Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 399 The world government is also prepared

This time we set off three days early. Just to spread the news and keep it fermenting.

Let people all over the world see the majesty and power of the navy. To intimidate other resistance forces and pirates.

At the same time, it gives the revolutionary army a sense of pressing forward step by step. Keep them in panic until the war begins.

after the order is given. The lieutenant generals directly under the three generals were nervously arranging the boarding process of the soldiers on the expedition, not wanting to make any mistakes.

Making a mistake at this time would be embarrassing in front of the entire navy and the World Government, and it would also be a blow to the face of one's own general.

Suppressing the revolutionary army is a war, and this war is also an opportunity for ambitious people.

In addition to Kizaru, the three generals, Aokiji and Akainu all expressed their ambitions and ideals for the position of marshal.

If you want to inherit the position of marshal in the future, in addition to strength, merit and organizational ability are also key items.

Green Bull and CP Chief commanded the departments directly under their own world government to board their battleships.

The World Government also sent some of its own forces, as well as some creations of the scientific army.

A huge sea tower stone box was carried into the World Government's ship by the CP troops.

There seemed to be living things inside that were constantly hitting the inner wall, but the sea floor stone was still very hard and nothing inside was able to escape.

Along the way, people kept looking at this thing curiously, wondering what might be inside.

The CP chief showed an inscrutable smile, which was a great gift to the revolutionary army.

I heard that the scientific research of the Revolutionary Army has never been done properly, and they are engaged in radio stations, trains and the like.

Let them see this time that the real application scenario of science is war.

This time the expeditionary force was in mixed formation. The six main battleships, including Sengoku, were at the forefront of the fleet. Zefa was responsible for the adjournment. In the middle is a huge battleship group.

During the war, the Navy once gathered 100,000 elite troops at its headquarters.

This time, including the support from the World Government, the military strength is almost the same.

Of course, not all the ships are here, only the most elite combat units, there are also a large number of logistics ships, and surrounding troops set out in advance to wait for rendezvous in the outer sea.

Due to the large number of people participating in the battle, it took half a day just to board the ship. Then the order was given and the sails were set sail.

When pieces of white sail representing the navy rise. That kind of aura that crushed everything appeared around the fleet.

With a fierce aura rising to the sky, the navy's mixed formation slowly sailed away from the target Pioneer Island of Marinefando.

With the departure of the navy. All forces received this message.

Including Zefa, the combat power of the 6 main battle generals is 7 in total. There are also 15 lieutenant generals. As well as a large number of elite naval soldiers, hundreds of large battleships, and countless medium-sized ships.

Such terrifying power frightens the world. The navy can form such a fleet without completely draining its wealth.

Moreover, the World Government's foundation has not yet been fully utilized. The war machine that rules the sea spreads its fangs.

This is the largest crusade by the navy and the world government in 800 years.

There shouldn't be any force on the sea that can block their attack.

World Economic News distributes the most detailed photos, content and details from the front line to the sea.

In this turbulent era, Newsbirds shoulder the responsibility of disseminating information, and each one is working overtime to fly.

The latest news and pictures are spread throughout the sea in the form of additional issues.

After seeing the latest news, various forces have different opinions.

At least the purpose of shocking the sea envisioned by the Warring States Period was achieved.

The traditional nobles are now celebrating together. It would be best if terrorist organizations like the Revolutionary Army were eliminated as early as possible.

It is they who always incite ignorant people to resist, and countless rulers are always worried that one day they will be beheaded because they have gone too far.

Well now, in the face of such a powerful force, no matter how clever the revolutionary army is, they can't avoid the end of destruction. It's a group composed of untouchables, huh.

The merchant group was split into two parts.

Some businessmen are very happy. Nanhai almost became the economic center of the entire One Piece world.

The assets of some big businessmen with connections or connections to the South China Sea have already been invested.

When they fall, there will be a large area of ​​​​empty space for the most primitive plunder. This is the time for them to rise.

Businessmen who have invested money in the South China Sea are jumping into the sea and swallowing guns. I thought I was just going to the South China Sea to make a fortune and sweep away capital, but I actually got myself involved.

A whale falls and everything comes into being. After the revolutionary army and Nanhai were destroyed. How many people can benefit from the bodies and legacies they leave behind?

Scavenging vultures have been keeping an eye on that sea area and this war.

Many resistance groups that had been contacted by the revolutionary army have now withdrawn.

In their view, the extremely powerful revolutionary army was vulnerable to a force like the navy.

How could the revolutionary cause succeed?

After seeing such news, the common people felt a sense of despair.

They used to be very envious of the life of Nanhai people.

There is food, there is water, and the children can go to school.

The economy is still very developed, and each of them lives the life they want.

Comparing it to my own miserable life, it is impossible to say that I have no ideas.

In recent years, many people have fled to the South China Sea. Just to live a good life.

As a result, the world government will take away even this hope.

They are just ordinary people and have no channel to speak out, but the seeds of resentment have been buried deep in their hearts.

If this naval crusade is not completed perfectly.

The resistance that rebounds from the bottom will form a new craze.

The new world is strangely calm.

After seeing the power of the navy to get serious. No matter how courageous a pirate is, he will have to hibernate for a while.

Don't underestimate how pirates survive. They did not take advantage of the opportunity to cause trouble as most people thought before but instead shrank their power.

If the World Government takes action at this time and offends the World Government, and sends one or two generals and troops to carry out a serious sweep, no one will be able to withstand it.

This is a power that far exceeds that of the Four Emperors. Even if the pirates of the four emperors are gathered together, they will be defeated in the face of such a powerful force.

This operation also let these lawless pirates know who the real boss of this world is.

Whitebeard looked at the newspaper and was in a bad mood.

When he disclosed the power of the Revolutionary Army in the newspaper, he really hoped that there would be a power that could withstand the pressure of the World Government.

It is impossible for pirates to make the world government fear them, not even Roger.

Because pirates are the freest people on the sea, forces that cannot be united are meaningless in such a collision.

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