. This moment is his highlight moment, he will definitely not be a coward, whoever is a coward is his grandson!

Wait, what is the Guild of the Cross?

Auntie is a little confused at this time. Did you all unite before I came?

The Cross Guild refers to a guild formed by me and several other major forces and experts, which is equivalent to the previous Clown Emperor's Group.

After Bucky finished speaking, he saw Hawkeye, Rayleigh, Hancock, and Sand Crocodile all standing behind him.

The imposing manner of several masters set off Bucky's posture.

The majesty of the emperor blinded everyone's eyes.

The red-haired man's eyes turned red, he was so jealous. so cool.

Auntie is riding a tiger.

Does Bucky the Clown hold it in his mouth like this? Empress Nine Snakes, Sand Crocodile Crocodile, Hawkeye, aren't these the King's Seven Martial Arts? And Rayleigh, the old immortal who chopped off the emperor's head.

Seeing this, she didn't understand why such a force would gather among the Four Emperors.

Okay, so many of us are here, not for trivial matters, it's time to talk about business. I'm also curious as to why the Yonko and the Shichibukai are gathered.

Whitebeard gave me a step, and the aunt snorted and walked down smoothly.

Everyone is also curious.

Yeah, what's that for?

All the emperors and masters became serious.

Bucky took a deep breath, knowing that he couldn't make any mistakes now.

Walk over to the TV.

Pointing to the South China Sea battlefield where fierce fighting was still happening on the TV.

That's why we get together.

Have you seen the war between the navy and the revolutionary army? This is the real strong man, not the Four Emperors, not the Shichibukai.

A large number of top powerhouses, countless guns and ammunition, high-tech weapons and equipment, and well-trained soldiers.

When either of them wants to target us, is there anything else that can be changed?

There is no other choice but to kill him immediately. Looking at these, the new world is no longer the exclusive land of pirates.

What the other emperors said was thoughtful, and it was true. After seeing the strength of the two forces, no one dares to say that the new world belongs to the pirates. Any one of them can come here to sweep away.

Of course, the Revolutionary Army was a little short of the mark. The Revolutionary Army could only wipe out two pirate emperor groups at the same time. And the World Government can easily wipe out four.

The troublemaker is coming.

Then why didn't the navy come to destroy us before?

Because we didn't have the value to be exterminated before, pirates in the new world are emerging one after another. Even the Four Emperors are only emperors for a short period of time. The world government has seen too much in the past 800 years.

Then why do you want to destroy us in the future?

The aunt is chasing after him. She just doesn't like the clown. As for the other party's plan, she can guess a thing or two.

He just wants to unite the four emperors. He himself becomes the boss of the four emperors. What a huge ambition! She would never let the Joker succeed.

She wants to be the boss!

Bucky looked like he had to say something because you had brought him to this place.

“Some people here don’t know, and some people know, so I decided to speak frankly.

This is a secret that Captain Roger told me. Apart from Captain Roger, there are several other people who know this secret, such as Captain Rocks and others.

This piqued Marco and Katakuri's interest, and they felt like they were listening to a story. Moreover, I seem to have heard the name Rocks somewhere.

Lao Sha was even more excited. Sure enough, different circles had different information. He didn't know anything when he was in the paradise stage.

Of course everyone knows Captain Roger, so Captain Rocks, who was specifically mentioned by Bucky, is no ordinary person either.

When Rocks was mentioned, Big Mom and Whitebeard were a little surprised. Can this be related? There really is some secret.

Roger has been to most corners of the world, even Ralph Drew. It's really trustworthy that he knows something.

The red-haired man and Rayleigh looked like they were watching your performance. There was indeed something in the script given by Noah.

They who knew the inside story were a little curious.

“Captain Rocks, it’s difficult to say more about the Valley of the Gods incident, as he is a taboo figure.

If Shinron understands it, Big Mom, Captain Whitebeard and the dead Kaido should know better. After all, you were once on the same ship.


There are too many people here who don’t know this past event. Even Marco and the others don't know much about these things. It turns out that three of the Four Emperors were once part of a pirate group, which is indeed legendary.

Whitebeard obviously didn't like to mention the past.

Captain Bucky, let's get down to business.

Seeing Whitebeard interrupting Bucky's science popularization, everyone calmed down. This is just the beginning of the explosive news. I don't know how many things that have been buried in history will appear in the future.

Back to business, we often hear the word era, so how do we distinguish the old era from the new era?

Hearing this, Whitebeard's expression changed, as if he understood something.

There are all masters among masters here. No one noticed Whitebeard's movement. It seems that there is a big secret in the very ordinary words just now.

Everyone looked at Bucky enthusiastically.

A blank hundred years, 800 years of world government rule, a new era. We are currently at the end of 800 years, and a new era is coming.

This is also an opportunity for the world to reshuffle. If we remain in our current state, we will definitely be eliminated one by one by the world government.

“Because the world is about to get Joey Boy!”



Some people don't know anything, like Lao Sha. This time he was eating melon the whole time. I feel like the ticket this time is worth it.

Some people know a little bit about it, like aunt. She still knew some legends when she was in the Rocks Pirates, but Kaido's younger brother firmly believed in them.

Some people have their own conjectures. Such as Whitebeard.

Captain Bucky, are you Joey Boy?

Although free will will be born from pirates, unfortunately, I am not.

Bucky decisively refused, joking, and Noah said that anyone who dares to call himself Joeyboy and is a bit legendary will be hunted down by the world government with all its true strength.

It just so happens that Bucky does fit this trait in one aspect.

If Noah hadn't said he wasn't, Bucky almost thought he was.

The true Joyboy will bring free will as prophesied,

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