His body is no longer what it used to be. The fear of the world government has also become more and more profound. The sea has begun to go berserk, and Marco and the others have not grown enough to support the pirate group.

Once the revolutionary army is destroyed, what will happen to the pirates?

BigMOM has the same idea. She was also an ambitious big pirate when she was young, and of course she was not willing to just lie dormant in the new world and be just one of the four emperors.

Well, now, with the combat power that the navy has put out now, one of the four emperors will be in danger in the future.

The redhead frowned.

He knew that after the revolutionary army was destroyed, it would be a very terrifying and tragic blow to the South China Sea.

Facing the general trend, there is nothing we can do. After this war, the navy will exert greater pressure on the New World.

In the first half of the period, there is no revolutionary army to contain the four seas. I am afraid that the next one to face this pressure will be the Four Emperors.

After the revolutionary army is eliminated this time, the world pattern will undergo great changes. You can engage in a coalition once, and you can engage in a second time.

Does the appearance of One Piece still make sense?

Now unless the revolutionary army can stop the World Government's crusade, or someone can...

Shanks, the Bucky Pirates are here. Beckman wants you to come over quickly.

Bucky is coming at this time.

Shanks had a headache when he went to the beach.

No matter how you say it, he is a pirate and the pirate king.

It is impossible to help the revolutionary army.

If he really goes, the pirates and the revolutionary army will join forces, which will trigger the nerves of the world government. Something more terrifying may happen by then.

Not only can he not go, Bucky can't go either. No matter what his private identity is, he who is already the Pirate King at this time cannot appear on the battlefield. This is to help the revolutionary army.

As soon as they arrived at the beach, Shanks decided to strike first.

Bucky, you can't. Where is Bucky?

Dumbfounded, Bucky is not here.

Captain Shanks, this is a letter from Boss Bucky to you.

Shanks, who frowned, took it apart and took a look, feeling a splitting headache.

He even asked him to help take care of his crew. If Bucky has not come back before the Battle of the South China Sea begins, he must be rescued.

The word HELP is written in such a large size that you cannot see it unless you are blind.

What’s even more ridiculous is that you need to go to three places to save Bucky. Each of these three places is more troublesome than the last. You have to choose where to die, you red-nosed bastard!

How did you become good friends with such an asshole? But when the time comes, we must save him!

The red-haired man was so angry that he couldn't get angry with others, so he could only go back to the station to drink in anger.

It's just that when you drink, there is a look of worry in your eyes from time to time. Don't die, Bucky.

Time moves forward.

In the original territory of Kaido.

Bucky found out about the Navy's expedition before the newspapers arrived.

Even the approximate strength and number of the opponent's troops are known.

After all, he is backed by the second largest armed group in the world, so there is still no shortage of this kind of information.

The navy finally set off.

His hands were shaking a little, and so were his legs. Even my heart is trembling.

Walk silently to the beach. Keep cheering yourself up internally. Bucky Bucky. You can. You can do it for sure.

Then he did one thing, which was to gather the clown troupe.

Following Bucky's order, everyone in the clown group immediately gathered on the Emperor Bucky.

Brother Bucky, are we going back to the South China Sea now? That's right, we should go back to help Teacher Noah and the others defeat the navy.

Yamato had already swung the mace out of the afterimage.

Captain Bucky, you are indeed the fearless tough guy in our impression. I am impressed by you as captain.

Denjiro felt guilty for his previous suspicions.

Bucky glanced at everyone with his seemingly determined eyes.

Yamato, Denjiro will follow me, and the rest will secretly sail the boat to the red-haired territory to wait for my news. When you see Shanks and give him this letter, you must give it to him personally.

Okay! Huh?

His classmates and warriors didn't understand why the gathering chose not to go to the South China Sea at this time.

If I don't go, I won't be able to catch up with the South China Sea War.

We can't say yet. We're not sure whether it will succeed, or we may even die before we succeed. All we have to do is give it a final try.

Bucky said sadly, it was too painful for him, a person with a lot of small thoughts in his heart, to do these things.

The three of them got on a small submarine of the Revolutionary Army and set off.

Where is Brother Bucky taking us?

First stop. Find a lunatic who lives in an old castle.


As the navy set off, Bucky also began to take action, and the direction of the sea became confusing.

So what are the revolutionary troops doing?

They are singing.

After receiving the news of the navy's departure, Noah and others gathered again.

This time it’s not about discussing tactics, it’s purely about how everyone doesn’t know what to do when they’re a little scared. They gathered around Noah unconsciously.

Oh, what are you worried about? We have made so many preparations and there is nothing we can do now.

Noah looked indifferent.

Everyone is thinking about it, everything they can do has been done, and the combatants are already in place. We can't let everyone run out and re-station again.

“Sengoku is really too cautious and doesn’t give me any chance.

Taking three days to cover a day's journey is too sinister.

Does this mean that he is an upright and dignified master? Still worried that I might sneak up on you, haha.

He also used Zefa to postpone the game, just to play tactics.

Everyone saw that Noah was a little angry and wanted to comfort him, but...

Jinbei. Go and withdraw the fishmen's guerrillas.

Everyone felt that the Warring States Period was really on guard against the right people.

Tiger, let the troops who are preparing to attack behind us come back.

I understand, I have a dirty mind when it comes to tactics.

Noah was angry and speechless. There were such tight protective measures during the march. If some small measures were not used, they would only increase casualties.

Moreover, Zefa is used for post-pressing. It's difficult to handle, Zefa is still a truly righteous navy.

In order to win, Noah did not hesitate to use some small tricks. In order to reveal the invincibility of the navy, he could try any tricks.

As a result, the opponent was like a mountain, terrifyingly stable.

Steady wisdom, this is the enemy. The Warring States Period is difficult to deal with.

Since there's nothing else, let's sing.


What time has it been and still have the heart to sing?

I want to improve my momentum. The navy is still on the way. Doing nothing in these three days will make us look stupid, and making tactical adjustments is useless, so we might as well just sing.

The few songs I’ve written recently are pretty good, so why not sing them together. Just treat it as a rehearsal, and when the world government comes, sing it to them too.

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