Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 424 Three battlefields, three performances

The earth-shattering movement here attracted the attention of many experts.

Lieutenant General He felt very helpless.

This war of annihilation in the South China Sea has been warming up for ten days.

The start turned out to be like this.

Morale was suppressed and firepower suppressed.

Even the experts will be dragged into the tug-of-war.

I thought that relatively reliable veteran experts would also overturn, and the appearance of a big hole in their bodies spread to the world.

What kind of face does the World Government have? It still wants to take over Pioneer Island in one day.

It's been almost a day.

Nothing was taken.

Deterrence the sea? At this moment, the outside world has great doubts about the prestige of the world government.

According to her understanding of world government.

If the revolutionary army is easily captured, then there is still a glimmer of hope in the South China Sea.

But at this time the revolutionary army resisted tenaciously.

The combat power displayed and the possibility of fighting against the world government.

The next demon-slaying order must be completely implemented.

Only in this way can we make up for the consequences of this defeat.

Everything, for order.

This is really endless killing that cannot be washed away even if the fruits are washed away.

After this war, should we retire early?

I was shaken for a moment, and then I woke up again.

You are really old. You would think like this after experiencing a war. No matter what, let's finish this one first.

She looked in the other three directions.

The battlefield between Aokiji and Fujitora.

All kinds of destructive scenes came from Fujitora's hands. Meteorites falling from the sky, mountain peaks shattered by gravity knives, gravity circles flattening the ice, and criss-crossing sword energies.

Not to be outdone, Qing Pheasant took out a huge iceberg from the sea and smashed it at his opponent.

Various ultimate moves clash on the battlefield. Both of them are honest people and fight with all their heart.

When the strength has reached this level, there are no unexpected situations. It is more about who can fight without making mistakes and who has stronger will.

The war on the other side is much more intense. It is a state where all the old and new hatreds are piled together, and they will not stop until everyone is killed.

Monkey D. Dragon! Did you expect the Revolutionary Army today!

Akainu's eyes were spitting fire, his revenge on Noah was interrupted by his opponent, and he was very angry about what happened here.

And it’s still that annoying dragon.

Sakaski! Are you the only one left in the navy to become an admiral? Then what I did was really right!

This is heartbreaking. If Long had not defected from the navy back then, he might have become the fourth general of the navy at this time.


The hatred between both sides is so deep. Long has always cared about Eva's death in his heart, and he came to avenge this today.

The battlefield between violent wind and magma was intense from the beginning.

When the battle was in full swing, the dragon suddenly showed a flaw, and Akainu seized the opportunity and struck him hard.

The dragon's pupils, which fell into the rubble, began to tremble.

Is it a bear?

It's really him.

The comrade he brought out from Sobel Kingdom was gone.

After Eva left, he was extremely sad. Unexpectedly, ten days later, another close friend would be sacrificed.

This is the damn war.

Akainu saw the dragon lost his mind during the battle, and rushed over with a little vigilance. No matter what, this was a good opportunity.


Big fire-breathing!

Meteor volcano!

The terrain of the desert island has been completely changed into a volcanic island.

Dense volcanic craters are all over the place, and giant fists of magma and rain of fire are falling from the sky.

Akainu was in a good mood at this time after he hit his killer moves one after another.

After transforming the fighting environment, he felt that he had a chance to win and killed him.

Buzz! ! ! !

The terrifying overlord color swept out.

This time, the domineering spirit was also mixed with sadness and anger, and the roar of a dragon echoed here like a mournful cry after losing a loved one.

The force of this terrifying mental shock made Akainu stagnate.

This is

Have any revolutionary army cadres died?

Sinner, has your comrade fallen?

What responded to him was a dark dragon claw.

It seems that you are not as cold as you appear.

Long didn't speak, he just kept punching, punching, and punching again.

Guess who's next? Tiger? Or Noah?

As his anger grew, Overlord Se became more and more violent.

Akainu, on the other hand, continued to provoke his opponent.

I hope the dragon’s flaws and weaknesses can be created soon.

As for who died in the revolutionary army, it was most likely the tyrant Big Bear.

Haha, it’s just a sinner, so let’s use it. Unexpectedly, the effect is quite good.

However, is this effect too good?

On the island at this moment, the power of the storm is getting stronger and stronger, sweeping the volcano crazily.

Moreover, there is a large amount of water swept by strong winds into water dragons that wash over the edge of the island.

This guy!

Have you just started to exert your strength?

Sakaski miscalculated the power of the Raging Dragon.

The dark clouds and lightning in the sky were swept up by the strong wind, and the water vapor in the sea was swept away by the strong wind.

The island has been artificially transformed into a stormy weather.

Hot magma flows on the ground, and several small volcanoes are erupting. The sky was covered with rain, rain and squally winds.

Using celestial phenomena to confront earth patterns is the confrontation between natural disasters and natural disasters.

Except for the two fighting men, there is no sign of life on the island.

At the same time, when the strong wind enveloped the island on the outside, the outside world lost the picture here.

Only the gloomy storm, the blasting lava and the deafening bombardment showed that the most brutal fighting was going on inside.

Watching the live broadcast of the battle in the outside world made everyone panic from the bottom of their hearts. Such a walking disaster is really unbearable for ordinary people on the sea.

The strong, this is the strong.

Only the battlefield of the Warring States Period has not seen much movement so far.

There were no violent storms, no mountain peaks breaking apart, no shock waves turning the sea.

What's happening here?

The two started a tense confrontation from the very beginning.

During the fight, murderous intent was overflowing, but the aftermath was very small and controlled within a certain range.

Sengoku was unsure of hitting Noah, who had the Gate Fruit, with a shock wave.

Besides, this insidious guy must have made a lot of plans, so be careful not to get caught.

Noah was also afraid of Warring States' response.

He believed that with the insidiousness of the Warring States Period and the capabilities of the World Government, there must be designs and traps for the displacement of the Gate Fruit.

The two guys who play tactics both think of their opponent's IQ very high and their bottom line very low.

So the two of them were just fighting each other in close quarters to test each other's trump cards.

The power of each move is concentrated into a small area, and the competition is to see who can make no mistakes first.

Between the moves, the two of them kept using the power of words to shake their opponents' minds.

Noah didn't know until this moment. When it comes to talking nonsense in battle, Sengoku is the strongest of all enemies in the past.

I forgot about the limited exemption. It was notified to me 20 days ago.

I should have known that I should have launched a wave of publicity in advance, but I was at a loss.

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