Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 401 The soul of the revolutionary army is burning

Besides, this is the most appropriate time to sing. In one or two days, it will be a critical moment to prepare for war, and there will be no time for the entire army to relax.

Everyone looked at each other, except for the line about singing to the world government which was a bit nonsense, the rest seemed to make sense.

Before the battle, my heart was too tense for a long time, which was not good for the fighting state. The people present are all experienced ruthless people, and they still understand this principle.

Even Long agreed with this, so everyone had no objections and even looked forward to it.

Speaking of singing, there were two people present who had a bigger reaction. One is the soul singer Brooke. One is Bello Betty, the commander of the Eastern Army who was forced to perform as a entertainer.

Brooke really liked the songs Noah gave her. Every song can bring him power deep into his soul.

The more he resonates with emotional songs, the more power he draws from them.

Bello Betty had recorded too many songs with South China Sea Sound before. My voice became hoarse, and I was tortured to death by Dr. Tsukimi.

Now that she heard singing, she was even more scared. As a person with the ability to inspire, she knew that she would be indispensable once she got on stage.

Brooke could no longer control his excited soul at this time. Before the war came, he sang in front of thousands of revolutionary warriors and sang loudly on the greatest Pioneer Island.

What kind of romance is this? Is there any more exciting concert venue than this?

Mr. Noah, which song should I sing first?

The one I gave you recently.

oh! That one! His skull will burst into flames just thinking about it.

Let's go to the highest point of the fortress and have a war concert, okay?


His soul was already burning.

Brooke excitedly pulled Bello Betty, who looked desperate, onto the high platform.

A soul-stirring guitar sound sounded on the high platform. The violent electric guitar solo shocked the audience.

Dear fellow revolutionary soldiers. I am the soul singer Brooke. Next to me is my partner Bello Betty.

Now I bring you Mr. Noah’s latest work, a song that can shock the soul and bring incredible power. I hope you like it.

It starts with a weak beat, and the rhythm of 4/4 seems solemn and powerful. The rhythm of strong and weak followed by strong and weak exudes a firm and persistent revolutionary ideal.

Powerful music gushed out, as if an electric current swept through everyone's hearts.

Arise! Hungry and cold slaves.

Arise, you wretches of the world!

As Brooke's electric guitar intro plays. The strong drum beat seemed to penetrate deep into everyone's heart.

Both the body and the soul are trembling to the rhythm of the song.

Whenever Brooke sings this song. You will feel that your bones and soul are shaking.

The power here was so huge that he seemed to see countless people standing behind him, standing up, roaring and singing loudly, venting their anger wantonly.

A translucent soul rose from behind him, helping the contagion spread.

Although Bello Betty doesn't like singing very much. But when the prelude sounded, she was quickly brought into state.

The appeal of this song is so strong that as the initiator of the fruit ability, I was immersed in it first.

Then loudspeakers were used to carry all the singing throughout the island.

Along with the singing, endless courage and strength are aroused in people's hearts. Behind us is the South China Sea. It is our hometown, our hope, and our ideal country. We can't lose.

When faith arises, when everyone's faith resonates. The power that can change the world is born.

Everyone on the island sang loudly to the rhythm. All the Neptune species within a hundred miles radius were scared away by such power.

In Otohime's perception, or even without perception, she could feel that the entire Pioneer Island turned into a ball of red sun setting on the sea.

She also burst into tears singing in the crowd.

Long, this cool guy, has also let go of his airs. In the face of such appeal, image management is difficult.

He started singing at the top of his lungs.

Music is short-lived and ends. Everyone is obviously not satisfied.

do it again!

Brooke's very knowledgeable guitar played and the music started again.

Such a beautiful song, one side is not enough.

After repeating the cycle three times.

OK! Next song. Holy War. Please ask the teacher in the background to play the accompaniment.

Dr. Tsukimi on Bika reluctantly asked the researcher who had just sang so excitedly to start cutting the accompaniment.

Using the research platform as an accompaniment, these researchers are quite creative.

There is also this guy. He should have been the host of the radio station. Moreover, the skull can run, jump and sing. I really want to study this miracle of life.

Brooke on Pioneer Island felt a chill in his body, as if he was being targeted by some big terror.

But in the enthusiastic live atmosphere, the vitality of the King of Soul was restored.

next song.

On a whim, Brooke performed a soul mashup and led everyone to sing happily.

The big news on Pioneer Island obviously couldn't be hidden from the navy's spies.

The war is imminent, and spies from both sides are working 24 hours a day.

All kinds of intelligence about opponents are continuously handed into the hands of decision-makers.

How else would Noah know the naval formation and layout.

How Bucky made preparations in advance.

When Sengoku knew what the Revolutionary Army was doing, his first reaction was whether his intelligence agency had been captured by the Revolutionary Army, or he had suffered from collective hallucination-like fruit abilities.

The revolutionary army is singing at this time?

you sure? No one believes the authenticity of this news.

People who like to fish like Kizaru don't believe it. He doesn't try to get in the way when it comes to business matters.

But what the intelligence officer swore was true, and the song was pretty good, and he could sing it.

In order to prove himself, he also performed a part on the spot.

Sing to your own beat.

Get up, hungry and cold slave~~

The singing of the intelligence officers attracted many generals from the surrounding area.

He is getting more and more energetic, as if he has drawn some strength from it, and the songs he sings are sincere and empathetic.

The Warring States Period and the senior officials collectively vomited blood because of this lyrics.

Okay, okay, stop now. I know you have done a good job in intelligence work, so don’t do this next time.

Warring States hurriedly interrupted the other party's singing. This kind of thing cannot be allowed to be heard by more people. The South China Sea really needs to be wiped out.

A good intelligence officer almost became the other party's propaganda cadre.

He has already felt the spread and power of the lyrics. This is a kind of rebellious power and thought, which is harmful to the order of the sea.

Is this your response to the naval expedition?

Noah. Sure enough, you guy has a lot of means.

I hope you won’t be disappointed when you get to Pioneer Island.

A surprise for everyone, I added a chapter today.

Surprise. Let’s all vote for rewards.

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