Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 413 From five days ago

The Green Bull looked at the three people gathered together, worried about what traps there were, and slowed down the offensive rhythm slightly, returning to the original confrontation state.

But what's different about the opening is that by this time the Green Bull's arrogance has been almost shattered, leaving only anger and shame.

After taking a look at the location of the camera bug, I felt the urge to kill it. But it's too late. It's even more embarrassing to blow up the live broadcast at this time.

Brooke looked at his broken right arm and sword, sighed, and had to use his left arm to hold the broken sword.

What he was thinking about at this moment was how he would play the violin with only one hand.

This is how a musician’s brain circuit jumps out.

Green Bull looked at Brooke who was sighing inexplicably with a sullen face, feeling a little unhappy. Was the other person sighing because he didn't have a sword to kill him?

But there was a question he still wanted to ask.

Why is the Sensen Fruit useless to you?

Yo ho ho ho ho, because I have no life force. Green-haired idiot.

This is impossible. How can someone have no vitality?

Green Bull didn’t believe it.

This is why Noah thinks Brook is a good candidate to deal with the Green Bulls.

The legend of Brook has been circulating on the sea, such as the God of Death on the Sea, the Musician of Death, and the Messenger of Hell.

However, the Navy has never received accurate information, and it is the first time for Green Bull to see this strange opponent.

Who can believe that a swordsman who can make sword moves and talk is a dead man.

I just thought he was a guy with special fruit abilities, and his appearance was a bit bluffing.

As a result, Brooke is really that special.

How to extract life force from a dead body without flesh and blood?

It was by taking advantage of this that he made a beautiful assassination.

In fact, this battle started five days ago.

The first move. In the news interview conducted by Morgans 5 days ago, he continued to scorn the Green Bull, mocking his origins and questioning his fighting ability.

The second move. Live phone bug. Let the opponent have concerns, and the first opening kill after the start of the game, anger the opponent's reason, and make some risky and impulsive decisions.

The third move is to throw yourself into a trap. The powerful thunder-inducing swordsmanship of the first sword was a prelude to being captured later. The bet is that the opponent will use the fruit ability to attack first.

The fourth move, distraction, is Koushiro's frontal combat. Let the active force be completely exposed to the opponent's sight and relax your vigilance on the ground.

The fifth move is to cover. Tiger gathered the murloc warriors and threw them over his shoulder. Super large range, super powerful. It definitely has the attack power of a general. Taking advantage of the opponent's mentality of attacking head-on, the debilitating effect of sea water on fruit ability users is superimposed. Again, divert attention.

The sixth move, the final kill is between Brooke's soul.

Whenever one of them fails here, the final kill will not appear. Instead, he turned to the second, more sinister plan.

Before the war, Noah said that this war was all about crazy tactics, and life and death depended on it.

As for why the final kill was left to Brooke, it was because his attack was special.

Generals are all physical monsters, and they can recover on their own if no vital points are injured.

However, the Soul Sword is a sword technique developed based on the underworld fruit. It not only hurts the body, but also the soul.

Now after the green bull passed through the period of rage, he felt his head was a little dizzy.

Haki is a bit blocked on top of running and extracting. Especially seeing, hearing and color has a great influence.

Even the use of the fruit's ability was not as easy as it was at first.

The power of this DEBUFF has just emerged. The further back he goes, the more he will realize this.

The damage from the soul is not so easy to solve. The green bull without the overbearing color can only wait for the recovery of its soul.

Or return to the world government to solve the problem. With the capabilities of the world government, there will definitely be a way to repair this aspect.

But whether he can go back is another matter.

Among the six generals, Green Bull has the most combat plans.

Because he is the one with the most flaws.

There will be a series of killer moves in the follow-up. If he didn't break the situation early, he didn't know what else was waiting for him.

On the main battlefield of Pioneer Island.

Lieutenant General He glanced at the direction where the shocking sea current had just erupted, Green Bull.

That's okay, it's not that she doesn't support it.

But she believes in the strength of the masters recruited by the World Government.

CP0 has not made any movement on the sea during this period, so it seems that this is what happened.

She doesn't need to worry about the masters who can pass the test of the insidious guy from the CP chief and have been received by the Five Old Stars. She just needs to be in charge of the navy.

I'm divided into two departments, and I won't appreciate it if I help others.

There have been a lot of troubles between the Navy and the World Government, and those surveillance personnel in the CP department are really disgusting.

That is to say, things got better after the rise of the revolutionary army, but we still have to be cautious.

After a while, the momentum over there became slightly weaker.

General He was confused, is your world government here to make fun of you? This is a big war in front of people all over the world!

Such a secret conscription was implemented. As expected, order on the sea still needs to be maintained by the navy.

As for reinforcements

Don't worry about that, keep attacking!

Seeing the anxious tug-of-war on the main battlefield, Lieutenant General He was very dissatisfied. What was going on?

There were so many lieutenant generals but they couldn't take down a single fortress, so maybe she had to take action herself.

Time pushed back, and General Kizaru also passed through the space gate.

He didn't quite believe in the simple opponent Noah said.

We still know how cunning this opponent is that gives everyone a headache.

There were so many people who fell into Noah's scheme, and the history of blood and tears he gave told him not to believe this guy's words.

The reason why he still cooperated to go through the space door was because of his confidence as a naval admiral.

At the same time, I don’t want to fight to the death with those tough guys who are still on the main battlefield.

It is indeed impossible for the revolutionary army to produce general-level combat power, so as long as he is careful, he can still fish happily.

After going out, I immediately saw and heard the sex.

There is only one person here who can be called an opponent, but it is not at the same level. How confident is he?

It was that disgusting guy Noah who set up a mysterious and shocking trap.

The less Kizaru noticed it, the more alert he became, and he stayed in mid-air without landing.

The people on the ground frowned as they watched. This guy must be too cautious. It’s exactly the same as what Noah said.

It seems vulgar and casual, but in fact it is as stable as an old dog.

In the end it was she who broke the calm.

General Kizaru, there are really no traps here. Please come down and fight.



I do not believe.

Well, the man on the ground stiffened, he was such a nasty guy, I really wanted to slap him.

Of course, Kizaru said he didn't believe it, but he came down anyway.

It's not enough to hang in the sky all the time, he still wants to save face.

After landing, take the initiative to speak.

Oh, you are an acquaintance, or a very troublesome opponent. Is it appropriate for Mr. Noah to put you here?

He was obviously speaking in a serious manner, but he was so vulgar.

This nonchalant look and tone made me want to slap him even more.

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