Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 403 The Shamelessness of the Warring States Period

Arrogant, but really impressive. There is a feeling that you have thousands of troops at your disposal.

Warring States looked at several people in the revolutionary army with complicated eyes, feeling very sad in his heart. These are the most outstanding talents on the sea.

Long was one of their elders who grew up. From the time he defected from the navy and pursued his ideals, he knew that with Long's talent, they would eventually meet like this.

It’s just a matter of sooner or later.

As for the other core character, Noah.

too young. This is obviously a strong man who belongs to the next era, breaking into the world in an unreasonable way. It has brought new directions and new ideas to the world.

Sengoku believed that if he was not a navy man himself, he would admire such a great thinker and war artist very much.

Yes, the Warring States Period recognized Noah's achievements very much, and everything he did should be recorded in history.

Even Akainu, who was severely wounded by Noah twice, recognized this. This opponent was cunning, insidious, but a human being.

No matter how much the navy hates and loathes this demon that stirs the sea, they have to admit that Noah is really different from others.

His most powerful thing is not his force, but his thoughts.

The thought spread like a virus across the ocean. Thought is a terrifying weapon that is not afraid of guns. It has no entity and is everywhere.

However, it’s time for you to finish, revolutionary light!

Everyone held their breath. This was the first face-to-face confrontation between the Navy and the Revolutionary Army.

Everyone is curious about what kind of dialogue there will be at the beginning, and whether it will be as legendary as in the storybook.

The perspective of the Revolutionary Army was also inserted into the broadcast scenes. On the entire battlefield, Morgans arranged a total of more than a dozen photojournalists who were not afraid of death and had some fighting ability, as well as fixed camera positions. In terms of professionalism and world economy, News is really great.

As the commander-in-chief, Warring States calmly held the loudspeaker phone bug.

The war has begun. He wanted to defeat the fighting spirit of the revolutionary army before a close encounter.

As for how far Noah and the others can fight with him, Sengoku is looking forward to it.

The revolutionary army committed heinous crimes, killing the world's noble Celestial Dragons, attacking the Holy Land Marie Joa, and studying historical texts without authorization.

Robbed the world government's heavenly gold, killed 23 kings of the world's affiliated countries, formed the South China Sea Federation, an illegal government, illegally occupied the South China Sea waters, illegally captured the South China Sea naval base, and incited ignorant people to rebel.

For five minutes, Seng Guo recounted the crimes committed by the revolutionary army one by one in a calm tone.

A strange look flashed in the eyes of the five old stars watching the live broadcast. In this Warring States Period, it would be better for both parties to resign early. Buddha's Warring States Period? There is no compassion, only wisdom.

No, the revolutionary army is in danger!

The red-haired man looked at the calm Sengoku in the camera and felt a little chilled. He also sensed the other party's intentions.

When other major forces did not react, the real heroes understood the evil intentions of the Navy Marshal.

This is the conspiracy of the Warring States Period. The ideas of the Revolutionary Army are indeed very powerful in deceiving people.

If there is a debate, even the two Warring States Periods cannot win.

The justice of the navy is no match for the simple justice of ordinary people. This is something he understood when he became a lieutenant commander in the navy.

So the world government is not here to debate, but to judge.

The power of ruling the sea for 800 years was used to endorse this conquest, and the law was used to add determination to the soldiers of the navy and weaken the momentum of the revolutionary army.

Sure enough, in his perception, the mental defense on the opposite side, which was like an iron wall, was slightly loosened.

No matter what Noah and the others do later, they can't escape his plan.

The revolutionary army's argument is to argue within the legal framework of the world government, and the pattern is small.

If you don't argue, if you continue to talk about the revolutionary army's ideas, you will be talking about others. If you don't confront them head-on, you will lose your momentum.

It's better to say nothing, tacitly admitting that you have committed a crime. Each of the three outcomes is a disadvantage.

This is just the first level.

The second level is to anger the top leaders of the revolutionary army and make them lose their minds.

Anyone whose life-long sacrifice is just a crime in the mouth of the world government will be angry.

Anyone who messes up his mind will inevitably be weaker in the next battle. In the battle of overthrow, the thin line separates life and death.

For example, when Long Zai thought about illegally invading Demon Valley Town in the Warring States period, he was extremely furious. The strong winds around him wanted to tear the Warring States into pieces.

His best friend, his comrade-in-arms who could sacrifice each other's lives, Ivankov, had just committed the crime of illegally invading Demon Valley Town.

He knew this was a tactic, but he still couldn't control his emotions. Other cadres felt the same way.

Fujitora's hand holding his cane and sword was creaking. Some of the students he brought out had already been sacrificed. Countless people who sacrificed for their beliefs did not deserve this kind of insult.

Warring States, you hypocritical guy! What kind of justice do you flaunt!

A total of 378 articles. We are now executing the World Government's order and issuing the highest demon-slaying order to the Revolutionary Army! Revolutionary Army! Do you admit guilt or not?

After reading the last word, Warring States looked at the reaction of the revolutionary army very calmly. Those cadres who were gnashing their teeth with hatred were not his target at all.

He only paid attention to Noah's reaction. This man was the soul and core of the revolutionary army.

Seeing Noah's gloomy face, murderous intent overflowing, and heavy aura, he felt relieved.

It finally worked, restraining the opponent's momentum. This was just the first design. I don't know where you can go.

Now just waiting for Noah's reply. Let's see how many traps he falls into.

Sorry, young man. This is the sea, this is war.

He was the marshal of the navy during the Warring States Period, and ruled the world with justice. What he can do for justice is beyond anyone's imagination.

The wise general Sengoku on the battlefield is such a terrifying figure, and his enemies will always be played to death by him.

When Warring States finished speaking, everyone looked at the revolutionary army and Noah.

Countless powerful forces and veterans have reflected how sinister and sinister the Warring States move was.

Garp, who was far away in Marineland, looked at his son's painful expression and felt helpless. The Revolutionary Army had a difficult time at the first level.

Noah knew it was bad after Sengoku opened his mouth. This guy's entry point was something he didn't expect.

He also thought that on this occasion, there would be a collision of ideas between the two sides. He was very confident about this, and neither of the two Warring States parties was his opponent.

However, the enemy's wisdom exceeded his imagination. The enemy's insidious damage was also unexpected.

Not only Long couldn't suppress his temper, but Noah himself couldn't suppress it either.

Listening to the crimes one by one, I seemed to see Eva who died in the town of Magic Valley, Panfilov who died in Mariejoia, and his comrades who may have died in every corner of the world.

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