Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 398 On the seventh day, the navy sets off

The seventh day.

The signal to assemble sounded in the square of Malinfando.

The navy came from all directions and lined up neatly in the square.

On a temporary high platform.

Sengoku stood at the top, with the naval hero Garp behind him.

Standing at the bottom were Kizaru, Akainu, Aokiji, CP Chief, and Green Ox. Navy instructor Zefa, General Staff Lieutenant General He.

Behind them stood many lieutenant general-level backbone figures, ranked behind several generals.

For example, standing behind Qingzhi are Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan and Lieutenant General Gumir. Behind Akainu were Ghost Spider and Vice Admiral Mole.

Standing behind Kizaru were Lieutenant General Maynard, Lieutenant General Stockaberry and others.

This is both the division of their respective direct lieutenant generals and factions. When the war came, they all followed their respective commanders.

The chilling wind rustled the navy's coat of justice.

Such a group of combat power at the top of the sea gathered together. The momentum alone left the entire playground speechless.

Morgans, who was invited to take the photo, was very excited and picked up the camera phone. Taking crazy photos of the entire playground.

He felt that he was so lucky. The big news in the past few days was simply overwhelming.

The world government's annihilation of the revolutionary army made big news.

Noah from the Revolutionary Army took another stab at the interview.

Now it's time for the Navy to officially go out for publicity.

Three days later is the decisive battle, happiness. For a journalist like him, this is the happiest day.

No need to make things up, no need to exaggerate, no need to actively dig up, this sea is full of big news.

Leading his team, the president takes the initiative to work overtime. This is his attitude.

Other people watching the expedition ceremony were not as excited as Morgans.

After seeing this scene, they were only nervous and solemn, very solemn.

Looking at the soldiers gathered in the square, everyone had the same feeling.

The revolutionary army was doomed this time. They could not imagine that there was another force that could stop such an opponent.

The navy is simply too powerful. The high-level combat power is outstanding, the middle-level combat power is numerous, and the bottom-level combat power is endless. The architecture is very solid and healthy.

Some people even think that this is an armed force that can compete with the world government.

While the representatives of the World Government were smiling, their hearts were full of fear.

No wonder the navy has been suppressed before. Such a force cannot be left alone.

The soldiers below have high morale, are well-equipped, and full of energy. At first glance, they look like soldiers who can fight in a hundred battles.

Such an armed force was in the hands of the Warring States Period, which made the World Government very uneasy.

The World Government has also been involved in infiltrating the navy.

But it is a pity that the Warring States Period was resolved every time by various means. Buddha's Warring States Period was not only external but also internal.

Warring States came to the stage and planned to say a few words.

In the past, the navy never used these fancy things to destroy the enemy.

But they were forced to do nothing by the revolutionary army. Those people were so good at causing trouble.

Especially among the lower-level soldiers, there is quite a market for the theory of the Revolutionary Army.

The World Government's instructions this time are indeed difficult to describe, and many soldiers are resistant to this expedition.

Commanders of the Navy. I have a few words to say.

The goal of this expedition is to defeat the revolutionary army and rescue the civilians who were held hostage in the South China Sea.

We are not here to kill and destroy.

It is for the justice of the sea. For world peace.

Don't be fooled by what the Revolutionary Army says. Everything they do is small kindness. It is because of them that they have dragged down the people of the entire South China Sea.

I know some people’s hometown is in the South China Sea. So after dealing with the revolutionary army. I will apply to the world government to suspend the demon-slaying order in the South China Sea.

When Warring States was giving a speech in the front, Zefa in the back was scornful. Vice Admiral He and other veteran naval officers were watching their noses and their hearts without reacting.

After the war and the Warring States Period, I did make an application, and it was indeed sincere.

But the top brass of the Navy knew that the possibility of Sengoku's last words coming true was slim. Including the Warring Statesman who said this, he also knew it.

This is more about mobilizing the morale of the navy and solving their worries before the war.

What happens after the war will be discussed after the war.

For the sake of the order of the sea, some people can indeed give up some things, which is why Zefa sneered.

Not to mention that the order to slay demons in the South China Sea is the highest order of the World Government and the Five Old Stars.

As one of the combat units, the Admiral has no right to interfere on this issue.

Just because this proposal was put forward by you during the Warring States Period, it will basically not be passed.

You can make promises to the officers and soldiers of the navy at the grassroots level.

If you succeed, the navy and the civilians in the South China Sea will be extremely grateful to you and the navy.

People's hearts have been won by you. It's not like I earned it for the World Government. This kind of thing is heartbreaking.

If it failed, it would also mean that the Admiral's request for orders failed. The World Government flatly rejected the request and still chose the Demon-Slaying Order. This is the fault of the World Government.

No matter how you look at it, the Navy has maintained its so-called just position.

At least at this moment, the CP chief showed a ferocious expression. If this wasn't the base camp of the Navy, it would now be a speech before setting off for an expedition.

He really wanted to represent the Tianlong people and the Five Old Stars in reprimanding Warring States for such unreasonable demands and overstepping of authority.

Green Bull was also unhappy because he was not a navy man. In terms of status, he is also on the side of the World Government.

Seeing how powerful the Warring States Period was. More than anything else, it aroused his ambition. It would be great if Wulaoxing appointed him as marshal.

After the short lecture ended. The morale of naval soldiers is obviously higher. There is a historical image of the navy being invincible.

There are also reasons for standing up for justice during the Warring States Period, as well as the commitment to maintain peace in the South China Sea after the war.

Seeing that morale was available, Sengoku nodded with satisfaction.

Then he ordered the three generals of the Navy to directly lead the troops to board the ship.

The soldiers in the square, led by the commanders of their respective units, evacuated the place in an orderly manner and headed for the port.

There are many warships parked in the port, and many are lingering near the Gate of Justice without docking. They have to wait for the ships in front to finish loading before they can enter the port.

Especially for super large battleships, they have so much supplies and equipment that they take up most of their time.

Before the Warring States Period, although they had made plans to defeat the enemy in one battle, they also considered the possibility of a stalemate.

Therefore, the requirements for logistics materials are also extremely high.

Don’t be afraid of ten thousand, just be afraid of what happens.

What if the revolutionary army is defeated and breaks through to the interior of the South China Sea?

When the time comes to pursue and suppress them, the demand for manpower and material resources will increase sharply.

The naval bases within the South China Sea have been corrupted by the revolutionary army, and ordinary people in many areas have also been bewitched.

It is much more difficult to obtain supplies within the South China Sea than before, and these variables are all included in the calculations of the Warring States Period.

Including this departure three days early, it was all part of his calculations.

In fact, the distance from Marineland to Pioneer Island is not that far. It takes a navy ship 1 to 2 days to reach it.

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