Day six.

Bika started moving from the sky above Sobel Kingdom towards Pioneer Island.

After another upgrade, when Bika slows down, even the blue particle flow will not appear. Remain silent throughout.

We stopped 100 kilometers away from the island. Stayed above the clouds.

Going forward, it is very likely that it will be detected by the world government in advance.

This move of Bika was based on many considerations.

One is communication reasons.

Because the revolutionary army is in a weak position. So this battle is more of a showdown of tactics and courage.

In order to execute tactical objectives, someone must be connected to the communications system at each key node.

Pioneer Island itself has a base station, but with the war, all kinds of shock waves, energy waves and the like are flying around, and anything can happen.

If communication is interrupted, it will be a disaster, and the revolutionary army will collapse early.

Then the research and deductions that have been made day and night in the past few years have become a joke.

In order to ensure communication during the war, Noah decided to move Bika over and the entire communication signal was forwarded from the zero base station.

The second is the need for a more stable data transmission channel.

After the meeting, it was decided to upgrade the Voice of the South China Sea to a temporary TV station.

Like the News of the World, it also broadcasts live battlefield broadcasts throughout the South China Sea.

We can't rely entirely on the newspaper's cameras and phone bugs to relay the news.

The camera angle is different. Newspapers prefer big news, which means photographing strong people.

But the world-destroying battle between the strong is just a light and shadow effect.

With the naked eye of ordinary people, it is impossible to see who is hitting whom.

It really touches the heart, the blood, and the sacrifice.

It still depends on our grassroots warriors.

The main battlefield of Pioneer Island is a meat grinder, which fully reflects the cruelty of war.

But our soldiers jumped in without fear. Why?

This reason is incomprehensible to people outside the revolutionary army.

Only by filming it ourselves can we ensure that ordinary soldiers occupy the spotlight.

This war is a test for the revolutionary army.

It is also a baptism for the people of South China Sea.

Let them know how much the revolutionary army has paid for the current life in Nanhai.

If you abandon the declared war position, don't blame the enemy for occupying it.

Adhering to this principle, the revolutionary army refused to give in in its propaganda.

In order to build this base station, Noah used Marie Joa for the second time. After paying so much, of course he had to use it at a critical moment.

With the capabilities of the base station, video rebroadcasting has long been possible.

Wireless video receiving equipment has all been installed in Nanhai squares and some pubs.

This work is much more secretive than the Voice of the South China Sea.

Due to the lack of equipment, we can only guarantee one or two on each island, but it is enough.

The third one is strategic need.

Part of Pioneer Island's fire control system is system-controlled and requires a large amount of data calculations. When necessary, Bika can provide part of the computing power.

There is also the use of force to deter, purely using offensive power to help the revolutionary army maintain the war situation.

This will be Bika's first appearance in the world, and she won't be able to hide it in the future, so the appearance must be a big one.

As for how big it is, it depends on how strong the firepower is.

Noah and Terzog waited outside the laboratory for a long time.

There are some things I need to explain to Dr. Tsukimi.

The laboratory is currently in a state of flux due to various temporary debugging matters.

This group of scientific people can usually do research well, but when they really go to war, they realize that their previous designs are simply irresponsible.

The old man Yue Jian was losing his temper.

How can this kind of locking system have such random bugs? Yes, it is very creative and imaginative.

But why add color recognition? It's no use at this time, asshole.

He regretted that he had only thought about stimulating innovation, but failed to control the direction. Now all kinds of leaks are being checked and filled.

Especially the key parts start to be subtracted. Some parts that are temporarily unnecessary have been deleted.

Maintaining stability is the greatest help to the revolutionary fighters below.

After a while, the doctor dragged his tired body out and just nodded when he saw them coming.

Actually, when you tricked me into coming to the South China Sea, I refused in my heart. I knew you would definitely need me to make weapons.

As a result, you are engaged in energy, electromagnetic base stations, and materials science black boxes.

The only type of weapons studied are defensive weapons, which really adheres to the agreement we made back then.

I just didn't expect that in the end it was me who took the initiative to develop offensive strategic weapons. I really didn't expect it.

Dr. Tsukimi became angry as he spoke. It's all this guy Noah's fault.

He saw the prototype of a perfect world.

Just for your contribution to scientific research is the best treatment in the world.

Which research institute can have massive energy reserves, which research institute can have black boxes of materials that span the ages, and which research institute can have a steady stream of fresh blood added to it.

Even Vegapunk can't do it. His research room definitely doesn't have such a good configuration.

The revolutionary army has always been pursuing the saying that technology changes the world.

The popularization of education in Nanhai has been developing, and there are many schools affiliated with scientific research institutes. In the future, talents will continue to be sent here first.

The ocean is so big, the probability of a genius appearing is really high. Even if you are not a genius, there will be no shortage of talents.

Dr. Tsukimi can't stand the fact that someone dares to disturb such a good research environment.

If we really talk about the development of weapons, any technology on Bika that develops in the direction of war will be an extremely terrifying weapon.

Doctor, Bika's main role this time is to maintain communication and protect herself.

Seeing that the doctor was so concerned about the development of weapons, Noah nodded.

Well, don't worry, developments based on electromagnetic shields have always been advanced.

Unless the generals attack, we can all deal with it.

As for that weapon, it's basically perfect.

Enter the main control room and see the modified main gun on the screen. Terzog was stunned.

What mm diameter is this? No, what caliber is it? Or an alien barrel?

Fighting or something? Super giant Neptune type?

He doesn't understand. The larger the caliber of the barrel, the better.

If it is suitable, the power of such a large caliber must be huge, and it is useless if it cannot hit the enemy.

And even if they hit, ordinary cannonballs can't break through the defenses of those who stand at the top.

Still so far away, his first reaction was that it was a fisherman, not a human being.

This underestimates Bika's scientific research strength.

The doctor's original idea was to use an energy turret, with the Thunder Fruit as the core. It would be a pity not to develop this main cannon.

Except that the range is a little shorter and the effective damage range is too small, there is basically nothing wrong with it.

But it wasn’t enough in Noah’s eyes. Not lethal enough.

Being too close is a big problem. He will not let Bika get too close to the battlefield.

The idea of ​​energy turret is naturally the best solution compared to other artillery.

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