Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 422 The fish people are the darlings of the sea

The sea flow speed and direction near Pioneer Island show an abnormal state.

Both the navy and the revolutionary army monitored this abnormal phenomenon.

Ocean currents are no longer driven by temperature differences and wind kinetic energy.

And they are all sweeping away in a disorderly direction.

The violent sea currents are constantly churning under the ice, and the huge power is unleashed wantonly.

The soldiers on the ice all heard the sound of rapidly surging water coming from under their feet.

From the rank and file to the lieutenant general, a sense of unease surrounds them.

The same is true for the revolutionary army.

The monitoring system on Bika was all red, and the high-energy reaction was leveraging the power of the sea.

Look at the so-so-purple core at the center of the riot.

Doctor, where is it?

Dr. Tsukimi is a bit serious.

That's the battlefield between Big Bear and Jinbe.

Combined with the fact that Daxiong's communication had just lost contact, there was no feedback from the life detection. The doctor had a bad feeling.

In the battlefield, Lieutenant General He looked at the sea with a serious face. What happened?

In her perception, there was a breath of life that was rapidly weakening and then quickly rising to a terrifying level.

The other one went completely silent.

Then there was an uneasy feeling here.

Suddenly, a numbing sense of danger appeared in her vision.

boom! ! !

There was an earth-shattering explosion.

All the ice on the battlefield where Jinbei was standing exploded.

First, the airflow was torn apart, and strong winds swept across the surrounding area.

The sea water carried the ice fragments and rushed towards the sky from the sea area.

In the waves rushing to the sky, there are terrifying collision waves flashing among them. It was like there were two monsters fighting crazily inside.

Finally, the current that reaches its peak is pulled back into the sea under the action of gravity.

As the sea water fell, Jinbei and the CP chief who were fighting hidden in it were exposed in mid-air.

The camera phone bug immediately captured the picture. This group of battlefields had lost contact since the beginning of the war, and now they can finally see it.

No way!

This is real?

Everyone in front of the TV was exclaiming that it was impossible.

The development of the war situation was different from what they imagined.

Especially the reaction from the masters was even greater.

Anyone who knows something about the CP department knows that the boss of this department is the sharpest weapon in the hands of the Tianlong people.

I don’t know how many murders I have caused and how many dirty things I have done in secret.

His strength is unrivaled in the ocean, otherwise such a person would have perished in the ocean.

Whitebeard was shocked.

This revolutionary army is so evil that they still have the upper hand even now.

And the first one to be broken through was CP0, which was really unexpected.

When it comes to hatred, there is certainly some. None of these veteran emperors has been assassinated by the CP department.

The most recent one was the battle with Kaido. They waved him off and he almost died in the new world.

But he had not made up his mind to take revenge.

One is that the enemy cannot be found, and the second is that the price to be paid is not something that the Whitebeard Pirates can bear.

Unexpectedly, the revolutionary army did it.

So is the deterrent power of the world government?

Whitebeard was lost in thought.

in the screen.

At this moment, Jinbei's eyes were wide open and his teeth were clenched. Behind him is still driving a huge sea dragon dancing wildly in the sky.

Opposite was the CP chief. At this time, the chief no longer had the playful expression before, but his face was twisted, crazy, and even a little frightened.

The white suit on his body had been beaten to tatters, and there was red everywhere. There was blood leaking from the corners of his mouth, and it could be seen that his internal organs were also seriously injured.

The most fatal thing was that a big hole was opened in his abdomen.

He never expected that he would lose it after all.

This fishman was rescued right under his nose, and even advanced to the rank of general.

General-level fishmen have never appeared in the records of the World Government.

As soon as he entered the sea, he bumped into Jinbe who had successfully advanced. This kind of thing was terrifying.

Time moves back a little bit.

When Jinbei saw the CP chief going into the sea and looking at him in astonishment, his sad heart was replaced by another emotion.

The hatred in my heart has a place to vent.

It’s this beast!

Jinbei, who was in the water, just moved his thoughts, and his body was wrapped in the current and he quickly rushed to the CP chief.

It was as if the sea was helping him move.

At this moment, the control of the sea and the utilization of water flow have reached a peak, and the racial talents of the fishmen have been completely developed.

From a long distance, it's just a right punch.

Fishman Karate·10,000-megawatt fist!

The current is his fist, the waves are his power.

The power of the fist was condensed to the extreme and hit the CP chief with the anger of the sea.

not good!

The commander, who had already had a strong sense of crisis since he entered the water and saw the whale shark man recovering as before, even retreated after seeing this punch.

How could this guy advance?

There was no time to think about this issue in detail.

He had to face this terrifying punch first.

In the sea, the advantages of the fishmen are brought into full play.

The seawater around him has been limiting his speed, and now he has no other choice but to survive the punch first.

Occasional counterattacks are meaningless. With the pressure of this sea area, the speed of the shots will be so slow that I can't even stand it.

In this moment full of variables, he also showed his true strength as a CP chief and the coping qualities of a top expert.

Life returns. Survive!

His advanced physical skills adjusted his body to a state suitable for fighting in the sea, and webs grew between his fingers and toes.

At the same time, the lungs have also been fine-tuned to store and utilize oxygen to the limit.

Armed color full coverage!

With the current surrounding him, he didn't think he could escape the blow, so resisting was the most correct choice.

Cross your arms across your chest, preparing for the first impact.

Until now, the CP chief is still collecting intelligence on his opponents very calmly.



The angry fist made a dull metallic sound when it hit the opponent.

The initial impact was so powerful that the entire length of his arms trembled.

He was pushed straight back in the sea water, and even the sea water was pressed out of a vacuum channel.

The two figures just kept moving in the sea with a punch and a defensive posture.

How can you be so strong!

He exclaimed inwardly, the force of this punch had already made his bones tremble, and his internal organs were also injured to a certain extent.

And there will be waves of subsequent waves, one wave after another, and it becomes more and more difficult to resist.

Those who were bombarded could only continue to maintain this defensive posture. The CP commander who had retreated a long way suddenly realized that something was wrong, this depth!

He was actually pushed towards the deep sea by this punch.

Write now, publish now.

I even forgot about the limited exemption today.

Everyone, have a good time reading.

I'll try to write some more tonight.

Let's go eat now.

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