Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 391 The price has been paid

In a tavern in the South China Sea Federation.

Xiao Feng, Bonnie, and Tezog were drinking together.

The incident in Mogu Town made them understand that there are no proud ones in the sea.

In other words, only those who survive until the end will be considered successful.

Encountering betrayal and falling into a trap, his senior who was both a teacher and friend died fighting to protect them, and his classmates at the same time also died fighting to protect him.

Thinking about such a tragic experience is full of despair.

When he was escaping in Mogu Town, Xiao Feng felt so helpless in his heart.

Compared with his comrades-in-arms, the successive deaths of his classmates were a blow to his heart, and the mere physical pain was nothing.

Teacher Noah said that sometimes, those who survive will need greater courage to endure endless pain.

Seeing Xiao Feng who had lost his masculine spirit, the two friends were helpless.

Bonnie thought about it for a moment. If she had been in the same experience, she would probably be even more miserable than Xiao Feng.

What Tezog thought was that he probably wouldn't survive.

Xiao Feng's survival in the end was entirely due to his own perseverance, Goo Brook said.

When he rescued Xiao Feng from the ghost spider and escaped, the guy only had half a breath left.

After talking about the information, I was in the middle of life and death and was about to leave the world.

Brook said that only by surviving can he avenge his comrades and see the new world after the World Government is eradicated.

Xiao Feng managed to survive and managed to return to Nanhai for rescue.

After waking up, he was also taciturn, completely different from the hot-blooded idiot before.

Some people say he is mature and steady, while some people say he is depressed.

It's all nonsense, and both friends are extremely sad about his changes.

What force is supporting his body sitting here now?

Looking at her friend's broken arm, Bonnie's eyes were about to burst into flames.


I'm going to kill Akainu and that ghost spider sooner or later. And that mole.

As a result, Xiao Feng still didn't respond after saying this.

Bonnie was a little depressed, and then became even more angry.

Taizog, don't you think so?


Then help me kill those guys this time. I know you have a lot of clever ideas. You and Teacher Noah often figure out tactics together.

Tezog was a little embarrassed. He had just agreed that the teacher had to do something very important and couldn't get away.

This time I was assigned a very critical task by Teacher Noah. I cannot take action until the goal is completed.

He really wanted to help Xiao Feng get revenge, and they were the three of them who had the best time in the boot camp.

Even with his calculating personality, he was influenced by Xiao Feng's passion.

If the responsibility hadn't been too heavy, he would have designed a trap and killed these two guys, Ghost Spider and Mole.

Of course, Akainu had better forget it, his rank was too far behind.

Bang bang bang!

Bonnie was going crazy again. No matter how ignorant she was, she still knew how important the things Noah specifically told her were.

She directly transformed into a ferocious beast and punched in the air, as if those beasts standing in front of her were being beaten into a pulp by her.

Damn it. Damn it. Damn it!

At this time, Xiao Feng picked up the wine bottle with one hand.

Goo-dong, goo-dong, goo-dong.

I drank the wine in one gulp.

Everyone, I'm sorry. I can handle this myself.

How do you solve it! That ghost spider is a lieutenant general after all. The three of us can do it together.

Bonnie, the outspoken person, said it out loud.

She was not a brainless idiot, she was just worried that Xiao Feng would act impulsively on the battlefield and lose his life in vain.

This time, dealing with the World Government's crusade is a narrow escape, and it's really not a good time for revenge.

Tezog frowned. Xiao Feng was not a liar, so something must have happened.

They are all good friends, so I directly asked the biggest suspect.

Teacher Noah, did you arrange a chance for revenge?

shock! Bonnie couldn't accept Lu Mao's speculation.

Teacher Noah won't be so unreliable, that guy is as shrewd as a monster.

He has a dirty mind when it comes to tactics, especially in life and death battles. He will only assign tactical targets like a ruthless machine.

Bonnie revealed the image of Noah in his heart.

Tezog held the opposite opinion.

Do you think a ruthless tactical machine can have such a fanatical and domineering look?

I heard that his first life-and-death battle after his debut was to risk his life and return to O'Hara to fight CP0.

A rational person will not do crazy things like overthrowing the world government for the sake of ordinary people who are just like a fool in the sea.

So I think Xiao Feng must have approached Teacher Noah privately and even begged.

Although that man was very angry, he still gave you a chance, right?

Such a rudimentary analysis left Bonnie a bit confused. Could it be that this insidious little green guy guessed it right?

Teacher Noah said that if this guy Tezog wasn't mentally determined enough, he would be a talented person who could very well replace him.

Xiao Feng used Noah's comments to answer Tezog's question.

Fuck, that guy is really not bad.

Bonnie was surprised by Noah's determination to give him a chance for revenge in a life-and-death battle.

Why are you happy? Xiao Feng probably won't have any support this time. The opportunity given by Teacher Noah is really a matter of life and death.

Tezog sighed, the revolutionary army, which is at an absolute disadvantage, will allocate manpower to take revenge?

Most likely, it just gave Xiao Feng a chance to hold off the ghost spider with his life.

A veteran lieutenant general cannot be defeated by a young eagle who has not grown up.

Having fulfilled his desire for revenge and holding back the other party's fighting power, I just don't know what backhand Teacher Noah left on Xiao Feng.

In other words, what kind of things did Xiao Feng use to win this opportunity?

To allow that extremely resourceful guy to give this opportunity, the cost may be his life!

Xiao Feng stroked his broken arm and remembered the night when Noah came back.

It was late and Noah was walking home from the beach.

He was blocked on the road.

He knelt directly in front of Noah.

Teacher Noah, Eva is dead, Tim is dead, and Punk is dead.

I know this is too much to ask, but please give me a chance!

Xiao Feng fell to his knees and burst into tears.

what chance?

I will not challenge Akainu over my own power.

But Ghost Spider and Mole are the backbone of the navy, and they need someone to hold them back. Please give me a chance, anyone can do it.

I can guarantee that no one can break through behind me before I die.

This is too much to ask for.

He believed in Xiao Feng's determination, but combat power really could not be improved by determination. Besides, he was missing a hand.

If the Vice Admiral breaks through the defense line, it will be a disaster, and the defeat will occur in an instant.

He couldn't gamble the entire revolutionary army.

Just when he was about to refuse, Xiao Feng said something that made him agree.

When I followed Master Tom, the Nu family also came into contact with Bika's scientific research institute. I just want

In short, even if we lose, the navy will not find a breakthrough with me!

Such will and determination moved Noah. If that's the case, it's not impossible to give him a chance.

Do you know that in this case, you will be dead before this war even starts?

No, my life has been lost in Demon Valley Town.

Silent for a long time


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