Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 394 Reasons for not surrendering

The outrage in the newspapers was only the first step, and there were a series of moves that followed.

Unless Sengoku doesn't let him play, that's a bigger problem.

What do you want to do in the Navy? Leave the world government alone and go it alone? Someone has said whether it is the prestige of the navy or the prestige of the world government that is established in front of the whole world.

Therefore, this new strong man cannot do anything unless he succeeds.

The conflict between the world government and the navy.

The distrust between the new and established powerhouses.

The gap between the strong among the people and the strong in the system.

All must be utilized.

I was also forced to have no choice. The four members of the navy are a stable group, and the CP chief is very stubborn. They are all difficult to calculate.

Green Bull, if you can survive this time, I will teach you a lesson.

If you don't survive, it will teach you a lesson in the next life, remember to be grateful.

In his heart, he was coldly setting a trap for the green bull, but he still expressed his opinions impassionedly, and it was enough to express his disdain for the World Government's secret recruitment from time to time.

Now that we have a navy, we still do this secretly. Do we not trust the Warring States Period? And he also recruited such a thing. The most sarcastic thing possible.

If Green Bull is not in a hurry at this time, the world's governments will be in a hurry to prove something.

The subsequent interviews were very simple, with regular questions.

Noah also adheres to the responsibilities of a media person. The conversation was very pleasant for a while.

There is no clue that life or death will begin in 5 days.

By the way, Mr. Noah, the navy said that it will break through the revolutionary army's defense lines and capture the South China Sea within three days. I wonder if you have any response?

This is not because Morgans is adding fuel to the fire, but because the World Government and the Navy have deduced the time together.

In fact, it took half a day to destroy the Pioneer Island, and the remaining two and a half days were used to surround and kill top combat forces such as Noah and Long.

It's hard to kill the strong. If it weren't for the six top combatants and most of the navy's elite gathered this time, they wouldn't have made an arrogant plan to surround and kill Noah, Ryu, and Fujitora.

Especially Noah, if he doesn't accept the offer, he will be killed.

They know how terrifying the mobility of the Gate Fruit is, and this time the World Government also brought out the bottom of the box.

If this person is leaked, there may be another East China Sea Federation or West China Sea Federation in the future. This kind of soul core is the key.

Three days, pretty much what I expected.

Um? !

Why do things always go wrong in today's interviews? Do you really think that the revolutionary army will defeat you in half a day, and then surround you and kill you for two and a half days?

Then the way you acted when you were talking nonsense was so unruly, so why bother.

What I'm saying is that the revolutionary army can hold off an all-out attack for at least three days.

The entire revolutionary army?

The entire revolutionary army.

Noah's plan was only completed for the first three days.

There are no cards left, and after three days it’s up to fate.

All means are used, even if it depends on human lives, we must hold on.

If there is no subsequent change for more than three days, then the South China Sea will only fall.

A few of their heads might have been surrounded and killed if they persisted for a day or two.

As for the Gate Fruit, you can give up when the time comes. The World Government is definitely prepared.

Last question, in the face of pressure from the World Government, have you really never considered surrendering?

This issue must be the idea of ​​the World Government.

Noah's reply was also surprising. He read a person's name very calmly.

Ambrio Ivankov. Commander of the Grand Line. Killed in battle in Demon Valley Town in 1516.

Tim Kovich. 21 years old, a student in the first batch of the Revolutionary Army recruit training camp. In 1516, he died in the battle of Magic Valley Town.

Punk Lynch. 22 years old, a student in the first batch of the Revolutionary Army's recruit training camp. In 1516, he died in the battle of Demon Valley Town.

Panfilov, 39 years old, member of the South China Sea Federation, died in Mariejoia.

Pokryshkin, 42 years old, representative of King Sobel of the South Sea, died in Mariejoia.

Lyudmila, 35 years old, South China Sea

Kerry, 12 years old, died on the Grand Line of Justice Island.

Noah spoke for a long time before stopping. This long list was his attitude.

Some of this list is from our revolutionary army, and some are not. They all died while implementing true world peace and true justice.

They are all remembered in our hearts.

Surrender? What's the point of the sacrifices of those people? Who will create the new world they worked so hard to create?

In five days, life and death will matter, let the world government come over...

After finishing the last question, the atmosphere in the room returned to the warm atmosphere at the beginning.

The two media people who like to engage in publicity also discussed how to write more eye-catching methods, which made Morgans fall in love.

As a news king, I am really superficial, but the great master is here.

At the same time, Noah also personally donated many books to him, all of which were printed by the South China Sea Federation.

In case of failure, these works will have no other end than being burned by fire.

Then if you give it to Morgans, it can be preserved and left to reveal a microcosm of an era in the future.

As for whether this old bird will hand it over, it's impossible. He understands the mentality of a reporter who likes to dig up secrets.

We went to the cafeteria to eat together, and introduced many cadres to Morgans on the way, as if they were a family.

Such enthusiasm actually made Morgans a little wary.

I'm not from the revolutionary army, why are you so nice to me?

Don't be nervous, we have been working together for many years.

To tell you the truth, I have been working with you longer than Long and the others, so there is still some trust.

The more he said this, the more wary Morgans became.

Let's talk first.

Okay, when we broadcast live in five days, please give more cameras to ordinary soldiers. Whether they are the revolutionary army or the navy, we will treat them equally.

That's it?

“Well, they are all good men on the sea, but they have different ideas, so they fight each other under the pressure of the world government.

Many of the soldiers here are still very young, and they all came here for their lofty beliefs and the consciousness of letting the people live a good life. They don't deserve to die in obscurity.

The same goes for the navy. Most of the navy joined for the simplest justice, but they were forced to engage in such an unjust war, and may even have to massacre civilians later. This is a big problem for them. Kind of sad.

I hope your camera can record all of this.

Noah said so compassionately that Morgans didn't know whether he was moved or something, but he happily agreed.

The interview ended with the two saying goodbye.

I don’t know if I will have the chance to see this cunning guy again.

This is the common thought between the two people.

I went back to my room and looked at the messy desktop and mind map.

Green Bull, Garp, Bucky

I can do it, I've done it, don't let me down.

After reading the book club, some of the fishing posts went too far.

I didn’t read much and just said some sensitive words.

I welcome normal discussions, but it’s not right to set the pace.

And friends who are involved in the debate, there is no solution when it comes to disputes over ideas.

I’ll clean up my book circle soon, I’m sorry.

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