Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 402 On the tenth day, the army pressed on the territory

tenth day.

On this day, the whole world is paying attention to the South China Sea.

At 8 o'clock in the morning, Morgans ordered the reporters to turn on the live broadcast, and the battle in the South China Sea began.

Basically the entire sea is watching this live broadcast.

The news released 10 days in advance has reached its peak.

In the meeting hall of Mariejoia, the kings who came to attend the meeting also took their seats one by one.

Cobra looked at the empty seats in Nanhai and didn't know what to say. The scene of them collectively dying that day still shocked his nerves. The revolutionary army

The pirates in the new world stopped in their respective territories and found playback equipment to watch the whole process.

Ordinary people also gathered in pubs or squares. In their eyes, this was a more sensational and lively event than the execution of the Pirate King back then.

What catches the audience's eyes is the naval sails that cover the sky and the sun.

The white sails and blue seagull pattern give people a sense of peace of mind.

When the camera pulls up, a full view of the warship is revealed.

On the wooden deck, naval officers were standing ready at their posts.

The angle of view revolves around the camera bug.

You can see that this is an ironclad ship, and its strong lines reflect its terrifying defensive power.

Generally, pirate shells cannot break through the surface defense of the ship.

The firing port baffles on both sides of the ship were all removed, and the steel gun barrels protruded out of the side of the ship one by one, displaying a ferocious look to the outside world.

Judging from the caliber, the firepower is very fierce. Coupled with the dense concentration of gun barrels, it is an overwhelming advantage for ordinary warships.

This is a main ship, and the highest officer on the ship is Admiral Kizaru.

It is also the only main ship that Morgans can obtain filming rights for. Used an out-of-print novel signed by Noah.

Two names were signed, one was Noah and the other was Adam. That's why it's said to be out of print.

Others were directly hit the wall and were not allowed to shoot at all. Green Bull actually showed welcome.

However, his ship was a World Government ship and did not have the representativeness of an admiral, so he declined the other party's invitation.

To put an end to Morgans' speculation, well, it wasn't speculation, but it was obvious that he was obviously unhappy.

After circling the ship for a week, the camera suddenly zoomed up and flew directly above the fleet group.

Even when crossing over the fleet, people only saw endless white sails and an indescribably huge fleet group.

Splitting the waves, the white waves spread out on both sides of the ship, forming a white V-shape, and countless ships were formed into countless V-shapes, which was extremely majestic.

The ocean currents were divided in front of the fleet and could not stop their progress at all. Give the audience a feeling of invincibility in its simplest form.

The first perspective is on the navy side, and Morgans intends to use this primary perspective to interpret the war.

After all, it's safer to be on the winner's team.

As the fleet moved forward, a black line gradually appeared in the distance.

Report, we are about to arrive at Pioneer Island!


Sengoku allowed the observers to retreat.

From what he saw, he had already sensed the presence of his opponent.

The aura in the distance that was like a big furnace and the extremely dangerous aura told him that he was finally going to have a formal confrontation with the revolutionary army.

Warring States unconsciously stood on the bow of the ship, and the other generals did the same. No one was qualified to ignore this threat.

Following the actions of the admiral and lieutenant general, the atmosphere of countless navy soldiers also became solemn, and they all looked into the distance.

The camera was also aimed at the horizon at the right time.

This!. This is Pioneer Island!?

The lookout man standing on the mast saw that the buildings in the distance were a little incoherent. This was something beyond his knowledge.

The strong men with excellent eyesight have already seen the appearance of Pioneer Island.

I have seen huge permanent fortifications, such as Malinfando, and there are even various defense mechanisms in the buildings.

But is the revolutionary army's all-metal defense going too far?

The thick metal armor firmly blocked the front of the building complex.

There are also sea steel city walls about 10 kilometers long and 100 meters high extending on both sides. Is this to protect against giants?

The artillery in various firing positions seems to be more numerous and more powerful than that of the navy, and the crossfire points in each section are designed to be extremely professional.

It can be called a real iron wall, impeccable.

If it weren't for the strongest person in the world still deciding the battlefield, this fortress alone could keep the navy at bay.

Warring States was also in a heavy mood. The lack of shock from the data seen in the intelligence and the things witnessed live is irreparable.

Why would such a perfect defense design system and science and technology be in the hands of the revolutionary army?

If it were in his hands, wouldn't the naval base be as stable as a mountain?

There is absolutely no comparison between the G1 Fortress in the new world and this human miracle building in front of you.

As the ship approached, the camera also clearly saw the Revolutionary Army's Pioneer Island Fortress.

Audiences all over the world were speechless for a moment, what on earth is this? It is difficult to describe this spectacle in their poor language.

I don't know why, but when I see this terrifying Great Steel Wall, I feel like the revolutionary army can hold on.

Marco said what everyone in front of the TV wanted to say.

When the Navy saw the Revolutionary Army, the Revolutionary Army also saw the Navy's super-large fleet.

The boundless fleet also gave them a disincentive.

This is the capability of the world's largest force. At least the revolutionary army cannot gather so many warships, not even one third.

The navy continued on, eventually stopping at a safe distance.

The atmosphere suddenly became tense.

In the steel jungle of Pioneer Island Fortress, there is a high platform in the middle.

Above are the main cadres of the revolutionary army.

Noah was very naughty and gave everyone a chair.

He was leaning on the chair, with his legs crossed, full of momentum, and an invincible momentum emerged spontaneously.

Others followed suit. No one knew how to greet the incoming navy on such an occasion. It would be better to follow Noah's example. It was quite inspiring.

So the revolutionary army cadres lined up and sat on the top of the city.

Jinbe, Robin, Noah, Ryu, Fujitora, Big Bear, Tiger.

The combined bounty of these people is at least tens of billions, which is like a golden mountain standing on a high wall.

The audience in front of the TV was also surprised.

This was the first time they had seen real people from the revolutionary army, and those people were always so mysterious.

There are only their bounties and horrific deeds on the sea, and legends are everywhere.

After seeing the real people this time, I feel that these people are worthy of being ruthless characters who can compete with the world government.

Even now, he is still so arrogant and shows off his authority in front of the navy fleet.

Many pirates have been brought in. Just not escaping when facing a naval fleet is already very powerful. It is really not something ordinary people can do to directly make such a provocative provocation.

The war has begun!

The battle table is a headache. Combat power, burst, mentality, reasonableness, and survival.

These points are too difficult.

I plan to write more casually.

This is my first book, so I wrote it according to my ideas.

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Welcome to discuss the plot and help me sort out the loopholes and ideas.

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