Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 423 The pace of war is getting faster and faster

As the pressure around the body continues to increase, the changed body after the return of life is a little unable to bear it.

A burst of decisiveness broke out, unloading the punch that had reached the end of its strength.

Then he sprinted towards the sea.

But in the sea, he couldn't be faster than Jinbe at this time.


Driven by the current, Jinbe arrived first and intercepted him in the direction of the sea.

Fishman Karate, Secret Art, Oniwa Shoken!

Another punch came down.

Damn it!


Once again he was smashed deeper into the ground.

He knew that this was just a prelude and that panic would not solve the problem. What we need to think about now is how to get out of trouble.

Jinbei launched a storm-like attack in the sea.

After he has advanced, every strike he strikes is a secret level attack.

Fishman Karate·Secret Skills.Wanwa Roundhouse Kick


Fishman Karate·Secret Skills. Samewa Shoken


Bang bang bang!

Countless anger and strength were vented.

An unprecedented sense of crisis surrounded the CP chief, and he continued to withstand Jinbei's heavy blows one after another.

In the deep sea, his physical strength and domineering energy were depleted very quickly, and many methods could not be used. For example, the short sword at his waist was as weak as a fruit ability user and could not exert any effect.

what should I do?

More and more blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, accompanied by bubbles. The physical exertion caused his defense ability to decline.

Human beings are human beings after all. If we continue, we will reach our limit within a short time.

Instead of dying of suffocation here in the sea, it's better to give it a try!

Watching Jinbe attack again. The CP director showed a crazy smile.

He took out a test tube with a small purple rock in it.

This is explosive rock, placed in a high-tech fixed container.

One of the pieces provided by the Science Corps for this operation.

The method of use is very simple, just squeeze it hard!


Then throw it forward.


A violent explosion occurs in the deep sea. A large amount of seawater was pushed away by the force of the explosion, and a space was blasted out in the deep sea.

All that could be seen on the sea was the bursting of ice and white spray foam thousands of meters high on the water.

In fact, the underwater world has been transformed.

The impact of the explosion formed a terrifying shock wave in the deep sea, blowing the crazy Jinbei away.

Of course, CP, who was closer, suffered more serious injuries.

But he had no choice. This was the only way to get rid of Jinbei's entanglement and return to the sea.

After rolling for an unknown distance, Chief CP vomited out a large mouthful of blood and a large number of bubbles.

He couldn't bear it anymore. No matter how serious the injury was, he wasn't very afraid. He had backup options to deal with it.

But the oxygen is about to run out, and all his options are useless.

He shook his head, still feeling a little dizzy, and bit his arm directly to regain his consciousness quickly.

Seeing that Jinbei in the distance was also seriously injured and had not yet recovered, he smiled proudly.

The young fishman still lacks a little bit of fighting wisdom.

Every top master of the sea has his own consciousness.

Besides, this kind of battle is just one of the most dangerous battles in his long work.

Driven by the fighting rhythm of Daxiong and Jinbei, he also found the feeling he had before.

Taking this time to calm down, he dragged his seriously injured body and sprinted upwards. He had to get out of the sea as soon as possible.

Jinbei spat out the blood in his mouth after being blown away. The power of the explosive rock was too strong.

Fortunately, it was in the sea, which blocked a lot of the power of the explosion.

Thanks to this explosion, his violent rationality returned.

When I looked up, I saw that bastard running away towards the sea!

Hit the water with your backhand and let the reaction force accelerate you.

After chasing for a few seconds, I realized that I couldn't catch up. The opponent basically gave up defense and only wanted speed.

Now that you can't catch up, take this opportunity to deal maximum damage.

Start charging!

As he moved forward, his palms faced each other and formed a small water ball in the middle.

The endless sea water around it is absorbed into it, like an eye of the sea.

Constantly absorbing, rotating, and compressing. A vortex of ocean currents formed around Jinbei, directly affecting all ocean currents under the ice.

As more and more water flows are absorbed, the power becomes stronger and stronger, and the energy fluctuations alone are shaking the sea area.

Mlocculant Karate·Uchigi·Buraikan!

The seemingly calm water ball gathers all his mysterious power.

The opponent who tried to block the move failed to catch it and was hit directly in the abdomen.

This force is frantically strangling the body, domineering energy, and will.

Then it penetrated the enemy's hard-tempered body.

When Jinbei rushed out of the sea with the CP commander, it was the time when the power exploded.

The ocean was brought up to the sky, and under the sun he broke through all the constraints with the hope of a big bear.

What kind of world government and what kind of Celestial Dragons are there?

go to hell!

As Jinbei fully exploded his fist power, the CP chief returned to the sea with a distorted face.

You can't die here. The revolutionary army is about to be destroyed. How can I?

He used his last strength to shake Jinbei away.

Since arriving in the South China Sea, I never imagined that such a scene would appear in front of everyone.

As he fell from the sky, CP Chief gritted his teeth and swallowed the medicine.


The severe pain was not limited to the wound in the abdomen, but was felt throughout the entire body.

The blood in the body is boiling, the broken bones are being connected, the blood vessels at the wound are controlled by the muscles to stop bleeding, and the damage to the physical body is being repaired in conjunction with the return of life.

A steady stream of vitality was squeezed out.

Which major force has not resorted to desperate measures? Especially in a place like the CP department where human life is not regarded as human life.

Damn it!

The CP director who swallowed the forbidden drug looked at Jinbei bitterly.

It was him who caused him to take the forbidden drug of the scientific army.

It is a life-stimulating drug.

Ordinary people will definitely die if they swallow it. After a general-level person swallows it, once the effect of the medicine wears off, they will fall to this level and it will be difficult to come back.

The cost is so high, and the effect is naturally very good. Repairing the body is only one function, and the other is to increase one's ultimate combat power.

As for the post-war

Having lost his strength after the war, even if he returned to the World Government, he would probably lose the ability to continue in this position.

The position of general manager will not be given to an ordinary master who will not live long.

As for past achievements? The five old stars wanted to laugh after hearing this.

Taking pills basically gave up his future, which was the second most painful choice for him.

The first one died of course.

He took several steps in the air and stopped in the air.

This time he will no longer consider other ideas, but will have the idea of ​​killing Jinbei completely.

He needs military exploits to maintain his future status and life.

He took out his short knife and jumped forward. To duel in the sky.

Never, never go back into the ocean again!

Jinbei was not afraid and rode on the current to kill him.

The pace of the war is getting faster and faster. Is this what the revolutionary army wants?

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