Starting from pirates and burning the world

Chapter 392 Interview on the fifth day

Day five.

The Island of Resurrection welcomes a strange character.

Mr. Adam, we meet again. I didn't expect to see you in such a situation again.

Mr. Morgans, I didn't expect this to happen. I originally planned to continue writing for you. Otherwise, you just pretend you don't know and continue to accept my works.

Bird's face was speechless for a while, why are you so shameless than me? I don't think I know there are twenty-five guys in the newspaper office, right?

Your Adam's vest has basically been exposed, okay? If you accept any more articles, the World Economic News newspaper will be gone.

Noah took Morgans all the way on the island, looking at the busy revolutionary soldiers coming and going.

Birdman is a little strange. Don't these people know what they're afraid of? Why is it different from the anxious and panic-stricken look he imagined.

Or did you know I was coming, so you created a maze? Don't blame him for thinking too much. When facing someone like Noah, everyone feels that they think too little.

Just show it to me like this? You know the world government will definitely want to know your specific situation through me.

It doesn't matter. You can't see the things that need to be kept secret. There's nothing that can't be said in this article that can be seen.

Quite magnanimous. That's true, just looking at the movement of people, there's nothing much to say.

Arriving at the reception room, both parties sat down.

Noah asked first, wanting to satisfy his curiosity before the interview.

By the way, how did you convince the World Government to actually allow you to come to the Revolutionary Army for interviews?

At first, Noah was just offering a temptation that the newsman could not refuse. Unexpectedly, this guy actually did it. It's really amazing.

Speaking of this, Morgans became energetic.

Gah ga ga, just say it. At first I thought the world government would not agree, or would add a bunch of conditions, but basically nothing happened.

Um? Noah was a little confused. It was so simple, or there was some deeper idea.

Morgans was very happy to see the incomprehensible look of the chief culprit of the unrest in the sea.

Noah doesn't have that strong self-esteem, so he asks questions himself.

Morgans was a good friend who helped him a lot, although the other party didn't want to admit it.

Before, the intelligence of the Revolutionary Army was very valuable. They were eager to study every detail and character of them.

At that time, the world government would send people to verify any piece of rumored information, right, editor-in-chief Noah?

Morgans expressed his resentment at the right time. The revolutionary army had made the underground publication so popular that it took away a lot of his business.

Moreover, it is also just random news, but the other party is better at making it up than him, and people across the sea also like to read it.

This is professional crushing, and the president is very worried about this fact.

Now you have been exposed. The navy's purpose.

Ah, I understand!

Noah exclaimed, he completely understood, he was trapped in his own perspective.

I see. No wonder they don't care.

Looking at the hateful guy opposite who seemed to know everything, Morgans was very unhappy.

You haven’t even pretended to do it yet, and you’ve already had an epiphany on your own. Don't give him any chance.

He asked reluctantly, do you really know?

Of course, everything lies in the fact that in the eyes of the whole world, in five days, the revolutionary army will be wiped out.

No matter what opinions we express or how much fearlessness we show at this time, it is meaningless.

They are even happy to see us rising up to resist. The more serious our resistance is, the more shocking it will be to destroy the revolutionary army.

These big men have pretty good ideas, hahaha.

Seeing Noah give the answer in three strokes, five divided by two, it made Morgans feel cold, this monster.

Wait, there should be a second reason, right?


Did they ask you to bring me a message?


Morgans' pupils shrank!

Monster, no wonder they wanted to kill you before. If people like you are alive, they are the biggest threat to them.

All the revolutionary army will die, but Long and I can survive, right?

As long as you help them capture the revolutionary army, you will be rewarded with glory, wealth, and boxing power, right?

How did you guess this?

Morgans couldn't figure out why.

Because if I were the world government and I had no bottom line, I would do the same thing.


So it’s because you’re not a good person either?

When you have an absolute advantage and don't have any moral bottom line, you can naturally do anything. It is a good tactic to reduce losses at the minimum cost.

Isn’t this a very common tactic to divide and win over, and backstab the revolutionary spirit? It is an underhanded trick that the world government has always used in private.

And, what better time than now? The revolutionary cause is about to be destroyed, and my own life is not guaranteed. If I have a certificate of surrender, it is better to bear the infamy and rise to the top.

As for whether it will be a secret siege or whether it will slowly turn into a dog, that is a matter for later. I had no power at that time and did not pose much of a threat to the World Government. I can do whatever I want.

Haha, if it weren't for my high quality and the fact that the revolution must maintain its purity, the sieve-like ruling system of the World Government would have been turned upside down by me.

Morgans would not doubt this.

To be able to deal with the most powerful force in the world for so many years, and to succeed in many calculations and gain a certain upper hand, this enemy of the world is said to have 800 evil intentions.

If you want to play dirty, you are really worthy of it.

It's a pity that the purpose and philosophy of the revolutionary army restrained Noah.

Noah was speechless when he caught that look of regret.

He was really grateful to have such a layer of restraint that prevented him from trampling on his bottom line and maintained his humanity.

When the strength reaches a certain level, there is really a certain gap between ordinary people. This is a development trend of extraordinary power systems.

When ordinary people lacked a way to check and balance superhuman beings, the One Piece world evolved a mechanism of its own.

It is the idealism of the strong.

Whether it is ambition, freedom, hegemony, or resistance. Good and bad, they are all the same. With the participation of spiritual forces and desires, you are a human being.

Human beings have weaknesses.

The top strong men all have the power of idealism. The stronger you are, the more persistent you are, the more open-minded you are, the more your strength decreases.

This is both the source of power and the constraint of power.

As Akainu continues to become stronger, he is constantly practicing his path of absolute justice. The more paranoid you are, the more determined you are, the more unwavering you are, the stronger you are.

The same goes for Blackbeard, whose ambition is also the source of his strength.

Qing Pheasant was defeated at this point. Too swaying.

Not water. These last nine days are an opportunity for the revolutionary army to struggle.

In order to figure out a way out, we can only use various foreshadowings and connection of characters.

As an author, I am also racking my brains to narrow this incredibly huge power gap.

You can't really break through and suppress the sea.

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