Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 426 Bucky’s legendary road

Redhead stationed outside.

Bucky tremblingly took the phone into his arms.

Time goes back to three days ago, the day the navy set out.

On the same day, three key members of the revolutionary army also set out from the New World.

With his last hope, Bucky embarks on a mission that seems almost impossible to him.

Even if Noah hadn't told him about this mission in person, he wouldn't have believed it.

In the submarine, the worried Bucky and the fighting-spirited Denjiro and Yamato are two completely opposite types of people.

Brother Bucky, where should we go first?

Krajana Island!

The small submarine that brought out a stream of bubbles drove very fast and quickly reached its destination.

Stepping out of the submarine, I looked at the ancient castle in the thick fog in the distance.

Bucky didn't understand, why would anyone like to live in such a gloomy place, not afraid of rheumatism?

Take a deep breath and gather your courage.

Life or death depends on the first stop.

Yelled Let's go!

He naturally followed behind his two teammates.

Just kidding, as soon as they landed, they were already targeted by many strange things.

Countless blood-red eyes lit up in the dark forest.

This is the legendary human imitator.

In order to see Hawkeye, Sauron fought hard for a long time before he broke through.

Therefore, the way to the castle depends on the strength of his two companions.

Countless gorillas surrounded the three people with swords in hand.

Denjiro drew his sword.

Yamato also swung his mace.

Bucky pulled out his small throwing knife.

On the way here, Bucky had already told them the general plan.

Both of them understood how important it was to send Bucky into the castle ahead.

Then, just fight your way out!

Captain Bucky, we're about to get in!

Er-sword style. Earth scroll!

Thunder gossip!

The constant sounds of fighting reached the castle owner's ears, making him frown.

I have long sensed that there are several strange characters here, including a swordsman.

The strength is not bad, but not up to his standards.

If you can get in front of him, it's not impossible to give him death.

Of course, this was not enough to interrupt his meal.

They fought for a long time, but could not break through the gorilla's siege.

Knowing that time was precious now, Bucky and the other three became anxious.

Yamato, who whipped away an imitator with a stick, looked at the gorilla flying away in the sky, then at Bucky who was yelling, and at the outer wall of the castle in the distance.

Got a bold idea.

Brother Bucky!


After a brief argument, Bucky caved.

Denjiro used his Nito-ryu to unleash his sword energy and create a gap in the middle.

It's now!

Bucky gritted his teeth, jumped up, and curled up.

Thunder Eight Gua. Change!


Wrapped in the military color, Bucky drew a wonderful parabola and headed straight for the French castle's floor-to-ceiling windows.


Accompanied by the sound of breaking glass. A human figure rolled to the ground and bounced a few times.

Bucky rolled up and rubbed his butt. Learning Armament Haki is really useful.

I just feel a little dizzy.

Hawkeye crossed his legs and sat at the head seat of the dining table.

I was very dissatisfied looking at the shards of glass scattered on the floor.

You must know that there are no servants in this castle, and those humanoid impersonators don't know how to clean.

So who is responsible for hygiene?

Should I use a knife to hit that stupid guy, or should I use a table knife?

The tangled Hawkeye saw that the red-nosed man hadn't noticed the situation yet, so he had to use a table knife to cut out a sword energy that was relatively light to him.

I just want that clown to wake up.

As a result, when the sword energy was about to hit Baki, Baki used his instinctive fruit ability to dodge it.

This aroused Hawkeye's interest.

When Noah came last time, it was just for this guy. Do you want to try cutting it? The fourth emperor of the new world.

What about the big shots who have made headlines in newspapers?

Bucky was awakened by the sword energy and found that the guy carrying the big sword had something wrong with his eyes.

It's very similar to what those swordsmen look like when they want to cut something.

His brain twitched and he blurted out.

Joracol Mihawk!

Today, when the sea in the new era is about to be overturned, come and join my fleet! Together we will dominate the world and win the supreme secret treasure!

The place was terribly cold.

Does the red-nosed person in front of me really know what he is saying?

He's almost as brave as that bastard Shanks.

However, although these words were arrogant, it was still incredibly courageous to say them in front of him.

Maybe such a person is worthy of being chopped with a black knife. He really underestimated him when he came with Noah last time.

Bucky covered his mouth. Did he get some kind of fruit power?

How to express what is in your heart.

Okay, he did think about it, if these ruthless people like Noah, Shanks, and Hawkeye were brought together to work for him, but if he said this now, he would really die!

Seeing Hawkeye stand up very seriously, does he know what to do?

He might be about to receive a sword blow.

It's not that I'm afraid of him, it's just that I don't want to waste time at this time, Bucky persuaded himself.



When Hawkeye touched the hilt of the sword, Bucky decisively took out a letter.

Handing it over with very respectful hands, this was his life-saving straw.

A letter from Noah.

Hawkeye looked at the letter and took it with some boredom.

He also knew that the navy had set off for the South China Sea.

Don't ask how they know it. The navy's propaganda force wants everyone in every corner of the world to know that they are going to destroy the revolutionary army.

Newsbirds will not let this castle go.

At this time, give him a copy of the letter.

A cry for help?

Noah shouldn't do this kind of thing. He knows that Hawkeye and the Revolutionary Army are not the same people.

Although Hawkeye does not fully recognize his identity as a pirate, he is just an ordinary former navy hunter who is now in the Shichibukai.

But he has no interest in the revolutionary army. He yearns for freedom and will not be bound by another idea.

If Shanks asked for help, he would still take action. After all, to a certain extent, the two of them were both high-level figures in the pirate world.

When he opened the letter, he was shocked when he read the first sentence.

Mihawk, your sword is too weak!

You are about to die and you still come to provoke him? Or does he think he has a good relationship with him.

Hawkeye is a bit baffled. Then I was attracted by the remaining words.

The most powerful in the world.

This opportunity.

If you agree, then go with Bucky.

Holding the letter, Hawkeye read it over and over again. Very few things could shake his heart, but this letter did.

Incredibly powerful god

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