Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 421 Those who are silent will eventually be silent

The voice from behind told Big Bear that it was over.


This is the sound of a sharp blade piercing the body.

He didn't feel pain, which means the knife was sharp. He didn't die immediately, which means he didn't hit the vital point.

But the poison has spread throughout the body, and even the meat ball fruit cannot save himself.

Jinbei in his arms was also dying, and he was defeated.

The CP chief, who retreated into the distance again, looked at his still smooth dagger and felt a little emotional.

Actually, this poison was prepared for Noah.

We have been preparing to deal with him since he first came to Mariejoia.

“The main function of this poison is not to cause death, and general-level poisons cannot cause death.

And if the onset is too slow, the body will resist it, and a solution will be found at sea.

Back then, a young man named Wu came to Noah once, and he was released just like that.

So, we spent a long time studying the topic of poisoning.

It took a lot of powerful experimental subjects to develop, and I feel honored to use it on you.


Think about it, Noah will be devastated when he finds out that his comrade-in-arms has died like this.

But this is nothing compared to the humiliation he has brought to me over the years!

Seeing that the overall situation has been decided, the CP chief is very interested in talking.

There is only a fishman who is about to die, and an esper who is about to die.

There's not even a phone bug, and the information can't be leaked out, tell me what's going on.

The revolutionary army is about to be destroyed, why not let him vent his emotions?

Now, Bartholomew Bear. Tell me, does your idea still have a chance? Ah!

The CP chief is getting more and more crazy.

No matter how much his opponent yelled, Daxiong held Jinbei in his arms and remained unmoved.

His heart was frantically searching for a remedy.

Because there is hope!

When Jinbei's body was thrown over, there was still a trace of breath left.

There is only one way now.

It was to extract all the injuries from Jinbei's body.

All that is lacking now is time.

Jinbe's own strength was too strong, and the opponent who caused him harm was also too strong.

It would take a long time to extract it, and the pink injury bubble was too big for him to hide and find a target to transfer the damage to.

What to do? What to do? What to do.

At the same time, the limbs of the body began to stiffen. Is this the effect of a toxin attack?

Is your body starting to feel stiff, but you can still feel the pain?

That's what poison is capable of, and we want that bastard Noah to die in endless agony. So, you're out of luck.

Even if I don't do anything, you will be tortured by the pain until you collapse. Not to mention, I will kill you with one knife.

Ah ha ha ha ha ha

No matter how much the enemy clamors.

There is only one word left in Big Bear's mind now, pain!

Yeah, pain.

He has been poisoned, and now his only hope is

Woo! Woo! Woo!

The big bear suddenly let out a painful groan from his closed mouth, and his body began to twitch unconsciously.

What? You thought you were really a tough guy? This has just begun and you can't bear it anymore?

The CP chief sneered, bullshit belief, it will still hurt if it should.

Then he pressed for a long time and found that his opponent still had no reaction. Feeling bored.

Walking to the big bear, I found that this little giant guy had been holding the body of his comrade motionlessly. Only the twitching from time to time showed that the poison was taking effect.

Does it hurt? Just tell me.

While talking and laughing, a knife was inserted into the big bear's leg.

The big bear just twitched again.

Oh, I'm very tolerant.

The commander-in-chief was very dissatisfied. Wasn't this looking down on him?

Let me take a look, ah, there it is.

He found an ice cube from the ice, wrapped it in military colors, and slapped the big bear on the head with his backhand.


The severe pain made the big bear groan. The hat was blown off, the glasses were smashed, and blood flowed from the head.

That's right.

Just cut the ice cubes into ice blades.


Inserted into Big Bear's arm.


There was another tremor.

Give me more reaction.

Bah! boom! Tear!

With the abuse from the chief, Big Bear still resisted with silence.

Whether it is physical pain, pain caused by poison, or pain caused by ability absorption.

You can't even defeat him!

