Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 415 The True Avalokitesvara with Thousands of Hands and Hundreds of Styles

Chapter 415 Thousands of Hands. Hundred-Style Guanyin

Some light skills are difficult to use. Even if they can break one or two, the Revolutionary Army must have made other preparations. I bother.

Come to think of it, this kind of material is not that easy to make. Doesn't this mean that he has been targeting me for a long time.

Fortunately, I made him a confidant and helped him improve so many things like labor law.

For a moment, the resentment almost overwhelmed the Dharma image in front of me.

Porusalino thought for a while and continued to move forward. The light was not good, but he must see how he could achieve this punch speed this time.

Continuing to move forward, suddenly, the Dharma in front of me changed.

In his highly concentrated sight and eyes, he actually completed the process of joining his palms, attacking, and arriving at the location in an instant.

Phew! Bang.

Kizaru, who dodged again, was a little confused by this operation, even if he saw all the movements clearly, he couldn't understand it.

This feeling of ignoring distance is a bit strange.

Looking at Qianju behind him again, he suddenly understood how terrifying this move was.

One palm can hit this speed, but what about Thousand Hands?

This made him a little excited. He hadn't encountered this kind of rapid and rapid attack for a long time.

No one on the ocean has ever matched him in speed, and I hope Robin can do it.

Although a salted fish is a salted fish, he will also be attracted to interesting things when he sees them.

Keep moving forward and repeat the above testing process.

call out! boom.

Later two hands joined, then ten hands joined, then a hundred hands joined until a thousand hands joined.

More and more palms joined the attack, and Kizaru became more and more excited, as if he wanted to find some interesting toy.

People can only see a golden flash of light passing through the endless shadows of palms.

After a while, this flash of light took the initiative to receive a punch.


This was the first official fist-to-palm collision, and a shock wave was born from it, sweeping away in all directions.

Taking this opportunity, Kizaru took the initiative to withdraw from the attack range.

I haven't had this feeling of fighting for a long time.

Can you tell me the name of this move?

Robin thought for a while, and although Noah didn't like giving names, this trick still worked.

There are literally thousands of hands and hundreds of movements of Guanyin.

After saying that, Qianju Dharmaman behind him made various solemn gestures to increase his power.

Yes, this is the grateful right fist practice mode that Noah used at the beginning.

A way of practice from another world. Isaac Nitro, founder of Xinyuanliu.

Practice in the mountains with grateful fist thrusts 10,000 times a day.

It takes 18 hours to punch 10,000 punches at first. When you are over 50 years old, it only takes 1 hour to throw 10,000 punches, thus giving you more time to pray.

This practice method was abandoned as Noah's course changed.

Only Robin continued to practice.

From the Grand Line to the South China Sea, from the South China Sea to the Country of Wano.

She had flowers and fruits, developed the Thousand Hands Technique, and practiced the Heart Origin Ryū Hundred Styles Guanyin, increasing her fist speed to a terrifying level.

Naturally, I hope to be able to perform boxing techniques that are invincible and only fast. This is her path.

The speed is good, but the power is not enough.

Kizaru gave a very fair evaluation.

This move is very strong, but it's still a bit inferior to the general level.

The speed can hit most masters except him, but the damage is not enough. Someone like Garp can withstand the damage and walk close, and then slap the little girl to cry.

Or like Akainu and Aokiji, they are not afraid of the natural type. They just open it up, and the elemental attacks are not afraid of such gorgeous attacks.

In the end, it seems that people like him will be slightly affected, after all, his physical skills are a little bit worse.

Dry! This kind of targeting was too serious, and he was already angry and didn't want to curse.

Robin also had his own calculations in mind.

She has long known that her attack power is insufficient.

Noah said this when arranging the task.

Remember, in addition to the well-known abilities of Kizaru's fruit, there are several other small weaknesses, which he may not care about.

One is that light can only travel in straight lines. If it is refracted, specific skills or mirrors are required to operate it.

The second is that only movement is at the speed of light, but shooting is not at the speed of light. If the attack had the speed of light, then Kizaru would be invincible against time, or his body would collapse first.

The scene is more of a duel between reaction + knowledge + shooting speed.

That's why she was chosen.

Kizaru on the opposite side was a little angry because of Noah's plan.

Then try again!

After saying that, Kizaru started his fighting mode more seriously and rushed into the palm shadows all over the sky.

Robin also went all out, with thousands of hands coming out from behind.

Infinite Euler rises. Torn winds and air currents surged in this sea area.

The endless fist wind turned the nearby sea upside down.

The first form, the second form, the ninety-ninth form!

No matter how fast Robin's punch speed increases or how sophisticated his moves are.

Kizaru, who was all serious, all avoided them.

The man who can control the shining fruit showed his own style.

If he didn't have super fast nerve reflexes and super strong sense of perception, he wouldn't have reached the position of the third general of the navy by relying on the shining fruit.

There are so many heaven-defying fruits in the sea, and only the three of them have come this far.

Robin gritted his teeth and continued.

Thousands of Hands and Hundreds of Styles. Zero Style!

Thousands of hands came out to seal Kizaru's top, bottom, left, and right, and finally compressed all the power and fist wind shock waves into the core to create a thick transparent shock wave.

The space was distorted wherever it passed. This was an attack made purely from physical skills, and its power definitely reached the level of a general.

Originally, Robin's physical fitness would never be able to reach this level, but even ordinary attacks would produce qualitative changes after being stacked a thousand times.

With the in-depth development of Huahua Fruit, few people can withstand this punch.

The terrifying aspect of this move is even a bit like the power of Cyborg Kong's move 10 years ago.

It's this feeling, this sense of danger.

Kizaru saw the oncoming attack and felt his blood burning.

He didn't expect that there would be moves in this battlefield that he could take seriously.

As for hiding?

Although Type Zero's attack blocked the surrounding area, it was still possible to escape through a gap with his strength.

If Robin advanced to the general level, he would naturally not be able to be so calm. But she is not yet, and the intensity of this lockdown is limited.

The serious general proved his combat power with practical actions.

You can take it without hiding.

Eight-foot beautiful magatama!

Kizaru got serious and launched a terrifying attack, each laser beam carrying extremely strong energy fluctuations.

Using the name of Japanese mythology to explain his moves, does this general have a salty heart or is he arrogant?

Throw endless lasers at the oncoming shockwave. Start facing Todoroki head-on.

Bang bang bang!

The sound of dense explosions resounded throughout the battlefield.

They all have super-standard attack capabilities. Under the bombardment, the aftermath washed away the entire desert island.

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