Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 425 Panic in the Warring States Period

From uncommon swear words from all over the world, to pirate slang, to heart-wrenching remarks, he can say everything.

While expressing sympathy for Noah's past experiences, he quietly fired a close-range shock wave.

Talking about the world government's follow-up arrangements for the South China Sea, it turns out to be a self-inflicted blow.

It's completely unlike the fighting style on the sea, and it's also very different from the Warring States Marshal in Noah's memory.

Aren't you supposed to be as domineering as when you were on top, knocking out Blackbeard with one palm? What is this doing!

So cautious? Could it be that this is the Warring States period of wise generals, not the Warring States period of marshal?

By analogy, this fighting method is a bit like Noah wearing a vest.

Well, Noah did the same thing, crazy about the relationship between the world government and the navy.

There is also a large output of views on justice.

From simple justice to false justice, the existence of the navy is completely denied.

There were also more heart-wrenching remarks made frequently, and when it came to dirty things, the two of them were equally matched.

Even when he spoke, he kept his voice low, for fear of being heard by the camera bug.

It greatly affects the image of the navy and the revolutionary army.

The dignity of the strong also needs to be safeguarded by everyone.

Noah is very patient, all he needs is to buy time.

Show the world the power of the revolutionary army and tell the world that there is now a force that can temporarily compete with the world government.

So should the forces that have been suppressed in the past, as well as the forces with foresight and a sense of crisis, do something?

At the very least, he was a little shaken when making decisions.

Then his goal would be half achieved.

Until the fall of the big bear.


When a comrade-in-arms dies, even if it has been expected, it is still difficult to accept it.

He made the plan to let Daxiong and Jinbei snipe the CP chief.

When this plan was implemented, he, Da Xiong, and Jinbei were all mentally prepared.

What will happen if you face an enemy who crushes you without any more information?

But the two still stepped forward without hesitation.

Unexpectedly, the moment when the battlefield was divided before the war was actually parting forever.

Presumably, Jinbei can't be alone for long now.

Are you about to lose your second comrade in this war?

The arrival of death is so cruel and does not depend on human will.

The collapsed road has appeared, and the pressure on the main battlefield in the South China Sea will be greater than ever before.

Even Pioneer Island can't bear it.

The rational Noah also fell into confusion for a while.

The revolutionary army has begun to retreat. You have no chance.

A defeat in one battlefield is just the beginning of a great rout.

Surrender, Noah. As long as you surrender, fewer people will die in the South China Sea.

The Warring States Period's timely persuasion to surrender actually did not mean this at all.

He knew that the opponent would not be captured without mercy, but would only disrupt the enemy's thinking.

There is only victory on the battlefield, regardless of means.

Noah remained silent.

It's still too early now. Are we really going to lose? If we start early.


This powerful aura is Jinbei!

He has finally reached this threshold, and there is still more to fight!

Sensing the riots on the sea over there, and the subsequent fighting.

Warring States cursed in his heart that the CP chief slipped up at a critical moment and was brought back by the revolutionary army after a good tactical opportunity.

Moreover, with the addition of an official general level, the difficulty of subsequent wars will increase by an unknown amount!

And Noah didn't have time to be sad, he knew the opportunity had come.

The revolutionary army has shown enough.

He regained his momentum and faced the Warring States Period.

How do you think the revolutionary army performed in this war?

Sengoku dodges Noah's blow to the head.

Beyond everyone's expectations. I didn't expect that you actually blocked our attack in a short period of time.

The Warring States Period really didn't expect that the war would end like this.

Although Zefa and He didn't take action, Kizaru was still paddling. The strongest Garp didn't come either.

But this is the situation today. He admired it. Why is this kind of wisdom not used on the right path?

A shock wave flashed sideways.

Do you think people on the sea will have more courage to resist?

Warring States pondered for a while, and a huge shock wave opened the curtain of an all-out battle.

Yes! That's why you have to die here. I will never allow a real threat to appear on the sea.

Warring States continued to attack, and at the same time figured out some of Noah's plans, it was courage!

So this is your idea, to use the live broadcast?

Warring States was once again surprised by his opponent's calculations.

Awaken the courage of the rebels and prove that the world government is not invincible.

As long as God retains blood, humans will not be afraid.

Just like the sensation caused when Noah casually chopped off the head of a Celestial Dragon dog many years ago, that time almost removed the fig leaf of the descendants of God.

Renren Fruit·Phantom Beast Species·Buddha Form!

This fruit is extremely compatible with the Warring States period, making him the ultimate person with both mental and physical skills.

Revealing this form also means that the temptation is over.

The golden Sengoku was extremely fast. He ducked in front of Noah, looked down at the enemy, and struck it down with one palm.

Noah narrowly dodged this blow, but he didn't expect that his opponent would attack without a prelude. He was truly worthy of the Warring States Period.

The failed white shock wave hit the entire island and trembled.

Warring States said while fighting.

Ordinary people are just scattered sand. Without your existence, there is nothing to fear.

There will be no second force on this sea that can threaten the World Government.

Another shock wave. It blasted into the sea and created a small tsunami.

Except for Roger among the pirates, the others, including the so-called Four Emperors, are just a group of products of the times.

Without the power to lead the times, why worry about them.

There is no strong power, no restraint of character, and no understanding of the power of thought.

It will eventually be eliminated by the times.

Warring States answered very confidently.

If it weren't for the revolutionary army's ideas and cohesion, he wouldn't be so serious about leading the army to end all this.

But he was too confident.

Noah passed the Gate Fruit and got a little further away.

Through the communicator, I said something

Notify Big Treasure that it's time to start!

This sentence made Warring States very uneasy.

Start? Start with what? Is the treasure a code name?

Sengoku suddenly became nervous.

The Revolutionary Army has no cards at the moment. Is there anything else he doesn't know?

Bika's correspondent, who received Noah's instructions, took out a mysterious phone bug.

After dialing.

Implementation plan.

Receive it, receive it.

A voice that was not confident came from the other side.

On the battlefield in the South China Sea.

Noah calmly started the war to the Warring States Period. Now there is only a little time, and everyone in the South China Sea must delay it.

This is a battle you can't lose!

Many people want me to resurrect the bear, but I will kill people later.

You can't just hang one and get the other.

I'm still coding so late. If you don't vote, do you support me?

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