Gritting his teeth, he will not die at this time, even if he lives so ugly and ugly, he will not die.

I don’t know how long it took, but CP finally had enough fun.

Looking at the big silent toy in front of me, I felt very unhappy.

At this time, the big bear no longer maintains a normal human shape. Except for one hand tightly holding the body of his comrade.

His body was already covered with swords, spears, and halberds made of ice.

Sword marks and sword marks were all over his body. A hand was thrown a few meters away, and his face was beaten to a bloody pulp.

His eyes were all blinded, leaving only two black holes.

The blood has stained the ten-meter-wide ice field red and even turned black.

But he still never wavered, not even a word of begging for mercy was uttered.

This attitude undoubtedly completely angered the CP chief.

He hoped to hear his opponent's wailing, otherwise he would have no pleasure in ending the battle.

Okay, seeing as you are a man, I'll let you go.

Taking out his short knife from the big bear, the CP chief walked towards the distance.

After walking a certain distance, he turned around again.

You're just kidding, how could I let you go?

He showed a vicious smile and executed several flying slashes.

He will divide the sinner into several parts and die miserably in the South China Sea.

'hateful! Not even close! ’

‘Move, move! ’


This is the sound of sword energy cutting into a person.


The chief actually saw the big bear move and stand in front of Jinbei's body.

A flashback?

Then there is no need to protect a corpse.

The CP chief instinctively felt that something was wrong, and immediately became aware of the situation.

not good.

What's going on with that fish man? The aura of life on his body is so strong.

I was about to flash back to where I was.

The big bear had used his last strength to break open the ice and sank into the sea with Jinbei.

At the same time, Jinbei's last and most fatal injury was extracted from himself.

His body had long been tortured by pain and turned into a piece of rotten flesh. Not short of this fatal injury.

At the same time, he also gave Jinbei his last life force, which was a gift he gave after awakening the meat ball fruit.

The first awakening was before death, luckily it was before death.

Even now, he thinks it is a miracle.

However, it has really come to an end now.

He is a silent man and will die in silence.

Slowly sinking into the deep sea, although he lost his eyes, he saw his young self again, and just followed the dragon out, and there was a big and lively friend beside him.

They went to sea together and overthrew the tyranny together. Later, they were joined by a figure holding a sword, then two tall murlocs, and then...

Really, if the dragon hadn't found me, I might have become a traveler.

At the last moment when consciousness is about to disappear,

You must survive, Jinbe.

Jinbei, who also sank to the bottom of the sea, suddenly opened his eyes!

His eyes were red, leaving endless tears of blood in the deep blue sea.

His consciousness has long since returned, but his body cannot move because Big Bear has not extracted any nerve damage from his body.

He could only lie on the cold ice and feel the torture of the big bear.

Crazy with lust! He had never wanted to kill someone so much.

After sinking to the bottom of the sea and feeling the origin of life of the big bear.

And the ultimate sadness emanated from the depths of his soul.

Silently, he sat cross-legged in the sea while holding the broken body of the big bear.

The pure power of the sea came from all over the sea. At this moment, Jinbei's body was getting stronger in an extremely crazy way.

There is a constant flow of information in the ocean washing his soul. The transformation of body and soul has reached a level that was unimaginable in the past.

This is the first general-level murloc to be born on the sea. All kinds of incredible water control instincts are blessed with him.

But at this moment, Jinbei no longer cares about this.

There was only endless sorrow in his heart.

And unforgettable hatred.

The big bear's body was put into the gentlest ocean currents and protected in the trench.

Then turn around.

Look at the CP chief who just dived into the sea.

The sea is furious!

There will always be sacrifices, and sacrifices will continue.

This is what happens in a war where the opponent is at a disadvantage.

The combat power in the South China Sea is basically clear.

What happens next is hard to say.

But in this case, the revolutionary army will not escape.

There is no dispersion, no long march.

Big Bear used his own life as a bargaining chip in exchange for...

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