Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 396 Final Distribution

For example, cluster lasers and pulse weapons can indeed be created. With Bika's energy, miracles can be achieved with great force.

The power is definitely good, but it cannot achieve the effect Noah wants.

Energy weapons are greatly affected by the natural environment. The damage of lasers decreases horribly at a distance.

The attack speed after locking is very fast, but not as fast as the instinct of a top powerhouse.

Such a weapon would only have a killing effect on those with combat power below lieutenant general. This was not the result Noah wanted.

Technological weapons that were barely able to kill the lieutenant general could not change the situation of the battle.

So weapons master Noah gave another suggestion.


Railguns have slower lock-on and hit speeds, but are extremely powerful.

There are also many weaknesses. For example, the artillery fire is slow, and the artillery shells are much slower than laser weapons, making it more difficult to hit.

It can still achieve effective killing with some layouts.

Its biggest weakness is the shell material, which limits the distance in a non-vacuum environment.

The cannonball will be rubbed into ashes by the atmosphere before its power reaches its highest point.

As long as this problem is solved, the horror of railguns will shock the world.

Mr. Noah, the master of imagination, gave a suggestion that shocked the whole Bika.

There is a ready-made cannonball on this island that can complete a fatal kill.

When this idea was proposed, Dr. Tsukimi was once again shocked.

You're such a fucking talent.

This crazy idea completely conquered scientists.

In the end, such a weird main gun was built.

Noah was in the main control room and said to Tezog seriously.

There is only one chance for the main gun to fire at full power, and there is only one shot.

When the war heats up, I will be entangled in the navy and unable to free myself. I will be under your command at that time.

Remember, you must design a scene where you can't hide. After this shot, you can join the battlefield.

Before this, no matter who dies in front of you, there is no need to consider saving him, do you understand?

These words made Tezog's heart tremble.


He knew what Noah meant, and the power of this difficult decision was in his hands.

This revolutionary light is really a bastard.

Riding Bika, they slowly floated in the sky and flew slowly towards Pioneer Island.

Not at full strength, the energy response is too great.

A guy with caution engraved in his bones would not do this.

Looking down from an altitude of 10,000 meters, there is nothing but white clouds.

But he could feel that there were countless revolutionary warriors taking sea trains to the front line.

They gathered from the navy branch, from the Resurrection Island, from the South China Sea Federation, like all rivers returning to the sea, to the place of decisive battle.

At this moment, even Taizog was filled with great pride.

Noah, on the other hand, saw thousands of fires being ignited, setting off a prairie fire.

As the crowd gathered, he felt full of power.

Although it has not been released, Noah knows that his domineering color has made great progress.

After arriving at Bika's scheduled location, Noah jumped down with Tezog.

After a while of space shuttle, they arrived at Pioneer Island.


Tezog, haven't I taken you through the space gate before?

Ugh~~ I've done it before. But not so many times, uh~

Terzog was left vomiting on the beach.

Noah took the rail car and set off first.

Arriving at the foot of the fortress, I jumped to the highest point and observed the progress of Pioneer Island.

The main structure of Pioneer Island has been completed and the artillery is in place, which is good.

There is still a little finishing work to be done on the Great Steel Wall, and it is expected that it will all be completed today.

It seems that there is no problem with the main body.

Return to the island conference room. Most of the cadres of the revolutionary army are here.

Master Tom waited for a while longer. He is the builder of the fortress and will make a report later.

Sorry, there was something wrong with one of the modules just now. Go and re-debug it.

With that said, Tom walked in.

When I sat down and looked at it, I was a little stunned.

It is true that the conference room is filled with high-level officials of the Revolutionary Army, but the content is too high.

Counting him, the horned fishman himself, there were five officials from Fishman Island here.

Okay, everyone is here. Now let's take a look at our tactical arrangements.

After Long finished speaking, he asked the people from the staff department to hand out a few pieces of paper to everyone sitting there.

Everyone picked it up and looked at it attentively. These pieces of paper classified their respective fates.

Sure enough, exclamations came one after another, and many people looked at each other, but they did not expect such a plan.

Looking at Noah and the dragon, are you sure there is no problem with your plan?

Everyone looked at each other, wanting to ask questions but not knowing how.

In the end, it was Neptune who raised his hand first.

I have no doubts about my arrangement, but Otohime.

There is nothing wrong with this plan, and I also contributed to this battle plan.

Otohime took the initiative to interrupt Neptune's last words.

This is war, and my identity is just a cadre of the revolutionary army, so I know exactly what to do.

The goal of this battle was decided by herself, and she even conducted targeted drills. Who said you can't go to the battlefield if you are weak?

This time she wants everyone in the whole sea to know her name Otohime.

There is also hope for a reward commensurate with her worth.

After so many years of work, there is still no bounty of hundreds of millions. This is a failure. After all, he is the Minister of Supervision of the Revolutionary Army, but he has no status at all? snort!

Brooke is the second to raise his hand.

Mr. Noah, I am willing to fight, but the gap between me and my opponent is so big, will it drag down my comrades?

This was not the time to show off, he knew that he was only at the level of an ordinary lieutenant general.

In the original work, he was still floating in the devil's sea at this time.

The reason why he has improved so quickly is because he has helped Noah adapt those revolutionary songs over the years.

It seems that works related to this type of spiritual resonance will have mutually reinforcing effects. Only then did his combat power increase by leaps and bounds.

When playing, I always feel that there is a soul king standing behind me, making his sword skills powerful in a strange way.

In addition, the sense of sight has also become very powerful, and can sense the breath of life dozens of kilometers away.

This was the case when he saved Xiao Feng from the ghost spider.

When passing by the sea there, I sensed from a distance that Xiao Feng's fire of life was about to be extinguished, so I rushed over.

He then used a mutated revolutionary waltz to repel his opponent, and jumped into Rab's mouth to escape. This made him very confident in himself.

But the opponent assigned to him obviously didn't do that. He is really worried about problems in his own area.

Don't worry, show your strength to your heart's content. The Underworld Fruit and your special characteristics can defeat each other. Coupled with the assistance of your comrades, you only need to hold off your opponent.

All right.

Brooke chose to believe Noah.

The third person to raise his hand was Tom.

Mr. Noah, what does it mean to be allowed to make your own decisions?

“I know you have your own cards, Tom, but your main job is to repair the Great Steel Wall and Vanguard Fortress.

So when you feel the need to strike out, make your own choice.

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