Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 414 This Noate is not a thing

On the battlefield, everyone performs his or her duties.

Out of tactical necessity, we would like to exchange a few pleasantries and delay some time.

Since it's troublesome, General Kizaru, can we sit down and have a chat? Noah respects some of your views very much.

Kizaru's face turned a little blue.

Miss Robin, could you please stop saying this in front of the camera?

I don’t know what people think I have to do with the revolutionary army.

Kizaru looked helplessly at the phone bug next to Robin.

Noah is a guy who knows his mentality very well.

There are phone bugs here, and basically no one can leave until the winner is decided.

It is estimated that other divided battlefields are also in the same situation.

Kizaru was sure that if he turned around and left, no one would believe him even if he explained after the war that he was going to help others.

This bastard.

What is Noah planning? Put Robin here and start a fight with him, and you won't be able to keep your hands in front of the camera.

If he was serious, Robin would be dead.

Such troublesome things.

An interesting idea came to his mind.

So how about using a laser to blow up this phone bug?

General Kizaru, there are several phone bugs here, be careful not to hit them.

Um. That guy Noah, is he afraid that Robin will not die?

Sigh. Sigh.

So Miss Robin, are you really ready to die?

Kizaru's eyes behind his sunglasses were also a little more serious.

He is an admiral after all.

Since this trouble can't go away, let's solve it here.

Killing the opponent as quickly as possible so that Robin does not have to suffer the destruction of the revolutionary army is his kindness.

Robin was relieved to see that Kizaru was stabilized.

Holding him back is her only mission, even if it costs her own life.

The war has already started.

Then he clasped his hands together and made a strange gesture.

Flowers and fruits. Thousands of hands, transformed into a Buddha on top!

boom! *2

Two huge arms shot out from the soil behind Robin, first propped themselves on the ground, and then brought up a huge demonic figure, as if crawling out of hell.

The face is similar to Robin, but the temperament is completely different. The scary and sinister eyes, the fangs at the corners of the mouth. All of them fit the name given by the navy, this is the devil.

After the huge figure several hundred meters high was fully formed, it sat in lotus position on the desert island.

This was not over yet. Suddenly, a huge flower seemed to bloom behind it. After blooming, it spread out thousands of arms, and the sunlight was blocked, leaving only stars shining through the island.

This is the complete form of the Son of the Devil, standing on a deserted island.

Apart from Wano, this is the first time it has been shown to the world.

Ordinary people in front of the screen were shocked by this huge Thousand Hands Technique.

Weird, grand, magnificent, and domineering. Its strength must be very terrifying.

Compare it to the humanoid general opposite who looks very tall but appears very slender in front of the Dharma.

Is it possible that the revolutionary army will win this battle?

Contrary to ordinary people are the masters from the outside world.

They know that Kizaru's strongest point is his speed. The speed at which he turns into light and moves can be called the fastest speed in the sea.

Even space-type fruits like the Gate Fruit cannot gain the upper hand.

What's the use of having thousands of hands and eyes for such a big Dharma image?

There are people with abilities hundreds of meters high on the sea, but it will be no different when facing general-level ones.

Moreover, Kizaru's offensive power is also extremely strong, and he has no shortcomings at the general level. At this time, the Devil's Son is just a huge target.

In their understanding, the only ones who can definitely fight with Kizaru are opponents of the same pole.

As long as the strength is weak, even Kizaru's figure cannot be caught.

Facing such an opponent.

General-level combat power, coupled with the ability to predict the future, is the best combination for combat, and can gain the upper hand in a deadly fight.

Secondly, there are the same rapid fruits, such as the door fruit, which can maintain the state of fighting.

Or simply crush him, like Garp.

Generally strong people would have a terrible headache when dealing with someone like Kizaru.

Kizaru was brought here now by the camera bug, otherwise he would have left long ago.

The only thing that can restrain him on this battlefield is the face of the navy, an intangible thing like that.

No tangible object can limit those with the ability of the Shining Fruit.

Kizaru looked at the Buddha on the top who appeared in front of him. In addition to being curious, he was also a little confused.

Such an ability shouldn't cause him a sense of danger, so let's try it first? You can't fight that fast anyway.

Didn't you see a huge rising sea current rising over there? How terrifying a battlefield like that is. It's still very pleasant here for the time being.

Kizaru slowly approached Robin step by step, suddenly.

call out!


The figure disappeared from the spot, leaving only a giant palm that dug a deep pit into the ground.

So fast, so strong!

Kizaru dodged to the side and was a little scared. Fortunately, he was more cautious and dodged quickly, otherwise he might have been hit by the first blow.

Moreover, there is something wrong with the back of this arm, as if something is attached to it.

And what’s with this weird shooting speed?

Other strong men in the outside world were also shocked. Such a move was beyond their imagination.

It seems that the revolutionary army did not simply use people to hold back the general.

Kizaru looked at Robin.

This time, it was really scary~. I almost hit it. Miss Robin, can you explain it?

Ah la la la, General Kizaru is joking. Didn't he miss it too?

Robin smiled like a flower, but actually his heart was shaken. General Kizaru is indeed very fast.

Her boxing skills can't be hit even if calculated intentionally or unintentionally. Fortunately, other preparations are quite sufficient, even if they cannot defeat them, they will not be completely defeated.

On the surface, Kizaru didn't care, but in fact he decided to change his attack method. He didn't just kick at the speed of light.

Standing there loosely, clenching his fingers frivolously


Two lasers were fired.

Robin, on the other hand, used the back of Faxiang's hand to attack.

The collision gave off a dazzling light.

After a brief stalemate, the light was deflected and shot straight into the sea, creating two large whirlpools.

This result left Kizaru speechless for a while, and he confirmed that there was really something.

That thing behind the palm is

Robin simply let the Senju Fuxiang reveal the back of his arm, which was covered with reflective material.

It almost blinded everyone in front of the screen, and even the camera phone bug was crying.

This is a reflective material specially developed by the Revolutionary Army. Although it is thin, it is very tough.

It has strong reflectivity for various spectrums of light, very good heat insulation, and impact resistance.

It doesn’t seem to be used on a daily basis.

Wouldn't it be over if you just say it's against me?

Kizaru cursed in his heart, this Noate is nothing. Don't you mean a simple opponent? Still fishing?

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