Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 404 What is overlord sex!

His anger threatened to tear his chest apart.

If the end goal was to piss me off, you did it, Sengoku!

He stood up slowly. At this time, even the greatest wisdom could not destroy the beliefs left by those who died.

Since you can't break the situation, just smash the plate!

Pick up the megaphone.

He just wanted to say what he wanted to say the most right now, what calculations and what steps, so he should go aside for now.

World Government!

Countless people stared closely at Noah, arguing or not! ? ? ?

I recognize you!




Dirty words are simply the most common and most enjoyable ones in the world.

Any grievances, anger, or thoughts were all poured out with a hearty curse word.

I don’t recognize any world government. You even overturned the chessboard!

Countless people in front of the TV were shocked!

Swearing, very dirty and direct.

Nothing, just force it on?

Pirates, ordinary people, the revolutionary army itself

This, this is so cool! ! ! !

What the hell, it’s your turn for the Revolutionary Army to judge!

Long suddenly stood up, looked at Warring States and shouted loudly

World Government! I recognize you!!

Robin also stood up, still saying the same thing

World Government! I recognize you!!

After that, Fujitora, Tiger, and Jinbe.

Then everyone. Even ordinary people watching TV were affected. They cursed a few words, then covered their mouths and got drunk.

The pirates did not care about this, and toasted Noah through the screen. This member of the revolutionary army is not afraid of death, just leave alone.

Under the deep sea.

Your teacher has such a side, I really didn't expect it. I always thought he was a great swordsman crazy about swords.

He's really not a good person in private.

Bucky rubbed his head, Teacher Noah's true nature was finally revealed, quack quack.

Okay, let's go quickly. Now I really believe that this plan can succeed. After all, not everyone can be crazy enough to scold the World Government in front of a hundred thousand navy.

The group of people continued on their way in the submarine.

When the waters of Pioneer Island echoed with curse words one after another, Seng Guo's face turned pale.

This is a scolding of the world government and a scolding of him.

The plan was broken, and the revolutionary army shouted and cursed, and their morale was higher than before.

He himself was infamous, and I am afraid that this sentence will be indispensable in his life from now on.

What's more important is that the initiative is no longer in his hands.

When the World Government was greeted in front of the whole world, he, as the commander-in-chief of the battlefield, had to do something.

Since you won a small hand at the beginning, let’s try your absolute power!

He signaled the other generals to get ready.

Then he shouted angrily


Then his own majestic momentum spurted out, which was an extremely unbelievable overlord color in the naval system.

Limited by the nature of the navy and its relationship with the world government, the Celestial Dragons, it is difficult for the navy to awaken this power no matter how strong it is.

The domineering power that can only be inspired by the Warring States Period, which implemented the justice of ruling the world.

The majestic domineering force swept over the revolutionary army.

At the same time, the other five generals released their own momentum.

Magma, ice, flash, a strange and cold aura, and an endless aura mixed together with this domineering force and rushed towards the steel fortress on the opposite side.

In an instant, the color of the sky and the earth changed, the white clouds in the sky were directly dispersed, and the waves on the sea between the two forces were flattened by the momentum.

see it. Noah, this is absolute power.

No need to take action, just the strong momentum can break down your mental defense.

In the world of One Piece, morale is really key. This is not a nihilistic word, but a realistic spiritual attribute.

When morale is suppressed, the price paid is heavy.

Especially on a battlefield with hundreds of thousands of people, the losing side is likely to pay tens of thousands more lives of ordinary soldiers.

During the war, the Navy used various means to suppress the Whitebeard Pirates.

If it weren't for Luffy's sudden appearance, it would be difficult for Bai Tuan to maintain his final strength in Marineland.

Before everyone in front of the TV could recover from the verbal exchange, they saw a strange sight.

What's going on with the white clouds in the sky and the waves on the sea? The invisible overlord color and momentum cannot be perceived by ordinary people through a phone bug.

This is a powerful sense of oppression that only those at the scene can feel.

Overlord color?

Long Yima took the lead and faced him with a violent momentum, but was beaten back by the opponent.

Then Fujitora also showed his courage, but still lost.

As for those below the general level, there is no help at all.

There is already a span between two species between the general and the general.

Only Noah remained calm, even a little excited.

Take a step forward, sense the phone bugs in every corner of the sea, and mark them carefully to avoid accidentally injuring them.

I don’t know how long it’s been, or maybe it’s never been.

Noah has never shown his dominance in public outside the revolutionary army.

Even the World Government labels intelligence with words like possibility and suspicion.

You know how well he usually controls it.

Because his overlord color is so special. A color that no one who has seen once will ever forget.

This time, we can finally let people all over the world see what overlord sex is!

Dark clouds gathered over the sea, and there was lightning and thunder! It indicates that a terrifying power different from the sea is about to appear.

The power that has been brewing for a long time finally blooms!

boom! ! ! ! !


Taking Noah as the starting point, the red torrent surged out, slapping towards the navy in a kind of spiritual tsunami!

The red tide of several hundred meters makes people feel panic.

The red one is the overlord color? ! ! !

Warring States eyes almost popped out, how could he be so domineering! Such courage, such intensity, such purity.

No, such domineering attitude!

Immediately turn the newly combined haqi and the momentum of other generals into a defensive posture.

collapse! ! !

The red torrent seemed to hit an invisible wall, making a huge impact sound.

Warring States' upper body leaned back slightly, which was a moment of mental oppression.

At the same time, red lightning flashed out from the void at the collision point, knocking out large whirlpools in the sea.

This fucking color is really domineering!

Green Bull didn't recognize it until now. He always thought it was some kind of extraordinary fruit ability.

Akainu couldn't believe it either, he had seen it when Noah attacked Mary Joa for the second time.

But at that time, Noah mainly used his domineering power in a domineering way, and it was not to such an exaggerated degree. I didn’t care about it after that.

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