Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 416 The Weakest and the Strongest Warrior

The exploding light and shadow effects completely shocked everyone.

Finally the smoke cleared.

The Devil's Son and General Kizaru both stood on the spot without any injuries. Only the countless craters around them explained what had just happened.

A tie?

No, Robin lost.

Many experts who watched through the phone bug came to this conclusion.

Although this move is terrifying, it is the last move for Robin.

With her physical strength, this attack wouldn't last more than a few rounds.

But Kizaru was just serious.

The combat power of the general level is really a desperate class.

Perhaps with some calculations and opportunities, this level can be temporarily reached at a certain level.

Such as attack power, such as speed, such as body.

But the short-lived combat power is ordinary for those who stand at the top of the sea.

Seeing Robin trying so hard but still not being able to close the gap with Kizaru, the other masters on the sea also felt a little sad.

In the battlefield, Kizaru looked at Robin, who was a little tired but still calm, and was a little curious.

This bastard Noah, has he prepared anything else?

Isn't that true? We'll know after we hit him.

Robin is still so arrogant on the surface.

But I also became nervous inside.

There is indeed a backup plan behind, but it is not clear whether Kizaru's effect is good or not.

It’s just that the momentum cannot be lost. He still showed his punching posture.

Even now, Kizaru is curious about the revolutionary army's back-up plan. What could it be?

As if facing the Senju Dharma for the first time, he continued to move forward.


Watching the sword fall with one strike, Kizaru was puzzled at first, and then disappointed.

I'm also looking forward to seeing some special attacks, just like before.

On one side of the body, I plan to dodge easily. Although it doesn't hurt to take it hard, you still need to be graceful.

Just as he was about to leave, his eyes suddenly blurred.

A strange force directly invaded his mind.

I saw a sea burning with rage. Many voices were also heard.

For the people of the South China Sea, for...

Get up, you don't want to be a bombardment

Live, you must live.

Countless sounds and images emerged from his mind.

This information shock came from an incomprehensible angle, making his body stiff for a moment.

By the time he used his will to break through the illusion in his mind, it was too late to dodge and he could only raise his arms to defend himself.

The battle of speed is about fighting for that front line. If you are slow, you are slow.


Kizaru was sent flying into the air by this palm.

Then came the subsequent combos, two moves, three moves, and four moves.

Kizaru, who had been attacked four times in a row, used the force to withdraw from the battle circle again.

He flew 50 meters straight before regaining his balance. Although he had just fallen into a state of being beaten, the general who overwhelmed Robin with combat experience would not be beaten forever.

After landing, he looked at Robin solemnly.

What's happening here? A hallucinatory devil fruit?

The strength of the illusion alone is not very strong. As long as you gather your will, you can break it with one blow.

The ability to invade is extremely strange, and its impact on one's mentality far exceeds that of hallucinations.

With a sullen face, Kizaru controlled his body to close off his sense of smell and hearing, and walked into Robin's battle circle again.

He didn't believe that such power came from the devil's son. No matter how defiant Huahuaguo is, he can never achieve this level.

When he reached the attack range of the Devil's Son, Kizaru became more cautious. He released his sight color at almost full power, and the slightest disturbance could not be hidden from him.

Again, punch.

Kizaru didn't intend to dodge, he just pretended to dodge, and half of his body turned into light.

Sure enough, that power came again.

No matter how vigilant and careful Kizaru is.

Still being invaded into my mind.

If they don't let you live, then you...

The World's Intelligent Race Group.

For victory.

After another beating, Kizaru jumped out of the ring, trying to figure out something.

The strong men in the sea across the phone bug were still confused at this time.

What is rhythm. Isn't Kizaru's acting skills too bad? Even if he releases his opponent, he can't use this kind of turn-based release.

Step forward, take a beating, retreat.

Step forward, take a beating, retreat.

Could it be that you and the revolutionary army really reached some kind of agreement, or are you mentally ill and you really think that the world government doesn't dare to handle it?

Whitebeard and others who had some knowledge also saw something.

Kizaru must have suffered an inexplicable attack.

There were no external injuries, but there was stiffness before departure.

Then it is very likely to target soul or control skills, such as illusion or slowness.

Seeing this, Whitebeard couldn't help but sigh.

This revolutionary army has done too much to prepare the world government's combat power.

Intelligence is really crucial. The Four Emperors like them are far behind the Revolutionary Army and the World Government in terms of reporting.

This is the difference between regular troops and pirates.

At the same time, I had a deep fear of Noah.

This terrifying guy is simply the second Warring States Period.

They had all gone through the period of the Warring States Period with wise generals, and they also had various strategies emerging one after another, which made many big pirate groups go crazy.

Many old friends from back then died only to realize it later.

If there is a conflict in the future, we must not fall into the rhythm of the revolutionary army.

Return to the battlefield.

Kizaru used the Shining Fruit ability to circle around the Devil's Son several times, combined with the memories of the previous battle scene.

Finally, I discovered that in this Senju's attack mode, there were always two arms that were not used, remaining in front of the body to protect a lotus-shaped creation.

So is this the cause? His eyes flashed red, and he concentrated on seeing, hearing, and seeing colors.

This... turned out to be the breath of a person!

Although it is relatively weak, it feels like an ordinary human being, but how can it be ordinary when it appears on this battlefield?

When I first saw the sex being released, I didn't take it seriously because the breath of life was relatively weak. I didn't expect that it was actually the troublemaker!

Miss Robin, who is that?

After Kizaru's eyes locked on Lotus, Robin also knew that his trick had been seen through.

Now that it has been discovered, let's just go on stage. My sisters have been waiting for this opportunity for a long time.

Besides, you can't hide it when facing a general.

As the lotus made of flowers and fruits slowly bloomed, the person protected inside also appeared.

Goldfish and mermaid! Princess Otohime!

It was through the use of Princess Otohime's natural power of knowledge and color that she was able to influence General Kizaru.

He is born with the He Qi of Seeing, Hearing and Color, he can hear the inner voice of others, feel the other person's thoughts and emotions, and convey the user's own consciousness to others.

It affects the minds and thoughts of others and creates a strong resonance, and can even change the other person's values ​​and ideology.

It is precisely with this domineering attribute that he can influence the admiral who has already tempered his mind.

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