Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 390 The Swordsman’s Battlefield

At this time...oh, his daughter is still here.

And his daughter is going to war. We will also fight against the World Government.


Noah suddenly felt that he was quite a bastard. He abducted an apprentice and didn't have much time to teach him. In the end, he had to take him to the battlefield to risk his life.

Master Koushiro is the founder of Noah's skills, teaching martial arts and sending magic weapons. A personal biography within a personal biography.

This is really a shame.

I must have come here to take Kuina back this time.

Alas, this was a lack of consideration on his part.

Let's talk about it after meeting the person first. After all, you have to respect your apprentice's choice.

While walking on the road, Kuina, who was holding Kikuichi Monjizazune in her arms, said a random sentence.

Master, I won't go back. As a swordsman, how can I not go to Pioneer Island? Help me!

It seems that she also knows what Koushiro is here for.

You and your father need to talk about this matter, and I can only support it.

Kuina encouraged herself in her heart, the swordsman would not retreat. If she left this time, the path of swordsmanship would be cut off. I don't have the face to face Luo, Kidd, Kira, baby5 and the others.

The two of them went to the reception room with their own thoughts in mind.

Seeing Koushiro who still had a gentle temperament, Kuina couldn't help but kill him with family affection.


He threw himself into Koushiro's arms.

After all, he was still young and had strong words, but the moment he saw his father, his guard was broken.

Noah followed behind and also bowed, called teacher, and closed the door behind him.

After Guina calmed down, everyone sat down.

First, look at each other and see how each has changed over the years.


Teacher Koushiro's aura is unusual. Much stronger than when he took Kuina away.

My teacher's strength gradually declined after he went into seclusion. Why did he rise after not seeing him for several years?

Moreover, the magic weapon on his waist is Qiu Shui, and Hedao Yiwen responded immediately when they met.

Is Mr. Koushiro really coming here to take Kuina away?

Why is there a hint of sadness, anger and restrained murderous intent in his aura.

It's a bit confusing now.

From Koushiro's perspective, Noah won't talk about it.

This disciple had already surpassed him and reached the pinnacle of swordsmanship.

His aura is unfathomable.

What a kindness it is to save the country of Wano and the Shuoyue clan.

To tie with the world's greatest swordsman is what thousands of swordsmen yearn for.

He felt extremely honored to have accepted Noah back then.

This is the most glorious inheritance of Shuangyue Swordsmanship.

And my daughter, with this momentum, has already initially entered the realm of swordsman.

This is the role of a good teacher.

It can be seen that he has a solid foundation, his physical fitness has been completed, and he still has a trace of murderous aura, which shows that he has rich practical experience and has really found the right person.

Is it Kikuichimonzazune on Koina's waist?

Also, a big sword can greatly improve a swordsman.

After pondering for a moment, Koushiro took the initiative to speak.

Eva, she's my friend.

I saw the newspaper.

Akainu and I are no match, so it's up to you. I'm here to give you a helping hand this time.

Eva, he and Long do know Koushiro.

It turns out that the sadness and anger are because of this incident.

You want to join the war too?!

Guina's concentration was still insufficient.

Although she is happy that her father is not here to take her away this time, it is too dangerous for her father to be involved in the war with the World Government.

Father, this is

Although he didn't say it explicitly, the main reason was that he was worried about Koushiro's safety, after all, it was about combat power.

She is also considered someone who has seen the market. During class, I even received a few general-level beatings.

Knowing that a swordsman will retreat if he does not advance, his old father has lived in seclusion for many years, so he has this strength.


Koushiro caressed the autumn water on his waist.

A murderous aura and sword intent that was so cold that it could freeze the mind burst out, spreading an aura like moonlight in this small room.

This momentum can be called a master among swordsmen. Far more powerful than before.

Kuina instinctively grasped Kikuichi Monji Zezong, and a fire ignited in her heart. Although it was weak, it seemed that it would be frozen by the moonlight at any time, but it kept burning despite the swing.

Firm original intention, burning will, and immortal inheritance. This is how she felt about stepping into a new realm.

Born out of Shuangyue Kendo, it is her own kendo.

Seeing Kuina's progress, Koushiro was filled with joy and slowly increased the pressure.

When Kuina reaches the critical point, she slowly regains her momentum.


How can a father continue to live in seclusion in the East China Sea when he has a daughter who is going to fight on the battlefield?

These words filled Guina's heart with guilt.

In fact, Koushiro started practicing crazy after Kuina was taken away by Noah.

The path the revolutionary army takes is destined to face the pressure of the world and is full of thorns.

He hopes to be qualified enough to stand in front of Guina at the most dangerous time. This is a father's realization.

Father, where are the Shuangyue Gymnasium and Zoro?

The gym has been disbanded, we can't implicate them. Zoro also left early.

His strength is not suitable for coming to the South China Sea. I asked him to go out to practice as soon as possible and come to us again when he enters the realm of swordsman.

If we die in battle, it's up to him what he does next. Anyway, Shuangyue's inheritance will not be broken.

Such courage to risk everything is worthy of the name Shuangyue.

After that, Kuina, we will fight side by side.

Then he turned to Noah and bowed.

Guina has made it this far thanks to your hard work. Noah, this gift is a father's thanks. Don't refuse.

Speaking of this level, Noah had no choice but to accept it.

And Noah, please give me some advice in the future. Please place me in the most dangerous place in this war.


For a swordsman who clearly implements his own will, you only need to give him a goal.

The rest depends on God's will. Whether he dies in battle or hacks others to death, it is the swordsman's fate.

Koushiro and Kuina were left to continue reminiscing.

Noah returned to his room and rearranged his battle tactics.

With the addition of two new forces, Neptune and Koushiro, some plans have to be modified.

Many operations that are overwhelming the limit have more confidence.

The more cards you have in your hand, the more ways you can play.

Pick up the communicator and broadcast a number.

Hey, Tezog. Come with me to a place the day after tomorrow.

Well, there is a plan that I need you to direct. Okay, that's it.

Where are you now?

It's okay if Xiao Feng drinks too much. His experience...sigh.

After hanging up the phone, Noah also felt a little sorry for Xiao Feng.


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